Miscarriage Profiles

+2 votes
Was scrolling through my connections and was shocked to find 2 profiles created for miscarried pregnancies.  I would assume there will never be birth or death records, or any other record for that matter.  What is the reason for these listings.  They don't contribute to any other profiles, etc.  Also, the PM is listed as Unlisted.  In reading the information about Unlisted, it appears she should not have been creating profiles.  These profiles were created in 2013...
WikiTree profile: Anonymous Edmonds
in Genealogy Help by Victoria Crosley G2G6 (8.6k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Victoria, the only reason for these listings is that the profile manager decided to add them.  WikiTree members are not supposed to have unlisted privacy.

Thank you for finding this.  Please write to info @ wikitree.com (without the spaces) and let them know about it.  They should be able to deal with it.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

I would guess it may have been to indicate birth order for the other children.

The PM's profile link gives the following information -

This is an option for Guests and Family Members, but only if they are not actively making contributions. See Unlisted Active Members for more information.

Thanks Gaile - I will refer it to info@wikitree.com.
Melanie, I remember seeing that information about the time they made the change to require all living profiles to be unlisted.  I believe that, since then, it has been changed to not permit any kind of members to be unlisted.  I could certainly be wrong, since the rules change so frequently and the help pages are rarely kept up to date.

EDITED TO ADD:  Come to think of it, how are we supposed to know if a member who is unlisted is a guest or family member or how active they are?
+4 votes

I never created a profile for a child we lost in a miscarriage, not that I didn't want to.   It still is painful, after 40 years.  To us, this was a human life, and should be part of the family record. That being said, if and when we do create this profile, the little guy will have a name, and his birth and death date will be the day we lost him.  

I/we couldn't call a child "Miscarriage Draper''!  Just seems wrong!crying

by Cindy Draper G2G6 Mach 2 (27.6k points)
Cindy, I can't say I understand, because I have never experienced it.  But truly, I can imagine.  A better name would be "Angel."
I have 4 children that were born into Heaven and want to include them on my tree. They all have names and I would list their angel-date as their birth/death dates.

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