How can I find out who is increasing my CC7 count. It increased by nearly 200 overnight.

+18 votes
Is there a way to tell who is adding to my watchlist that increases my CC7? I want to know what relatives are being added.
in WikiTree Tech by Kimberly Ann Lindsay G2G6 (9.8k points)

Hi Kimberly. If you use the WikiTree Browser Extension, it has an option to show CC7 changes: see

It doesn't work retroactively, however, only for changes that occur after you enable it.

Thanks for your help. I am trying to understand this.
There are some Apps I don't have that is on the sample page, i.e., Brick Walls, CC7 Table, etc. And, then I have apps that are not listed on the Sample page: Surname Generator and others.

5 Answers

+18 votes
You can go to connections and see the last person at each level. Click on that profile and see who and when it was created. If cc7 changed due to a connection it will be harder to determine. If cc7 changes 200 connections at a time, it is probably due to a connection.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (384k points)
Thanks for the Star Kimberly. That's kind of the law of the land here. The Tree is interconnected. Sometimes, it's a random act of kindness, other times it is more deliberate. Either way, thanks are in order.
Given numbers, the highest probability is a reconnection event. To find out easily will depend on the way reconnection was made. If new profiles were added in the new connection paths, those can be within or beyond your CC7 horizon. And reconnections can happen without creation of a new profile, just someone discovering that "wow, this John is the father/brother/child/spouse of that Mary" and they were before at 15 degrees from each other, and now down to 1, and a whole bunch of distances are collapsing down.

So, look up profiles who were modified as well as profiles created. And good luck :-)
Could you please define "reconnection event", Bernard? At first hearing it sounds as if it means that two profiles were once closely connected, then that link was broken, and then after that they were reconnected again.
I could imagine that someone like me, who periodically works on undated, disconnected profiles, could periodically increase a user's CC7. Recently while working on a dateless, disconnected profile, I discovered the person was a child of an existing profile. I therefore connected said child to said parent, which also brought along the spouse and children of the previously dateless profile.  If that link was within someone's cc7, it would add some number of profiles to their cc7 number.
@Jim. Good remark and relevant question. "Reconnection", I'm afraid, belongs to the jargon of the Connectors tribe, and you make me think I should add a definition to the dedicated section at

Yes "reconnection" could seem to imply there has been a previous "disconnection". The way I use it here is quite different. It means that between two profiles which were already connected (to each other and to the Main Tree), a new and shortest path has been discovered and added.

Disclaimer : I'm not a native English speaker, and had not thought, until you mentioned it, it could have been understood otherwise.

I have been tempted to call that kind of event a "circles collapse" (like in "pedigree collapse") because its neat result, seen from any "focus" profile, is pulling inwards a certain number of profiles, down e.g., from C10 to C7, whatever.

[edited : or simply C-Collapse, with the leading C standing for "Circle" or "Connection"]
Thanks for the explanation, Bernard! Perhaps one quick way of describing it in English might be "distance reduction".
Maybe. But i like the idea of collapse, because it's akin to gravitational collapse. More and more stuff inside a smaller and smaller space. That's how our "Big Tree" (which is anything but a tree) is growing, like a star in formation.
+11 votes
If some added 200 odd connections to my CC7 count I would be happy because one of my brickwalls has been solved.
by Leslie Cooper G2G6 Mach 4 (49.9k points)
+11 votes
If you use the CC7 table in Tree Apps, you can sort the table by date last modified, and it can give you an *idea* of where someone was working, and then you can poke into the profiles and see if it clears up the issue.  (it doesn't always work if it's like a marriage connection?  but usually if someone makes one change to a profile they make others, so you can see where changes could have come from.  Sometimes it remains a surprise though.
by Celia Marsh G2G6 Mach 6 (64.8k points)
+9 votes
Two and a half month ago there was a similar topic.

Maybe the answer of Paul helps:
by Siegfried Keim G2G6 Mach 6 (68.6k points)
+5 votes
All it really takes is one good connection. I was working on unconnected notable profiles earlier this month and someone's CC7 shot up from like 2 to 4000+! If only they were all that easy...
by Melissa Arjona G2G6 Mach 5 (59.4k points)

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