Are you participating in the 2023 15 For 15 Mission?

+129 votes

WikiTree_Event_Images-4.pngTo help celebrate WikiTree's 15th Anniversary in 2023, we are kicking off a year-long event: 15 For 15! (Thanks, Paula Dea, for the suggestion!)

Go here to find a list of "missions" participants can choose to complete. The goal is to complete 15 of the missions over the course of the year. Participants who reach that milestone will receive a "15 For 15" sticker they can add to their profile to show off their accomplishment.

Bonus: For participants wanting to go beyond 15, there are also milestone stickers for 30 For 15 and 45 For 15, for completing 30 and 45 missions respectively.

To accept this mission of missions, first reply here with an answer. Something as simple as "I'm going to participate!" works fine.

Then, choose missions from the list that you want to complete and work on them throughout the year. When you complete a mission, reply to your G2G answer here with a comment stating which one you've finished.

When you've completed 15 missions, post an answer in this separate G2G post to get the sticker for your profile. If you go on to complete 30 or 45 missions, you can answer in the same post to get those stickers as well.

Betsy Ko created this excellent free-space page with a tracker you can copy and paste elsewhere to document your progress throughout the year.

So, will you join us in this 2023 mission? laugh

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
I am curious, do these all have to be done in 2023, I have and use the browser extension. Can I count that as one?

Also, for those who have submitted DNA test/s, do those count or do they have to be new?

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Enter into the spirit of the thing.  You can only count the things you have done for the first time in 2023.  Otherwise, since I have been here for eleven years, I could say I have done them all LOL.
A couple of "technical" questions:

1. As far as I know, there is no logging of "thank yous" awarded by a member, only of "thank yous" received. Is there a plan to add logging of awarded "thank yous" to support that item in this event? (Or will participants need to log their "thank yous" immediately, before they forget?)

2. For missions that have a numerical target (such as those 15 "thank yous" in a month), will participants be limited to completing that mission once in the relevant time period, or can they claim credit for the mission a second time (for example, two sets of 15 "thank yous" in January)?

I figured that is how it was but was asked those things so I wanted to just post it in case anyone else was curious.
@Ellen -

To answer your questions -

1.  Participants will need to log their "thank yous".

2. It would only be one set of 15 "thank yous" per month.
I added 5 photos to a One Place Study. Will that count for adding photos to a profile? If so, does it count as five photos?

There is now a category you can add to your free-space page tracker so we can group them all together:

Just add [[Category: 15 for 15 Mission Participants]] to your free-space page to put it there.

I'm in...
***Raises hand and waves wildly***.

“Me! Me!  I’m game!”
Does it have to be in the Category of GEDCOM cleanup or just on the GEDCOM cleanup list or just need a GEDCOM cleanup? Same with a few others
Oooohhhh kkkkk, I’m going to do this challenge. Why? Because I’ll learn from it!
I'm gonna comment because I keep getting a notice that this appears to be a duplicate but theres not comments on there that are mine.

I'd like to join the 15 for 15 please
Christine, that happened to me also and I know I hadn't answered yet.
A lot of us seem to be having problems signing up.  We're told we've already signed up (but don't think we have).  If we have but forgot, how do we find our "answer"?
You have two options.  Either start at Page 1 and slowly look through all the answers, or
Go to your G2G profile and click on the tab that says 'All answers'.
Thanks, Ros.  I checked "All Answers" and have never answered this question, but G2G tells me when I try to answer (to sign up) my answer is a duplicate.

Several other people have provided the same comment.  Something about the 15 for 15 function is broken.

I suppose it is possible that Kevin's answer to this thread had identical text to someone else's answer, and a not-awfully-smart computer algorithm identified it as a duplicate.

Try writing a creative answer that could not possibly be interpreted to be a duplicate. Maybe you could write a haiku, for example. laugh

Ellen; thanks, that worked.  Apparently everyone has to use a unique sentence to "Answer" that they want to participate.
Ellen; thanks, that worked.  Apparently everyone has to use a unique sentence to "Answer" that they want to participate.

Update: Wiki tried to submit my reply to you twice; never mind.
Same as Judy above, my question is, if the unsourced profiles need to be in the unsourced category (or have the sticker) or if the normal rules of the monthly sourcerer challenge or the Source-a-Thon apply here as well?

The way I read it is, yes.

I'm a little behind!

I did 151 or so on the January Connect-a-thon.
While doing that I connected 5 of my Unconnected profiles.

I created a Free space page. 1/20
I added the Free space page to the resource library as it was a book. 1/20

I did 15 Thank yous for January.
I am currently working on improving my own died youngs by adding them to the dies young categories. I have added 3 or so of them so far and plan to complete them by the end of the year from my watchlist. I have completed 6 profiles completely 1/19.
I am also working on my CC7 and have went from 746 to 807 so far towards my goal of 897 (taken from my December count) but my end goal is to get to 1000 by the end of 2023.
I am also working on completeness for the year for my profiles.

*This was to go under my name and I apologize I thought I was responding to mine !
I will participate
Just saw this challenge and I’d like to participate!

Here's a little tip for the tracker: I added headers for each section on mine, which adds a table of contents and makes it easier to navigate.

I updated the tracker "template" page in case anyone wants to grab a fresh copy with the table of contents.

That's very helpful, thank you, Julie!
That's great! Thanks Julie
This "15 for 15" format works really well for my scattered brain and my schedule.  I grab a different type of challenge every few days as I have time.  I'm ahead of the curve for 15 for 15.  I'm aiming for he 45s by the end of the year.
Just catching up on this; I'm going to participate.
Excellent! Happy to have you on board.

1.  When we log our thank yous, do we need to indicate who we thanked?

2. Is it 15 thank you's every month or are the thank you's accumulative?

3. I gather it is on this page that I post an update, aiming for the 30/15?
Hi Alice!

1. Nope, you don't have to indicate who.

2. 15 Thank Yous every month.

3. When you hit 30/15, post here:

Hi Eowyn: Are you going to do the same 15/30/45 for 2024? or will it be different. If it is the same then I would like to set up a new Free Space Page for 2024. I got a late start this year, but would like to see how I do on it in 2024.

339 Answers

+47 votes

I'm going to participate!

Tip! Mac users may want to copy the list of missions and paste them in a Note using the Notes app.  Then you can highlight the missions and turn them into a checklist.

Missions Completed

  1. Joined a functional project
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
Oooh, good idea. I’ll go do that, just as soon as the caffeine kicks in this morning.
Thank you for this suggestion!
Great! Thanks for accepting the mission, Tommy!
+32 votes

Yes, I'm going to participate

by Patricia Roche G2G6 Pilot (865k points)
  1. Joined a functional project
  2. Updated 15 oldest profiles on watchlist
  3. Joined a One Name Study
  4. Updated 15 profiles from my Anniversaries list
  5. trying the WikiTree Browser Extension
  6. create a Free-space page
  7. 15 thank yous for January
  8. Watched 5 videos from WikiTree Day 2022
  9. Solved 15 Unknowns that now have a LNAB
  10. Sourced 15 Unsourced profiles
  11. Resolved 15 profiles from GEDCOM Cleanup Category
  12. Awarded 5 Family or Community Star badges
  13. Improved 15 profiles of children who died young
  14. Added a book to the WikiTree Library
  15. Connected 5 profiles from the Unconnected category 
  16. Increase CC7 # from 2318 (1/1/23) to 2468 
  17. Sourced 15 more Unsourced for 30
  18. Connect-a-thon added 212 profiles
  19. 5 more connected profiles for 10
  20. Awarded 5 Generous Genealogist badges
  21. Increase your CC7 number from 2469 to 2619 (add 150).
Awesome, Pat! You're on a roll. Thanks for participating!
+31 votes
I will attempt some missions!  Quick question though... So if I upload 15 headstone pictures.... does that qualify me for my 15 for 15 mission?  or 14 headstones and adding a profile picture to my profile count for the 15?  or is 15 headstone pictures 1 mission and adding a profile picture to my profile a second mission?
by Donna Baumann G2G6 Mach 6 (61.8k points)
edited by Donna Baumann
They are two separate missions.
Slight variant on this question: if I add two (or more) photographs to the same profile does it count multiple times? In other words: is it the number of photographs added or the number of profiles which have photographs added?

I have completed:

1.I added at least one source to 15 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles Category while participating in the Cemetery Sourcing Challenge

2. I improved 15 early profiles from my Watchlist.

Great, Donna! Thanks for taking part in this mission!
+32 votes
Yes, I plan to participate.
by Shirley Dalton G2G6 Pilot (538k points)
Excellent! Thanks for accepting this mission, Shirley! :-)
Have completed adding sources, improving 15 random profiles. About half-way to second 15.
+32 votes
This sounds like fun. Count me in.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
  1. 1st 15. "Sort your Watchlist by oldest edit and try to improve 15 of those profiles" completed 5 Jan 2023.
  2. 2nd 15 "Resolve 15 profiles in the Needs GEDCOM Cleanup Category" completed 7 Jan 2023
Terrific! Thanks for participating, Anne!
+30 votes
I will be participating!
by Karen Stewart G2G6 Pilot (128k points)

Here is my list of Missions accomplished as of 02 December:
1 Improved my Profile biography

2 Joined the Ambassadors Project (Functional Project)

3 Added more than 150 to my CC7 during the January Connect A Thon

4 Created a Free-Space Page:

5 Tried the WikiTree Browser extension

6 Improved 15 profiles from my Anniversaries list

7 Added sources to 15 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles List

8 Added sources to 30 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles List

9 Added sources to 45 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles List

10 Connected 5 Unconnected Profiles

11 Improved 15 profiles marked at "Died Young"

12 Uploaded 15 Photos

13 Tried 3 new Apps

14 Earned Club 1000 badge 5 times

15 Resolved 15 profiles in the Needs GEDCOM Cleanup Category

This was such a fun challenge!

Awesome, thanks for participating Karen!  The Ambassadors Project is a fun one.
+30 votes
I'm going to participate
by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (409k points)
Great, thanks for accepting the mission Debi!
*Increase your CC7 number from 4009 (starting number) to 4160 (add 150).
+30 votes
I am going to participate.

And to find random profiles I will use BioCheck since that will give me the option to look at open profiles only and to ignore Pre-1500 yet find profiles with source or style issues.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (615k points)
edited by Kay Knight
* Improve profile per David's checklist: in progress, 2 of x

* Added a book to the source library
Great! Thank you for participating in this mission, Kay!
+29 votes
I plan to participate.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Excellent! Thanks for accepting this mission, Ros!
+29 votes
I would like to participate. This will be interesting.
by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (210k points)
edited by Eileen Robinson
Wonderful! Thank you for joining in on this mission!
+30 votes
Love this idea! I'm in!
by Christine Miller G2G6 Mach 6 (67.3k points)
Great, Chris! Thanks for accepting this mission!
+29 votes

"I'm going to participate!" 

by Pam Fraley G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
Terrific, Pam, thanks for accepting this mission!
+30 votes
This looks great!  I'm going to participate!
by Kathy Evans G2G6 Mach 5 (58.4k points)
Super! Thanks for participating in this mission, Kathy!
+30 votes
I will try this
by Sue Carda G2G6 Mach 2 (26.3k points)
Great! Thanks for joining in on this mission, Sue!
+27 votes
I will participate. It looks like a lot of these will happen naturally but there are a few different angles that will be fun to explore.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (481k points)
Excellent! I hope you have an interesting time exploring those angles!
+27 votes
I am going to see how many I can get done.
by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (326k points)
Great! Thanks for accepting this mission, Kathy!
+29 votes
Please count me in!
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (408k points)
Counted! Thanks for joining in on this mission!
+29 votes
Planning to participate.  It sounds like fun.
by Paula Franklin G2G6 Pilot (111k points)
Happy to have you on board for this mission, Paula!
+30 votes
I may as well, since I expect to do far more than even 45 in 2023.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

I completed the following missions:

  • Add a photo of yourself to your profile
  • Add or improve the biography on your profile
Excellent! Thanks for accepting this mission, Gaile!
+28 votes
Yes I would like to participate.
by Sue Knifley G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
Thanks, Sue! Great to have you on board for this mission.

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514 views asked Jul 27, 2023 in The Tree House by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (151k points)

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