Why is Wiki server not working most of the time. Craigie 321

+4 votes
Nine out of ten profiles I try to edit the server is not working. Daisy Craigie 321
in WikiTree Tech by Daisy Craigie G2G5 (5.2k points)
Hi Daisy. This may be a problem specific to your set up. A couple of points to try to diagnose it...

Do you see an error message? If so, please let us know exactly what it says.

If not, what do you observe happening that demonstrates the issue?
Hello JIm,

I am on Firefox, not google or Microsoft. Red boxes around some names and places . I am sorry, my computer are not good. Most times I manage.

Many thanks ,


Thanks for the details, Daisy. Do you mean an error message in a box that looks something like this?

Edit tab error message

If so, you can click the [more info] link for information on what has gone wrong.

Or give us the exact text of one of the messages, and we will try to help further.

Hello Jim,

No, it is around the date of birth, death, sometimes a Name.

Many thanks ,


When you are editing, if you change the value in a field or box, for example Birth Date, then the edge of the box changes colour. For me it changes to orange, but maybe this varies, so you could be seeing red box edges. This is not a problem: it is just intended as a reminder that you have changed that particular value.

You should still be able to save the results of your editing, by clicking the FULL SAVE: COMMIT CHANGES button, provided you have entered something in the Change explanation box.

Thank you Jim,


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