Looking for ancestry help

+3 votes
Hi there, I am a bit stumped with my tree and hoping anyone could help with the Gisbourne / Hopton side of the family? I don't have much to go on unfortunately. Thank you in advance.
WikiTree profile: Lotte Gisborne
in Genealogy Help by Emily Williams G2G Crew (610 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Hi Emily!

Have you purchased the marriage certificate for Lotte and George?  It is too recent to be available to non-family members for free, but you could apply for it, and for a fee you could receive it...


it will tell you what the bride and groom said at the time about their fathers' names and occupations.


by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (311k points)
+4 votes
A copy of the marriage certificate for George and Lotte has been attached to an Ancestry tree, it reads :

31st July 1947 - George, age 24, a bachelor, occupation Motor Engineer, residence 147 Cotham Brow, Bristol, father - George Henry Gisborne occupation Pensioner.

Lotte, age 19, a spinster, occupation Hair dresser, residence 147 Cotham Brow, Bristol, father Heinrich Wilhelm Carl Becker occupation Hair dresser.

They married after Banns and their witnesses were Harold James Barber, Claire Gisborne and M. Gisborne.
by Anonymous Baker G2G6 Mach 4 (48.1k points)

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