Ralph Geer is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+20 votes
I want to recognize Ralph for his incredible contribution of entering the 1686 Acadian census to every relevant profile.  There were 167 men and their wives and children and he made sure each existing profile had appropriate entries and made new profiles for the missing people.  His written biography entries were so full of facts and observations, they were pleasant to read.  

At the end of that census were some single names entered that required much research because they had no first names or ages.  Ralph pursued every one, obtained sources, involved other people who might be able to help and now those profiles are solved mysteries.

While he was doing this, he checked the transcripts and original source too, and added different name spellings, making specific note of when a name was entered incorrectly on the census (compared to other sources).

On his own initiative he made some spreadsheets of these entries and made his first space page to document them for the project.

And then as a bonus, Ralph asked if he could do the same for the 1693 census.  Yes, please!

On their own, two other people gave Ralph a Community Star and a Generous Genealogist badge for his work on this project.  Well deserved.
WikiTree profile: Ralph Geer
in Appreciation by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (340k points)
edited by Cindy Cooper
Congrats on your WW!
Well done Ralph!
Everyone likes to be thanked for their work but this thankyou is over the top. I only got this because of all of the help other WikiTreers have given me to "learn the ropes." Every day someone is helping me with sources or style or tips. The hardest mistakes to recognize are the ones you make yourself so sometimes I look to see what others are correcting about my work and this helps me do better. The culture of WikiTree to give thanks and praise is worth more than a paycheck.

5 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
Bravo Ralph Geer ! The definition of a Wonderful WikiTree'er is one who gives freely of their time and knowledge for the benefit of others. I dip my hat to you sir.
by William Maher G2G6 Pilot (663k points)
selected by Cindy Cooper
+13 votes
Congratulations Ralph on your WW award. Your persistence and dedication to the big tree and especially to Acadian genealogy are greatly appreciated and deserve recognition. Thanks for all that you do, and thank you Cindy for acknowledging Ralph's excellent work.
by Gisèle Cormier G2G6 Mach 6 (69.1k points)
+13 votes
Ralph is indeed a great asset to WikiTree, especially to the Acadian and Louisiana projects. The quality of his work is outstanding and he is a joy to work with! We're extremely lucky to have him! Thank you, Ralph, for all you do, and thanks to Cindy for expressing it so beautifully!
by Stephanie Ward G2G6 Pilot (121k points)
+9 votes

I have to join the chorus of Thank Yous for your willingness to improve profiles and collaborate along the way. Very much appreciated! laugh

by Joyce Rivette G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
+4 votes
Excellent work Ralph!
by Glenn Pitre G2G Crew (940 points)

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