Germany Genies April 2024 Connect-a-Thon team chat

+12 votes

This Friday 14:00 German time until Monday 14:00 it's Thon time again.

In general Germany Genies encourages using Discord for real-time conversation (our channel: #germany-genies ) but for those who can't or won't use Discord, feel free to post your cheers, successes, frustration and questions here. That of course also works for those already on Discord ;)

Now let's Thon!

PS: Your posts and replies will be mirrored to the Discord channel.

WikiTree profile: Space:Germany_Genies
in The Tree House by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (201k points)

10 Answers

+10 votes

Go, Genies, go!

Nur noch 35 Minuten, bis es losgeht ... surprise Mein Plan ist es, hauptsächlich an Unconnected Profiles von meiner Watchlist mit Hilfe von Online Ortsfamilienbüchern zu arbeiten (beginnend mit deutschen Juden in Emden sowie Familienname PIENTKA in Groß Peterwitz in Schlesien). Da sollte einiges zusammenkommen. wink

by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
Go go Genies ! yes, me as well...  Ich werde erst 'mal durch das in meiner Box Need Profile Created abgelegtes herumtollen :-) Fohes Schaffen !
Ich werde im Thesaurus vom CERL weitermachen. Mal sehen, wie viele Tabs Montag mittag noch offen sind. Vel Spaß allerseits!
So, die ersten zwei Stunden sind rum. Danke, Alexandra und Jelena - Euch ebenfalls frohes Schaffen und viel Spaß!
So, es war ein langer Tag, und ich werd' heut' nicht mehr alt - GÄHN! Immerhin hab' ich 78 Profile geschafft (nicht ganz so viele wie erhofft). Gute Nacht, und bis morgen ...
Hallo Oliver, falls dir eine Quelle zu einfällt wäre ich sehr dankbar! Ich kenne mich nicht so gut in diesem Bereich aus, also für Hinweise über den Thon hinaus wäre ich sehr dankbar!

(Mit den Nussbaums aus Emden ist der Osnabrücker Maler Felix Nussbaum verbunden, der noch nicht an den Tree angebunden ist, siehe

Herzlichen Dank auf jeden Fall fürs Lesen, und viele Grüße


Moin Sven,

ich glaub' ich hab ihn in der Familiendatenbank Juden im Deutschen Reich gefunden - Link zur Quelle habe ich seinem Profil hinzugefügt. Von da aus sollte eine Verbindung möglich werden smiley

Oh, wow, großartig!! Vielen vielen Dank!! Da mache ich mich gleich dran... :D
Aufgepasst, Ostfriesland gehört 1815 bis 1866 zum Königreich Hannover, nicht zu Preußen.
Danke für die Hinweise!

Damit ist Felix Nussbaum jetzt an den WikitTree Baum angeschlossen! :D

Die korrekten Ortsbezeichnungen muss ich noch einarbeiten - Müsste man mal auf der Kategorienseite von Emden hinzufügen. Vielleicht so?

*pre-1745: Emden, Ostfriesland, Heiliges Römisches Reich

*1745-1806: Emden, Ostfriesland, Preußen, Heiliges Römisches Reich

*1815-1866: Emden, Hannover, Deutscher Bund

*1815-1866: Emden, Hannover, Deutscher Bund

*1867-1870: Emden, Hannover, Preußen, Norddeutscher Bund

*1871-1945: Emden, Hannover, Preußen, Deutsches Reich
+9 votes

Mein erster Connect-Erfolg: Ein paar-und-zwanzig seit 14 Uhr neu erstellte Profile (jüdische Karsebooms aus Emden) sind jetzt via den Nordener Kaufmann Hartog Schulenklopper mit dem weltweiten Familienbaum verbunden. Hurra!!!

by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
Hey cool, Glückwunsch dazu. Ich hatte gleich mal Windows-Updates und einen Kollegen, der mich trotz Abwesenheit angerufen hat. So richtig bin ich noch nicht angekommen.
Danke! Aber ja, ich muss jetzt auch erstmal noch auf Arbeit, d.h. bin mal "kurz" weg ;-)
+8 votes
The first eight hours are over, we're on #4 in total and we are leader of Division II with a headstart of 300 plus profiles. We're also on #4 in normalized scores:

1.  Appalachia Roots: 89.7
2.  Splendid Spruces: 66.67
3.  Globetrotters: 62.25
4.  Germany Genies: 53.93
5.  Team Italy: 50.38
6.  Legacy Heirs: 42.43
7.  Team Missouri: 42.25
8.  Tree Nuts: 41.5
9.  Flying Dutchmen: 39.73
10.  Mighty Oaks: 37.9

I will go to bed soon, so I will be awake at 6 am for the breakfast Hangout - in my perception the best there is.

Thank you for participating everyone. Keep up the good work.

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (201k points)
+8 votes
Good Morning ... starting to do some profiles for this morning :-)
by Alexandra-Brigitte Scholz G2G6 Mach 4 (41.4k points)
Captain reporting for duty as well
also on deck

Moinsn - also catching some early worms ... until I have to go to work for a couple of hours later this morning. Ugh, work can really interrupt so much fun! cheeky

+8 votes
After a bit more than 25 hours it looks as follows:

We're #3 in the absolute ranking with almost 650 profiles headstart to #4.

We're also having a headstart of 651 profiles to #2 in Division II, which we currently lead.

In the normalized score we lost one position and are on #5 now:
1.  Smoking Snakes: 268.5
2.  Appalachia Roots: 173
3.  Team Italy: 130
4.  Splendid Spruces: 110.75
5.  Germany Genies: 110.59
6.  Flying Dutchmen: 77.46
7.  Kiwi Crew: 76.81
8.  Globetrotters: 76.38
9.  Team Missouri: 73.11
10.  Mighty Oaks: 73
by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (201k points)

Going to bed. Personal highlight of the day: the mother of Beate Uhse  was born while her father was married to somebody else and Wikipedia did not know about it


  • total: 3 (ca. 900 profiles to #4 and a lot more to #2)
  • normalized: 4
  • Division II: #1 (ca. 1250 profiles to #2)

Great job, team. Good night!

+7 votes

Good morning greetings from an early bird (oder auch: Der frühe Vogel kann mich mal ... laugh)

by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
Belated good morning, early bird! You are currently on #4 in the team internal scoreboard. Wow!

With 19 hours to go, we're normalized on #3 (still 1484 profiles ahead of #4) and are still leading Division II (meanwhile 1854 to #2).

Normalized we're on #4 again:

1.  Appalachia Roots: 347.49
2.  Team Italy: 280.78
3.  Smoking Snakes: 237.67
4.  Germany Genies: 226.83
5.  Splendid Spruces: 215.33
6.  Flying Dutchmen: 171.46
7.  Globetrotters: 150.25
8.  Mighty Oaks: 142.11
9.  Kiwi Crew: 129.69
10.  Tree Nuts: 102.28

Good job everyone, keep it up! I'm curious if the 1484 profiles are enough to defend #3 total over the night.

Meanwhile I also added and invited the first cousin for this Thon :)
Thank you! Otoh that means that I'm not a late night owl as well but calling it a day now. Will have to work tomorrow so not sure if I can slip in a couple more profiles before the curtain drops. I've just reached my personal goal of 400+ :)

We'll see whether our current position will survive the night. In any case: well done so far - and thanks again for all the fun (or fish, of course)!

P.S.: Oh, und noch ein "early bird joke": Habe heute morgen den frühen Vogel erschossen; war Notwehr!
cool 400 ! congrats ... set my goal to 300 this time. since had some time restrictions... have to do some more profiles to reach it :-)
Just popping in....

Congrats Oliver on making your Thon goal!  And, thanks for all you do for RtC.

Alexandra, there is still lots of time to make your goal.  :)

Go Genies Go!!
The crazy frog is back in town! (or was it the early bird?)

Thanks for the congrats, and all the best for your own endeavours. There's still time, indeed. Go Genies Go!!!
+7 votes
Good Morning ... so last day... lets do some more connections.
by Alexandra-Brigitte Scholz G2G6 Mach 4 (41.4k points)

Ich drück' Dir die Daumen für 300+ ... yes

Good morning, I'm fed, cleaned and equipped with coffee tea (guess I'll need a stronger one). Let's do the last 8h!

total #3, 1479 profiles to #4, 2394 to #2
division II #1, 2164 profiles to #2
normalized #4:
1.  Appalachia Roots: 444.57
2.  Team Italy: 328.56
3.  Smoking Snakes: 307.67
4.  Germany Genies: 268.89
5.  Splendid Spruces: 250.6
6.  Flying Dutchmen: 205.85
7.  Globetrotters: 190.13
8.  Mighty Oaks: 157.26
9.  Kiwi Crew: 144.18
10.  Northwest Terriers: 129.27

My next goal: doing 22 profiles and hoping that Victoria is asleep wink

Yeah, just reached my goal of 300 !


Ich hab' jetzt Mittagspause und mach' noch 'n paar Profile ... wink

+5 votes
3rd position in total, winner of Division II and 5th in normalized score, beaten by 1 profile.

We will receive a badge and we have a lot of new profiles, not only from Germany.

Thanks everyone for joining and for cheering and pushing in DIscord and here.
by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (201k points)
+3 votes

Well, that was fun - thanks to you all in a great Germany Genies Team again!

I've now started to reduce my WatchList ... cheeky

Some unconnected notables remain, despite some admittedly restricted efforts on my part: Eckermann father and son have only 9 connections; Polish martyr Augustyn Strzybny has 118 connections but still no lead how to connect him to the Common Tree. Well, there will always be something to discover and explore, even before the next Connect-a-Thon comes around. wink

Take care, and have fun!

by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
edited by Oliver Stegen
You might want to wait until middle of next week with orphaning profiles (in case you do at all), since then the suggestions/errors report will be also available for the second half of the weekend
For the others, I know you can't/won't: with WBE, you can now not only orphan profiles directly from the watchlist, but you can also see the suggestions for the profiles before doing that:

Thanks, Captain Flo!

Alas!, I was too quick and had already removed myself from most of the profiles which I created during the Thon. I'll be more patient next time ...
+3 votes
Very nice! For a smaller size team we do amazingly well. Sadly, I will miss the next Connect-a-Thon...but, happily, I will be visiting Amsterdam for the first time and then getting on a cruise ship to visit some other wonderful places. I should be available for the January Thon...see you then!!
by Linda Mearse G2G6 Mach 1 (11.1k points)

Cruise-a-Thon instead of Connect-a-Thon - sounds FAB-U-LOUS! Wishing you a great time, Linda yes

HAHAHA! Love it! I will think of it that way.

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