
+2 votes
Hello people my Grandfather FRED CHURCH was born 1909 Nettlesworth county Durham.his birth details is mothers name arston(i thought her name was mary ashton).as I can see his father was EDWARD CHURCH born Wakefield 1876? If anyone can help me out it be grateful.
in Genealogy Help by Nigel Winn G2G1 (1.1k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes

The information you give seems to match the sources found on this FamilySearch Tree. Membership is free, if you have not already joined I recommend it.

Shows Fred Church, son of Edward Church and Mary Aston. Married to Nora Dowding

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
I want to ask if anyone knows about the parents of edward church and the ancestry tree.
Ok, you should repost your question and make sure you say that you only want information from Ancestry?
0 votes
Hi Nigel

I've added Fred's profile along with some sources. Norah doesn't appear as the records are still closed but I've added her birth registration.

Edward married Mary Aston (it's mispelt in the GRO index for Fred's birth)

Marriages Mar 1909
ASTON     Mary          Durham     10a    548
CHURCH     Edward           Durham     10a    548

Edited for correct link
by Gill Whitehouse G2G6 Pilot (200k points)
edited by Gill Whitehouse

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