Points on WikiTree

+8 votes
Looking at the contributors names and the huge amount of points behind them, in up to 6 figure amounts, I was wondering how to accumulate so many points. I spend hours on my computer, listing names and comments on my extended family into WikiTree  and can only get 100 to 200 per month.
in The Tree House by Graham Sparks G2G6 (9.6k points)

4 Answers

+5 votes
The points on the forum are just for the forum, they show how active you are, you get points from answers, comments, up votes

the work you do on the tree is counted as contibutions
by A. C. Raper G2G6 Mach 5 (53.1k points)
+9 votes

Hi Graham. Here's the list of things that generate points here in the G2G forum

  • Asking a question.
  • Posting an answer.
  • Voting up or down a question.
  • Voting up or down an answer.
  • Having your question voted up or down.
  • Having your answer voted up or down.
  • Having your answer selected as the best.
  • Selecting an answer to your question as the best.

Here's the help page


Now I've received points for answering, you received points for asking. I'll upvote (the little arrow thingies in the green boxes) your question and A. Raper's answer and get another couple of points.



by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+5 votes
Thanks for the contributions! A couple hundred points a month from extending the tree is great and what Wikitree is really about. Volunteers who do the administration and help answer questions (important and necesary to keep WikiTree running) can build up the huge amount of points you're seeing, but extending family trees is the real purpose.
by Peter Whalen G2G6 Mach 2 (26.8k points)
+7 votes
You're talking about contributions as opposed to g2g points I can see.  I have a very high contribution count so I can well answer this question.  I have been developing a great deal of profiles at the same time.  I am in the process of adding sources for all of the profiles.  Most of the sources are from census records.  When I find a census record from let's say 1930 and there are 5 children, well, first the father gets a link to the census with the source, that's a contribution, then the mother the same followed by the 5 children, so now that's already 7 contributions because you need to save the information as you go from one profile to the next.  Then I add an address under the link to identify where the census was taken.  To avoid mistakes, this same address is applied to all 7 profiles.  Thus 14 contributions in a matter of minutes.  

Once the profiles have what I think is all the records posted which can be found, it will be time to write the biographies and this doesn't generate many contributions.  Thinking what to do to a profile is much harder work than what I'm busy with which is just adding sources like a machine.  But it needs doing by somebody and for my family it's me that's doing it.

The contribution count isn't really that important.  It's the depth and accuracy of the profiles and their relationship to other profiles that is/are important.

But I do get a kick out of being able to type almost without looking, it feels like playing a piano (not that I know how to play a piano)!
by Vincent Piazza G2G6 Pilot (252k points)

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