Requesting referral badge removal

+4 votes
I would like to have my referral badge removed from my profile. I sent in request but was told I cannot have the badge removed while being mentored. No one is mentoring me!

Lastly, I see the badge as something negative. remove it or I will delete my account and never contribute to WikiTree again. I am beyond frustrated.
in WikiTree Help by Living Bailey G2G1 (1.9k points)
retagged by Maggie N.
Please check your email.

4 Answers

+7 votes
Hi Erlon,

I can understand how this could cause someone some irritation. However I would suggest contacting wikitree for more information. You can contact them at info @

They will best be able to steer you in the best direction.
by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
Hi Steve,

I did that already. An anonymous person told me the badge could not be removed; however, they would gladly help close my account! When I asked for their name, they said they would not give it to me because it was aggressive for me to say I would delete my account! They went on to say how they are like a "borg" and protect each other as team members. When I asked for the owner's name, they would not give it to me. What planet are we on?


+7 votes

On your profile, try to click on the view badges button under your badges. See if you are able to check the "Hide from profile beside the badge." If you are able to do so and save. This will remove the badge from your profile page.

P.S. You can do this for any of the badges you would like to hide.
by Chris McCombs G2G6 Mach 6 (61.0k points)
Hi Chris,

Thank you. I tried that but the badge is still there it seems.
Don't forget to click 'save display'.  I have done this several times - rearranged the order of badges, but forgotten to click 'save display'.
Yes! Thanks, Ros. That worked, although it doesn't seem to remove it from all locations.

Best, Erlon
+18 votes
I thought badges were for accomplishments. This badge accomplishes nothing except shaming people because they might struggle getting the hang of a place that has an extremely high learning curve. This is something that should be handled privately and not with a scarlet A attached to someone's public profile. This "awarded badge" should be removed as it accomplishes absolutely nothing but driving people away, this is nothing but a low form of cyber bullying.
by Jim Tareco G2G6 Mach 3 (37.0k points)
+9 votes
You know, you can 'hide' the badge so that people would actually have to go looking for it because it would not be on the front page of your profile. :)
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
I think you can completely hide it.

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