Fan Charts and WikiTree [closed]

+46 votes

Hope I don't crush any ones glee with the title of the post...

Does any WikiTreer or WikiTree, unofficially or officially, have anything in the works regarding adding a fan chart functionality to our great big ole shared tree?

If so, What can I do to help move this forward?



Place any Open Profile, WikiTree ID into the URL where Gaulden-10 appears to test it on some of your profiles.

Please post testing comments as answers to this post.

closed with the note: A complete Fan chart integration is here!
in The Tree House by Mags Gaulden G2G6 Pilot (653k points)
closed by Mags Gaulden
Thanks for the info, Mags. I suspected as much. I don't see this as a high-priority issue. Six generations is good for now.

I'm happy to have at least the six generations for now in a fan chart as well, so simply achieved at little more than a click of a button! smiley

Oh my, this is totally neat. But it did not work for me with the new privacy rules? My privacy is set on Private with Public Biography and Family Tree

I have the same privacy setting and it works.
Maybe it's not the privacy setting causing the issue but the full stop in your wikitree id. N.-17  as it is not standard wiki id format.
I'm following you Athol :) . Are you formulating a strategy about data collection and analysis for your PhD thesis?  Leigh Anne
I realize this is a low-priority item for the programmers, but I keep hoping that this widget will be fixed to display all seven generations. It’s been over two years since the original widget was created. Alternatively, I would like to be able to select the number of generations displayed. If only six are generated, I’d rather have only six shown.
It works wonderfully for me as far as it goes. I too would like to see this moved to a priority.
What needs to be done for more than six generations to be displayed?  Thanks.
I'm having a problem accessing the TreeSeek fan chart. Is it just me or are others having the same problem?
Hello Anne, Others are having the same problem of not being able to access their fan chart.

21 Answers

+9 votes
I've seen one on my recent trip to South Africa. It became huge - spread across one entire wall. I also saw one a preacher had made of Jesus - yes that one.
by Philip van der Walt G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
Made with and on paper though.
I am not thinking quite on that scale Philip - was thinking more along the lines of 64, 4th great grandparents. Thanks! Mags

Indeed, this is what I saw - I agree when going large it becomes rather wieldy and one needs to read and write minutely - software might solve this latter problem though ...


Unless I am mistaken you get to get to 63 people in the fan chart at the 3rd great grandparent generation.

I had just used Family Tree Maker to produce my own out to the 2nd great and have 31 people on two normal pages with their squished option. They get big in a hurry.

I applaud your effort, though.

You are close - we all 64, 4th great grand parents...


My comment was about the fan chart. With the 64 4th greats in there, the fan chart would be 127 people - including the starting point, yourself usually. I noticed that FTM had a 360 degree option that let's one squish that onto four pages, I believe. That display isn't nearly as intuitive as the traditional fan chart though.

I haven't tried what one of the commenters suggested about producing a fan chart with Excel. I'll have to look at that.

Something for those who don't have either Excel, Open Office, or Family Tree Maker would be a wonderful addition here, though.

Phil Excel is wonderful for flowcharting any process if you don't have a flowcharting software app like Visio Software but I'm not sure the Fan chart approach will work efficiency in Excel. I'd think you'd get faster results using PowerPoint. Just a thought.
+16 votes
I love fan charts! I use the free one on Tree Seek. All you have to do is upload your gedcom that you export from WikiTree and select who you want to be the middle of the fan. Then you can download or print a pdf of the chart. It would be a really cool feature to add to WikiTree directly.
by Leila Tite G2G3 (3.3k points)

I'm assuming that Matt would need to get access to the apps server through Chris, but I would like to be in the loop as well so I can add the X-gen and Y-gen fan charts in a consistent way. Thanks!

That's awesome.

Mags, here is a URL for info:
Absolutely! PM me your email please? Mags
I'll create a Space page where we can post information and Ideas, etc.
Hello Leila, A fan chart for X chromosome ancestors would be great, but there is no need to consider one for the Y chromosome because the ancestry is not a fan (just a single direct paternal line).  Sincerely, Peter

I understand what you mean about the Y being a very specific route...I do know know that people have problems visualizing it. If we include the Y and the mtDNA fan charts it could be helpful for people to see something that they may be having a hard time wrapping their brains around.

Yes, in that case there should also be a "fan" chart for mtDNA ancestry (which is a single direct maternal line).

Also in a perfect world a Y-DNA fan chart should not work if the person entered is female ;-)
That's the plan Peter...Mags
Great idea! I was doing my own by hand. This would be much faster.

+10 votes
Tried doing a chart based on me...taking forever. Reloaded and no it working and I don't know?  Mag gonna let it run..
by Mags Gaulden G2G6 Pilot (653k points)
Tried clicking on your link, but all it did was download a pdf which I could not fill in.  So no 'Haywood-41' could go in anywhere.  Pretty chart, though.

Hello, Ros!

You need to put your WikiTree ID in the URL, replacing Mags' ID.

As far as I know, you do not need to input any data into the chart itself.

Also, you need the ID of a profile that is Open/White lock or Public/Green lock. Try one of you ancestors with a deep ancestral line (like Ball-966)!

Thanks! This worked great!
+10 votes
This is going to be a a very useful feature Mag's but fraid when i changed the reference in the address bar from your link and from Gauden-10 to Round-218 it only filled in my name not my ancestors names. I wondered if if might be due to my security level but see you and I have the same security level (mustard / yellow) so then wondered if it was because of my parents security level (light orange) so tried to change one down to yellow but still didn't work (maybe woudl need the reindex?).
by Paula Dea G2G6 Mach 9 (92.4k points)

I believe you are correct, Paula, in that the chosen profile's privacy level affects access.

The chart works with Green/Public and White/Open levels, but doesn't seem to work with the Yellow and above levels.

Still a useful tool to look for holes in our genealogy!

+10 votes
Didn't work for me either. Bartomeo-1.
by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
+10 votes
It didn't work for me (but then neither does the Error Report) probably due to privacy setting.

I did try it on a relative though, and it got 6 generations, but nothing in the 7th, even though there are plenty of people in the 7th generation for him.
by S Willson G2G6 Pilot (226k points)
+9 votes

Very attractive. I also had trouble getting this to work.

1. For me, Lenover-1, it found no ancestors. Is this possibly a privacy issue?

2. For my mom.Lenover-2, who is deceased, it seemed to miss Generation 7.
by Marty Acks G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
+8 votes

Much the same as others:  Does not work for me (Private with Public Biography and Family Tree); works okay for my father (Public), grandmother (Public), great-grandmother (Open).

by Gayel Knott G2G6 Mach 3 (34.2k points)
Seems a glitch involving the Privacy settings. Thanks for testing this so we (Matt :-) can tweak it until it works!

+11 votes
Hello Mags,

Take a gander at

The earliest generation is a no show and there are some formatting problems with long names.

....but this is awesome!!  I'm (for sure) your fan!

Is a fan chart of mtDNA and Y-DNA haplogroups (with ancestor names) also possible?

And is a fan chart of X-Chromosome ancestors (one if you are male and another if you are female) possible?

Best regards, Peter
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
edited by Peter Roberts
That's the plan Peter - we need to get the basic Fan Chart running so we can move on to the next part. Remember what I talked with you about at Roots Tech? (if you don't just nod knowingly anyway) That is the final phase. I won't post about that until it's closer to being a reality.

+7 votes
Great work.  Works like a charm.  Shame it is for open profiles only!
by Phil Jourdeuil G2G6 Mach 1 (19.0k points)
+8 votes
It looks interesting. I tested it with my grandfather's profile, Kingman-274.

It doesn't look like it completed its work, since some fourth great grandparents are missing, but interestingly it shows the same couple as third and fourth great grandparents. (This happens to be the case, but I hadn't noticed it before.)
by John Kingman G2G6 Mach 6 (64.3k points)
Hello, John!

I tried your ancestor's ID and made it to the Seventh Generation in your Packard line.

I didn't notice any duplication like you did, but I'll check my ancestor's chart just in case!
Hi Lindy.

Yes the 7th generation Packards are the 4th great grandparents I mentioned. They are also 6th generation (3rd great grandparents). Look for the second couple in the 6th generation ring, counterclockwise from the bottom.

+8 votes

Nice app, Mags! Thanks for posting it for our enjoyment.

As Mags posted, you need an open profile (also works for public/green lock level) for it to work. Access to higher privacy levels is, of course, blocked.

My test worked well through Sixth Generation, but it did not fill in any Seventh Generation profiles that I know are connected. Since those profiles should be open, perhaps there is a flaw or glitch in the program.

For comparison, I use the Firefox browser with tight security and privacy settings, as well as other restrictions through add-ons like NoScript, Flashblock, and Ghostery. No changes were needed except to allow the script for .

by Lindy Jones G2G6 Pilot (260k points)
Yes, I had the same problem with the seventh generation.

Love the chart, though!
+7 votes

Here's another test using my great grandfather, Isaac Kingman (Kingman-279).

This time, Zaccheus Packard I (Packard-160) and John Ames Jr. (Ames-126) show up twice in the 7th generation and once in 6th generation. There are no other 7th generation individuals shown, although there could be.


by John Kingman G2G6 Mach 6 (64.3k points)
+5 votes

Just FYI, wrote a stand-alone program once to generate one for a specific purpose.

It generates SVG, which not supported on WT, but I wanted to be able to zoom.

The copy on the page above does not show the profile names/links in each segment.

by Dana Burns G2G6 Mach 1 (11.7k points)
+5 votes
I LOVE fan charts, have been using that for basic info for many years, it helps me see what I need to work on next. Mine is out of bounds with all of the way back stuff and has not been updated since 2002. Still if I haven't thought about or worked on a particular line for a while it's easy to see the connections back.
by Sherrie Mitchell G2G6 Mach 5 (53.4k points)
+5 votes
I tried it:

No paternal line showing and missed a few on the maternal line (7th gen).
by Pat Credit G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
Thanks Pat!

+6 votes
This will be immensely helpful!! I've substituted in several WT IDs and so far it appears to be working beautifully for me. I'll be sure to let you know if I find an instances that trips up.

Thanks so much for working on this!!
by Susan Keil G2G6 Mach 6 (68.7k points)
+6 votes
Oh this is so awesome! Mine is so nice but I can not seem to upload it right - dang pdf files do not load up right!
by Navarro Mariott G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
+4 votes

I did not realize there were 


hand fans

by Douglas Beezley G2G6 Mach 3 (36.9k points)
+6 votes
The Fan Chart application is still not working. I really miss this feature, despite its missing 7th generation. I hope someone will address this problem. (But I’m nit going to hold my breath!  LOL)
by Bill Vincent G2G6 Pilot (176k points)
I'm still hopeful that this application will be fixed. - Bill

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