Help Connect US Black Heritage Notables February 2024!

+11 votes

All of these U.S. Black Heritage Project Notables, born in the month of February, need to be connected to the Global Family Tree.  Can you help by adding profiles of family members until a connection to the Global Tree is made?

The current tree size as of 28 Jan  and CC7* as of 30 Jan  is shown for each profile. [Updates in red are from 25 Feb for trees and 29 Feb for CC7]  During the month of February we will update the sizes weekly for those still unconnected so we can all see any progress made.   Even if a connection is not made, adding even a single profile to a family is helpful and appreciated!

The ten notables selected for this month, in order of their birthdays, are:

3 Feb:  Lillian Hardin Armstrong, jazz musician, composer, band leader, CC7: 27  31, tree: 28  32

8 Feb:  Catherine Hardy Lavender, Olympic athlete (runner), CC7: 2  32, tree:  3  33

9 Feb:  Oscar Wilkerson, Jr, Tuskegee Airman,  CC7: 21  51, tree: 21  47

9 Feb:  Alice Walker, Pulitzer-prize winner for novel “The Color Purple”, CC7: 26  41, tree: 27  42

11 Feb:  General “Chappie” James, Jr, first African-American 4-star general, CC7: 5  24, tree: 6  CONNECTED!!

14 Feb:  Aida Overton Walker, vaudeville international performer, CC7: 14  24 , tree: 15  25

26 Feb:  “Fats” Domino, famous pianist, singer and songwriter, CC7: 62  80  , tree: 63  81

27 Feb:  Adah Hyde Johnson, 1st Black female University of Iowa grad, CC7: 6  16 , tree: 7   17

28 Feb:  James “Soup” Perkins, Kentucky Derby-winning jockey, CC7: 13 , tree: 14   CONNECTED!!

28 Feb:  Louis S Wescott, Coast Guard rescuer on Outer Banks, CC7: 5  33, tree: 6  34

Bonus (unknown birthday): Eliza Anna Grier, MD, first Black female doctor in Georgia,  CC7: 32  36,  tree: 21  27

If you want to add family to a living Notable, please create the family profile first and send me a request to link the two profiles.

As always, please add the {{African-American Sticker}} to any profiles of African-American people, and if you add photographs, make sure they're in the public domain.

For more unconnected USBH Notables profiles, and up-to-date links to this post and the current USBH Connection Challenge, check out the US Black Heritage Connectors Page.

*Tree sizes do not include private profiles or profiles connected thru the private profile.  CC7 does include private profiles, but may not include all profiles in large or extended trees.


in The Tree House by Katie Bryant G2G6 Mach 6 (63.3k points)
edited by Katie Bryant
You all have done a great job of adding family members, thank you!  We finally got our first connections yesterday, exciting!

7 Answers

+10 votes
Oh, I would love to work on connecting Fats Domino. my mom loves him and I'm sure we are related somehow haha. I'll try to help out!
by Savanna King G2G5 (5.5k points)
Thanks Savanna!  I hope he's not too difficult to find more family for, any help is wonderful!
+8 votes
Great list, Katie! I'll work on Alice Walker. I did some work on her tree in January.
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Thanks Kate for the work you did earlier for Alice, sure would love to get her connected.
+6 votes
I’ll try working on Oscar Wilkerson Jr. as well as the ones I started working on a year ago.

by Lynnette Hettrick G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)
Thanks Lynette!  I try to include a Tuskegee Airman each month and love it when we can add family to them.
+6 votes
I'll spend some time on Catherine Hardy Lavender. Hope to make some progress!
by Kristen Stiefel G2G6 Mach 1 (10.4k points)
Thanks Kirsten!  In this Olympic year would be nice to get this former Olympian connected.
+4 votes

I'll work on Adah Hyde Johnson since that was my grandmother's name. (Well, not the Hyde part wink )

by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 6 (63.0k points)
Thanks Amy!  Maybe the name connection will bring luck for a WT connection!
+4 votes
I'll see what I can find for Eliza Grier :)
by Naomi Van Tol G2G6 (9.0k points)
Thanks Naomi!  Dr. Grier must have been an amazing woman and deserves some attention.
Her photo says it all! I hate that she and her brother died so young.

I added a handful of distant relatives by marriage and bulked up her bio with a few quotes, but am still struggling to expand on her immediate family.
+5 votes
I lost most of the first part of the month to work, it's great to see so many people contributing on this great list for February!

Bonus for Black History month - Solomon Northup is now connected, I was so happy to get him finally connected last night he was not that far off. I added some love to a few of his closer profiles going to keep on adding more profiles to his tree. (Some of his earlier done family profiles were also missing stickers - not the first notable I've come across like that something to watch for).
by Denise E G2G6 Mach 8 (87.6k points)
Thanks for getting Solomon Northrup connected, that's great!  We don't have anyone on our Feb list connected yet but a lot of profiles have been added.  I'll be updating numbers tomorrow.  Thanks for adding stickers too;  a lot of Notables were created years ago before we had the African-American sticker and sometimes their family does not have stickers. Always good to look out for that!
Lots added which is wonderful!  Perkins is hard good luck on him I looked around earlier and couldn't find a connection path. I just added Gen. Chappie's son, Daniel James III, also notable, first African American director of the Air National Guard, he died in 2017 - will add what I can then leave for project.
Katie, I'm closing in on connecting Chappie will update when complete.
General Chappie (and son) should be connected when things turn over!
yahoo!! great work!  i've found some more family for Perkins and have added lots of profiles but no clear connection path yet.
i stumbled upon a connection for Perkins!
Wow that's wonderful news great job!!

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