My CC7#'s reduced by 57 members this week.

+10 votes
I document my CC7 #'s every night, and I average 7-10 people. Two increases jumped my CC7#'s, but I added a family member with family members. So I thought this caused the increase and expected adjustments. So, on 5/16/23 to 5/17/23, my CC7# went from 4642 to 4660. On 5/18/23/to 5/19/23 my CC7 # went from  4669 to 4689. On 5/20/23, the adjustment was made and lowered my CC7 to 4635. That takes me back to 5/15/23 when I had CC7 4631. That is 5 lost days of HARD work! I document this every night. I have lost at least 40 people. Please help.
in WikiTree Tech by Kimberly Ann Lindsay G2G6 (9.8k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

I think you should add a tag for WikiTree_Tech in case it is a technical issue. I have never heard of any information being lost in the 8 years I've been WikiTreeing. I think it is more likely what Sally suggested that someone else disconnected a branch and it affected your CC7.

There was a previous similar question asked and you could try the suggestion of the app if you like"

How can I find out why my cc7 count went down? - WikiTree G2G

So how do I add a tag?

Lucy, there is no tag "Tech" any more. Kimberly has already placed the question in the WikiTree Tech category. See the explanation at

Kimberly, if you do want to add a tag, go to your question on its G2G web page and click the small link edit just under the question. On the resulting page, scroll down till you see a box labelled "Surnames/Tags". Enter the tag you want in that box, then click the Save Changes button.

In this case a good tag to choose would be


2 Answers

+20 votes
Best answer
There are at least two possibilities, maybe more. 1) There is some kind of behind-the-scenes technical issue that needs to be addressed.

2) Someone could have corrected an inaccurate connection somewhere in the tree, close enough to you that it impacts the number of connections to you.

The good news, your work is unlikely to be lost, even though it's not temporarily showing up in your CC7 total.

Others with more knowledge of the inner workings of WikiTree, please weigh in...
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (107k points)
selected by Kimberly Ann Lindsay

2) is the likely cause - an inaccurate connection was disconnected.

But I see that Kimberly's CC7 is up a fair bit again. I think that a merge (or change of LNAB) somewhere in the chain may result in a temporary loss of a branch of connections, like this.

My numbers are up because I work on them every night. But they should be much higher than what they are it should be over 4660.

It could have something to do with the splitting up of the previously somewhat conflated families of the two Monroe Tate. One of them seems to be closer to you than the other.

+13 votes
On April 4 my CC7 was 4666; on April 11 it had dropped to 4561.

Bug? Glitch? No. It's because I finally fixed a relative's profile to indicate that their mother's first husband was not their father. Now the large family the husband was part of is one degree further from me. Around a hundred folks who were in my seventh circle are now in my eighth, and my CC7 dropped accordingly.
by Sharon Casteel G2G6 Pilot (169k points)

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