My family adoptions/conncetions are on unconnected people list?

+7 votes
I had a tree on with family some years ago...I had an issue with someone and stopped using wiki all of my family went into the adoption looking for a manager.  I found mostly everyone but they are still listed as unconnected people. What do I do????
in Genealogy Help by Katherine Johnson G2G1 (1.3k points)
retagged by Emma MacBeath
Start attaching profiles to each other.

Hi Katherine, are you referring to unlinked (from each other as a family) or unconnected (from the world's WikiTree)?

Someone can be linked to a huge family tree but still not be connected to the WikiTree which is why so much effort goes into challenges to make those connections smiley

Peggy below has given some great info below to help with connections. 

Thank You!!!

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Hi Katherine, I sent you a list of profiles you originally created a while back so you can adopt them. Did you get that? Due to privacy rules, any profiles of living people may have been deleted, which broke up some of the connections. They will have to be recreated.

The US Black Heritage Project worked on reconnecting many of your older profiles. We're happy to keep helping. Let me know what's still unconnected.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Cheryl Cruise
Thank you both...Can't say that remember getting a list...I have just began searching and adding. But if you have the list, please send again!  Thanks
I just resent you the list of 60 profiles. Let me know if you don't see it. Emma
+8 votes
Unconnected means that the profile is not connected to the Big tree. Adopting the profiles and connecting them to your family branches does not make them connected to the big tree. You need to keep adding more people until you connect to the big tree.

I hope I've understood your question. If not, please come back here to the forum and explain further.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (957k points)
One more thing, new connections do not show up immediately. They will show as connected once the database is updated. This happens once a day.
Thanks!!! Peggy
+6 votes
You are going to have to add siblings to each new generation, as well as their descendents, in order to make or find a connection. And you need to do this manually.

Tree building here on Wikitree, does not happen automatically like Ancestry does.

I would also urge you to add more sources to many of your profiles as well.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

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