"Isabel Wyatt Page"

+7 votes

I'm researching the children of George Wyatt of Boxley, Kent, and am focused on one of his daughters, "Isabel". The Isabel-George connection has been disputed for years, yet she remains attached as George's daughter on WikiTree. 

Her name, "Isabel" is unsourced, as are her birth and death. It is said that she married Francis Page, and had several children, including Col. John Page. No records of a Page-Wyatt marriage have been found, and I haven't come across any birth records for her children (admittedly, I haven't searched very hard for those). Side-note: the profiles of Francis Page's children (except Elizabeth) all need some work (I'd do it, but I'm laser-focused on Wyatt's right now). Also, the wrong father is attached to Francis (should probably be John instead of Richard). 

The research notes on Isabel's profile include everything I've learned so far (which is not much as her existence is questionable). I had earlier suggested unlinking Isabel from her parents, but after spending some time on her profile, I think it's more appropriate to unlink her husband and children. 

Let me know your thoughts/comments/questions. I'll wait a couple days for feedback before unlinking Isabel and Francis. Thanks.

WikiTree profile: Unknown Wyatt
in Genealogy Help by Traci Thiessen G2G6 Pilot (298k points)
edited by Traci Thiessen
I just posted the following on Isabel's profile:

Following extensive searches, comments on this profile and a G2G post, there do not seem to be any legitimate sources to support the data and relationships shown on this profile (see research notes).

I plan to detach her husband and children, leaving research notes on each of their profiles. I also plan to add the "Uncertain Existence" template to Isabel's profile. If appropriate sources are found in the future, the disconnected profiles can easily be re-attached and the template removed.

Again, if anyone can provide reliable sources for Isabel and her family, this would be very welcome.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Thanks so much for all of your work on the Wyatts! I think your proposal is a good one.
by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (642k points)

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