Can you find a Swedish birth record?

+4 votes
I can't find anything on Johanna Lovisa Petersdotter's birth or her parents. I'm hoping the Swedes who have helped me before can help me again, with Swedish records that I can't access or read.

Johanna is my maternal great-grandmother.
WikiTree profile: Johanna Pehrsson
in Genealogy Help by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
edited by Paul Schmehl

2 Answers

+5 votes
I seriously cannot find a marriage between Johanna Lovisa Persdotter and Anders Persson on the linked page.

Also a marriage for Anders in 1877 would mean that he was only 16, way too young to marry even by special permission.

The household record linked from Anders shows him emigrating in 1881, still single. If they married in America Johanna Lovisa did not necessarily come from Tvååker.

I'm leaving her for someone else for a while ;-)
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (585k points)
edited by Eva Ekeblad
I got that link from someone (don't recall who.) I looked at it today and couldn't find it eiither but I wasn't sure if it was due to my inability to read Swedish.
I think Johanna Lovisa's time in Sweden needs to be started from square one.

You have asked about her before, haven't you?
The marriage record is for another couple you asked about, Anders Bengtsson and Anna Sofia Pehrsdotter:
+2 votes

Johanna Lovisa was born in Svartrå parish, Halland, 28 July 1857, to Carl Peter Petersson in Högshult and his wife Beata Svensdotter.

Svartrå kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/LLA/13382/C I/3 (1827-1866), bildid: C0011506_00049, sida 76 -

Johanna Lovisa Petersdotter, born -57 28/7, Svartrå,lived in Spannarp, Halland, with a son, Carl Enoch, born out ofwedlock in Spannarp 26 December 1881. She emigrated with her son in 1885.

Spannarps kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/LLA/13360/A I/12 (1885-1895), bildid: C0011441_00082, sida 81 - line 26 and 27 -

I saw you had added Carl Enoch to Johanna's FamilySearch tree and found them through his vital data.

I don't believe Eric Algot Andersson, born in 1879 belongs to your Johanna and her Andrew Pearson. Their names are very common and Eric Algot is too early.

by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (585k points)
Oh, that's fascinating. My mother wrote three books about her family and herself. In one of the books, she wrote that Anders and Johanna were given by their families a bedroom to spend the weekend together before he left so that she could bear an heir before Anders left for the unknown. He then left for America, and she joined him there later.

You never know if these stories are apocryphal, but it appears this one has an element of truth.

According to Mom, they married in Duluth and then settled in Soudan.
Wonderful story!

Looking up Carl Enoch's birth record, the christening witnesses are Anders Persson's parents!!

There is also a messy note saying something about Anders Persson... very hard to read because it has been crossed out with a wavy line mimicking the handwriting. Perhaps one of the others can help reading it. - Spannarps kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/LLA/13360/C I/3 (1861-1894), bildid: 00195409_00069

Edit: I'd say there's a strong element of truth in your story!!

I found their marriage record. They got married in Duluth on Oct 10, 1885. IOW, shortly after she and Carl arrived in America.

After that, Carl disappears off the face of the earth.

The main part of the note is that Anders had asked in writing that Johanna would be recorded as his fiancé. The note says (gaps where I couldn't make out the word) "Icke/ Kyrktagen som fästeqvinna med tilllåtelse af hennes __der det f_______ ___ på skriftlig begäran af fästemannen Anders Persson i  ___ bevittnad af [names of witnesses]" The note has been crossed out and "Icke" added in the beginning, so maybe her church introduction after the birth that the note refers to did not take place. There is no date entered for it in its column. - Elisa
1900 census shows 4 children and says she had 10 children but only 4 living. So Carl Enoch is dead by 1900.
He doesn't show up in the 1895 Minnesota Census either, so I put his death date as before 1895.

Thank you E Kippner. Your providing that note is greatly appreciated. Considering its wording, it seems "with the permission of" would likely be followed by either her parents or her father.

You're welcome. And yes, it looks like it could say "hennes moder" (her mother) giving permission, but I'm not sure. The last names of the witnesses look like Eliasson and Pettersson. The very last word is the location where they lived.

How sad that Carl Enoch died young. I was waiting for an update on that.  - Elisa

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