Help with G2G Tabs needed, some are showing up with black background and dark blue text...what did I do?

+4 votes
Some of the tabs on the G2G page are not readable. They have a black background with dark blue text. Unless you hover over them or click on them, they are mostly unreadable. I was playing around with some of the customize features on the Browser Extension app, but I can't find a way to reset this...if it was me that caused my view of these tabs to change????
in WikiTree Tech by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (215k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Try disabling the Custom Styles and see if that solves the problem. If it does, then maybe we could review your settings and try to figure out what went wrong.
by Murray Maloney G2G6 Mach 4 (41.9k points)
Thanks that worked,  I had tried that before asking for help, but I didn't realize I had not toggled it All the way off last time. Now the tabs are black backgrounds with white text.

In Custom Styles the reset button does not seem to work then? I could not get out of what I had done.
After turning Custom Styles off I went back and only enabled smooth scrolling. As soon as I did that the problem with the G2G tabs was back. Turned Custom Styles fully off again and its back to normal.
It seems very likely that you chose that blue color for links.

It's actually quite fortunate that you found this...

The WBE team would like to be able to give users some control over the appearance of the content of Biographies. Giving you control over the appearance of links turns out to be a bit more complicated than just setting some CSS parameters. That's because links are used in may ways in WikiTree, not just to connect to other profiles, but they are also used to stand-in for menu items and action buttons.

The Smooth Scrolling feature should have no effect on links. The Custom Styles feature does affect links.

I'm confident that Ian and Jonathan will be very interested in your problem, and they will undoubtedly find a solution.

Thank you, I did actually try, (at one point) to make links that blue color, but even though I asked for that my links never changed. So yes, but I don't think there was a setting for the tabs in G2G. But I am so new to playing with those settings Im not sure...I do like the idea of customizing so glad to help discover some bugs to iron out!
That's the spirit, Lorraine. It is a new feature, and we expect that it will be a bit of a learning curve.

I recommend that you experiment a bit and turn off the feature when you don't want the distraction. Ian and Jonathan are thinking about this problem and I expect that they will come up with a clever solution... they usually do.

Do remember to refresh your browser view of the profile for changes to take effect. Sometimes you think you aren't seeing your changes is because you haven't loaded them.

Sorry that it threw you off.

And please come back to report your successes with WBE.
+2 votes
I think this is the 'Visited Links' feature of the extension.  You can turn that off and (if you want) use the 'Visited link color' option in Custom Style.  This won't change the colour of your G2G tabs.
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (322k points)
I have been playing around with the "Links", all of them. And they are certainly the ones that are causing the havoc.

There is no way for me to understand what they will change as there is no description or instruction for each setting. So I am flying blind, goofing around with a setting, going to G2G...which seems to be all it changes (not the profiles, they seem to stay the same)....refresh screen to see what it did, repeat.

It is a slow frustrating way to figure out what I can do. Instructions on settings please!

The "Visitor" Link - changes the color of the G2G tab text when you click on it ...and changes the color of the text in the main drop down lists at the top of the page "My Wikitree", "Add", "Find" and "Help" when you click on one/or all of the links. 

You can see which ones you use and the one's you never click on as they remain white.

I have not tried signing out of wikitree to see if the color resets. Does it?? Otherwise its not really tracking a "visited link". 

Signed out, then logged back in - the color of the links has NOT reset. So the sole purpose is to be able to choose what color you want that text to be, and if you want ALL of the text to be the same color you have to click on each and every one that it has an affect on to get that. 

Reset within the options does not work, Once you set the color the only way to change it to another color is to turn off the whole Style section and refresh your page, it goes back to the "default" of white text, then go back to the app and in the "visited links" select your new color. 

Sorry... I meant the 'Visited Links' feature, which is one of the features (as opposed to the 'Visited links' option in 'Custom Style'.
As for the rest of what you wrote... I apologise. I have been working on this and it will be much better next time.

My apologies as well for rattling around lost and not understanding! Just wanted to share what I was seeing as I used the Custom Style setting in hopes that it was helpful for any updates laugh

I was not really focused on a particular thing, just exploring the settings and what they do. I will have a look at that other feature as well. For now I have toggled off Custom Styles and will wait for news of an update. 

I want to thank you and your team for the work you do on these apps, can't be easy! You respond quickly and have so much patience for my confused messages lol. heart

Lorraine, we followed you all the way. Ian's next version is gonna be a lot better, and you were a big impetus for some of his fixes. The options list will be better labelled next time.

And, by the way, you should disable Global->Style->Visited Links

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