Why do I see 1/2 sibling status , I believe it is stopping the program from operating correctly

+4 votes
I am working on different profiles and when I look at the sibling section it will say 1/2 next to the person listed. How do I fix that so 1/2 is not there ??
in WikiTree Help by Roger Maynard G2G Crew (640 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
If full siblings show as half siblings, then they are not connected to the same 2 parents.

There may be a duplicate profile for one of the parents.

Or one of the parents may not be connected to all of his/her children.

3 Answers

+7 votes
All the children have to have the same father and the same mother so that the half doesn't appear.  Check each child to make sure.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Ros I asked about 1/2 siblings the other day on 2g2 and you answered and told me that all children have to have list the same parents to not have 1/2 show in the profile, I checked and as far as I see they are the same parents, regarding Philibert Gibault 49 and his wife Marie Francoise Aubry 29 still not showing wife on the fan chart for myself 6993, thanks Roger Maynard
Gibault-49 has parents Gibault-14 and Lecuyer-387.

His brothers and sisters have the following:
Marie Francoise has parents Gibault-14 and Lecuyer-30
Marie Therese has parents Gibault-14 and Lecuyer-30
Philibert has parents Gibault-14 and Lecuyer-30
Michel has parents Gibault-14 and Lecuyer-30

So the father is correct in every case; but the mother is Lecuyer-30 *and* Lecuyer-387.  If you look at the comments on Lecuyer-30, you will see that Linda Peterson has also noticed this and has initiated a merge.  Once the merge happens, the 1/2 will go away as soon as all the children have the same father and the same mother.
Thanks for your help, Roger 6993
+3 votes
Can you provide a profile ID as an example?

Is it possible that the person is the first child of 2 born to the parents?

If it is an open profile you can edit it and remove the 1/2.
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (771k points)
Lussier-849 is one example. I've been trying to assist him over the last couple of days with another profile. Both times a duplicate was created and connected to one parent from an existing profile. Maybe somebody else could explain the merge process better to him than I did.

Edit: Gibault-37 and Gibault-39 is another one. I already put a merge request in for this one.
Oh oops! I didn't even think of 1/2 as being half.
+4 votes
I added the mother to Louis Lussier-849 which did not have the mother linked, so now all siblings are showing as full siblings.

I also proposed a merge with Louis L'hussier-19 which is obviously the same person, just different spelling.  Unfortunately, there are no sources on Lussier-849 and the sources on the other one do not show what name is on the Baptism source. Since Lussier is listed as an Other Last name, that name should probably be the LNAB and the merge should be done into that profile.

I have proposed a merge of the spouse profiles also. Merge should be done into the one that has the parents .
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (803k points)
The problem though, is that I have already made several attempts to explain merging with the Gibault duplicates over the last few days and been unsuccessful. I think maybe a mentor needs to get involved to help explain merging better than I can.

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