People with commonly autocorrected names call for tech firms to fix problem

+5 votes

 This strikes me as another place where the huge database of profiles could come in handy. All we need is a salesperson to approach the makers of auto-correct software and whisper, "Psst! Hey, buddy! Wanna buy a database of the 2,000 most commonly used first names from the last 120 years?"

in The Tree House by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (706k points)

1 Answer

+8 votes
I get 'autocorrected' by other Wikitreers. :-)  Even if they have my name (Ros) as a link right in front of them, they insist on addressing messages as 'Ross' - in case I don't know how to spell my own name...autocorrect or predictive text?
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
I often wind up as Garry, a spelling that seemed rare in my area in the 60s.
 Also where can I find the code for the ag labourer sticker you have on your profile, it fits much background perfectly (and going to work today to fix the tractor)
Growing up in the Western United States I can't begin to express the number of times teachers mangled the pronunciation of my name: Every teacher, coach and after school attendent I had in grade school and high school scratched their heads in confusion upon reaching my name in the attendance roster. (In the U.S., High School is through grade 12, students being usually 17/18 years old).

All this head scratching because people had never seen the name Leigh so they'd always call me Lay which is obviously a derivation of sleigh. And didn't the boys just love that interpretation... That's one reason I insisted at Uni. on being called Leigh Anne. I was tired of correcting everyone. Of course now, many decades later, with people more exposed to the world's variety of life and language I've noticed pronunciation is more accurate. But, I'm convinced the Anne in Leigh Anne still helps.
@Gary - it is a 'Descendant' sticker:

Leigh Anne,

I so sympathise with you.and understand EXACTLY what you are saying. I am often referred to as Lee (even by cousins), Leah and even Lyn. To make it even worse, my maiden name of Keillor, also had others tongue-tied.

I worked in a bank for some time, and at one stage a nameplate with my married name in full sat in front of me. A young guy also asked me if it was pronounced "Lay" which I quickly debunked. He asked with such a smirk on his face!

Unfortunately, with a middle name of Elizabeth, I couldn't bring myself to be called Leigh Elizabeth.

Now with the surname of Chester-Master, I sometimes get mail addressed to me as "Master Leigh Chester". I just can't win! laugh

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