Does Margaret O'Brien's DNA (b 1608) match my DNA on file with

+6 votes
WikiTree profile: Margaret O Brien
in Genealogy Help by anonymous G2G Crew (310 points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway

2 Answers

+2 votes
Are you a descendant of Margaret?  If so, you need to add profiles to connect you with her.  Then add details to your profile of your DNA test.  In a day or so, you DNA test should populate up the line.

if there are others who have had their DNA tested and input their details, you should be able to compare results.

If you haven't already I'd suggest you upload your results to and put the details on your id so that potential matches can communicate with you.





by Veronica Williams G2G6 Pilot (217k points)
+1 vote
If you trace your direct maternal line back to a daughter of Margaret O'Brien and  another person traces their direct maternal line to another daughter of Margaret, and you both matched, then you would know Margaret O'Brien's mtDNA matched your mtDNA.  It is easiest to verify that WikiTreers have matching mtDNA if they have entered their MitoSearch IDs on their DNA Tests page in WikiTree.

If you only had an autosomal DNA test then it is "possible" but unlikely you and a very distant cousin both inherited the same small segment of one of Margaret's 22 chromosomes.  However It is difficult to rule out that shared segment did not come from another shared ancestor besides Margaret.  If WikiTreers with autosomsomal results enter their GEDmatch ID on their DNA Tests page in WIkiTree then it is much easier to verify who belongs to a Triangulated Group (TG) where everyone matches each other on the same segment inherited from their shared ancestor.
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (718k points)
edited by Peter Roberts
I have a great great grandmother  Mary O'Brien who married John Shannon in Newfoundland around 1815.  I believe they came from county wexford in  ireland,  after newfoundland ....They moved to New Brunswick and raised a family there  any help would be appreciated.  I have had an autosomanal dna test done at
Donna, Your question is about a different person than the one this discussion addresses. You should post your question on your great great grandmother's profile: On the right hand side of her profile, under 'Collaboration' click on the button 'Ask Question', and ask again there. It would also be a good idea to state more clearly what kind of help you're looking for.
Thank You for your reply.  I'll get the hang of it after awhile, lol.

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