Expanding on Distant relationships

+6 votes
One of the things that really excites me about Wikitree is the Family News section of the mail out, that highlights famous people that I am (Albeit in most cases) distantly connected to. It endorses the "six degrees of separation" concept except in most cases it's more like 20 degrees or more.

I am building a separate local family tree Database from my main research for all of these. (My bragging wall, if you will). Is there any way to export the sequence of people and relationships in GED format so that I can import it into my own local database rather than hand-retyping.

Secondly, these have only recently started for me (coinciding with my getting more active ) - are they are recent thing? If not, is there a way of invoking older archives of famous people lists to check relationships?

Finally, is there a "correction mechanism"? I tried a relationship that I already knew of. A former state governor's brother married the niece of my Great-Grandmother - that's only about half a dozen degrees of separation - but a compare of me and him, shows over 20 intervening people - is this just a matter of me adding more information about ancestors to "flesh out" the communal tree?
in The Tree House by Peter Quodling G2G1 (1.4k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

Is this just a matter of me adding more information about ancestors to "flesh out" the communal tree?


2 Answers

+4 votes
If you want lists of notable people, you could look at this list of links to the weekly connection finder things on Tommy's great page: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:WikiTree_G2G_Roundup#Profile_of_the_Week

You can also look at the various lists of notables on the Notables Project pages: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Notables#Lists_of_Notables_on_WikiTree
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
+4 votes

1. This page may help you better understand how downloading of profiles works.


2. You may find this page useful.


You can find previous profiles of the week connections here:

Previous Profile of the Week Connections

Just look for "Which topic are you most closely connected to?" to see a list of the past profiles.

You will have to click on each person's profile individually to see your connection to that person.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

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