Anyone want to do a Morse connection?

+4 votes
I am spending a lot of time with a grandchild until school starts.  But last night I was looking at an unconnected profile I "manage."

Someone has put up their family tree on familysearch - you can see it here

A lot of it seems unsourced right now, but I run into this family tree while working on my own Morse ancestors and this line seems to have kept up with themselves in admirable fashion.  The something great-grandparents are already on wikitree - Willis and Letitia Morse  This family migrated from North Carolina to Mississippi.

If you are like me and love to do connections and have the time, please feel free to go for it!
WikiTree profile: Jimmy Morse
in The Tree House by Kathryn Morse G2G6 Mach 6 (67.9k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
I have Jimmy connected to Willis.  The sourcing is a bit thin and I have to go back and fill in the blanks, but the main trunk of the tree is there.
by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (223k points)
Wow!  I hope you had fun doing that!  Impressive!
Yeah it's always fun connecting people. I was getting worried because I didn't have a real source proving that Henry Edgar was the father of Jimmy. So I had to go to which has intelligent indexing which can predict all the possible ways that census takers can misspell names.  This is one of the worst I have seen,  Morse, Masse, drives me nuts, former spelling bee champion that I am.

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