Julien Cassaigne is a Merveilleux & Wonderful WikiTreer!

+15 votes

I just wanted to take a minute to express my gratitude to Julien Cassaigne for translating a difficult old French parish register, that it turns out was actually Latin, and not French.

Julien, votre travail m'a été très utile et j'apprécie grandement votre temps et j'apprécie grandement votre temps et votre serviabilité. Merci beaucoup!
WikiTree profile: Julien Cassaigne
in Appreciation by Beth Stephenson G2G6 Mach 7 (70.9k points)

Thank you for the appreciation. It is my pleasure to help where I can.

The fun fact is that I never studied latin. The little I know come from two sources: trying to understand such church records, and singing classical music in a choir. That's why I did not attempt to make a precise transcription (as I would have done for a record in French), and also why I missed some parts of the translation, such as what is probably the trade of the husband of the godmother. When I took your question, I expected it would be a problem of calendar conversion, not of translation...

It is strange to see latin still used in 18th century records. Usually it is found in much older records (and with a much more difficult handwriting). But Alsace is special.

Finally, a trick when you have to decipher such records: find the full register (in this case, at Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin), and turn pages. All records more or less follow the same structure, and words that you cannot make out will be clearer in other places. For instance, the year 1778 is written in digits four pages before, and 1779 on the next page, so the date must be in the last quarter of 1778.

Congrats on your WW!

3 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
I try to keep an eye out for people needing translation from French, but Julien always beats me to it! He's such a superstar, seriously
by Léa Haupaix G2G6 Mach 9 (98.8k points)
selected by Beth Stephenson

Toutes mes excuses, Léa. Mais tiens, il y a une nouvelle demande de traduction qui vient de sortir, si tu veux je te la laisse volontiers. C'est du 19e, donc plus facile à lire mais plus verbeux.

Haha c'est gentil mais vraiment pas nécessaire
+4 votes

yesCongratulations on your WW Award!yes

Thank you, Cousin Beth, for the recognition! (10th cousin)

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
+8 votes
Merci beaucoup for taking the time to translate, even if it turns out to be Latin. I do not know where we/I would be without all of you bi- and polylingual WikiTranslators! You make our tree so much better. Passe une bonne journée! I thank Google Translate (sometimes).
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

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