Proposal for Kenya Regional Categories

+14 votes

The recent addition of the Kenya Project to the Global Project has highlighted the need to create a formal categorization process for Kenya. As such, a draft proposal is being submitted to G2G for comment.

In accordance with the WikiTree process for Proposing Category Structures, the following proposal is submitted to the G2G community for Initial Review.

Please review the proposal here:

Thanks in advance for your input and comments.


Kenya Project Coordinator

WikiTree profile: Space:Kenya_Category_Proposal
in Policy and Style by E. Bain G2G6 Mach 7 (73.7k points)

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Thank you Eric. The proposal looks good.

One small suggestion for the space page. The angle bracket notation makes sense in generic category descriptions like

[[Category: <Place>, <County>]]

where <Place> and <County> are stand-ins. However, for the numerous real example categories mentioned, it is confusing and does not reflect what the categories will actually be called. In those cases it would be better if the angle brackets were removed, for example replacing

[[Category: <Nyeri County>, <Kenya>]]


[[Category: Nyeri County, Kenya]]
by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Susan Laursen

For some reason, when I remove those brackets, nothing appears, just a big blank space. I had noticed this when first creating the Free Space page. I assumed that without the brackets WT looks for the real category and not finding it inserts nothing? I just tried it again and got the same result: a blank area where I had entered [[Category: Nyeri County, Kenya]]. A bug?


[[:Category: Nyeri County, Kenya]]

with an extra colon near the front.
Or if that doesn't do what you want,

<nowiki>[[Category: Nyeri County, Kenya]]</nowiki>

I used the <nowiki> trick

+10 votes
Thank you for your work on this, Eric.
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+2 votes
That looks nice and logical to me, good work!
by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (684k points)

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