Could WikiTree Add GEDMatch Genesis ID's?

+29 votes

I have added my Living DNA test information to my list of DNA tests. I uploaded my raw data to GEDmatch and was issued and ID for the Genesis Beta.

When I try to add my Living DNA GEDmatch ID it will not save. Is there some criteria for the field that this ID does not meet? DL7585218 Too many characters maybe?

I did enter it into my notes section for the test, but that doesn't make it obvious on my profile page.



WikiTree profile: Mags Gaulden
in WikiTree Tech by Mags Gaulden G2G6 Pilot (654k points)
edited by Mags Gaulden

I tagged the post with Improvements so that the WikiTree Tech Team members would see that I was requesting this upgrade. 


I'd like to add my request to have this functionality added as well. I recently completed my 23andMe DNA test that was given to me for free for participating in an ongoing research study, and have been working on my family tree off and on for the past few years. I'd like to have the ability to add my GEDMatch ID here, but since 23andMe is using the V5 chip, it pretty much prevents anyone who has their testing done by that company from going any further to link their tests. Makes me wonder if I should seek another company to have results completed for my wife.
Same issue - including the ongoing research study! Hope I'll be able to enter this GEDMatch ID soon - as well as the test I just got for my brother :/
Chris? You are my Favorite WikiTreer...for today (shh, don't tell the others).


3 Answers

+20 votes
Best answer

Yep. Mags, you are absolutely correct about GEDmatch Genesis kit numbers being, currently, unacceptable for entry into WikiTree's DNA test data field. One past discussion can be found here. The standard GEDmatch kits are one letter followed by six numerals; GEDmatch Genesis are two letters and seven numerals.

Since Genesis is still in beta, I can understand why WikiTree may not want to expend any resources just yet. I believe the verdict is still out.

by Edison Williams G2G6 Pilot (456k points)
selected by Emma MacBeath
Genesis is no longer beta, so now what WikiTree?
+18 votes
Just my thoughts...

It seems that the Wikitree gedmatch id restriction on fairly recently so I would believe the effort to remove it does not seem to be a big technical issue.

Adding a DNA test just records a fact, so I don't understand the reasoning for prohibiting it add the fact another test has been taken.

Genesis is going to be merged with the current database at some point in the future, so I presume the Genesis Id's will remain. Has Wikitree confirmed the original ids will remain when the merge occurs?

23andMe is now using a new V5 chip which can only be added to Genesis which gives us the new format. Why prohibit new 23andMe kits?

IMO, Wikitree should allow them to be added.
by Ken Sargent G2G6 Mach 6 (63.1k points)
It's a good thing when a data entry field won't accept entries that don't have the right format for the expected data. So the WikiTree restriction on the Gedmatch ID field is a good thing.

But Gedmatch Genesis ID could be added as a new ID for all DNA tests. (This might affect everyone who has tested. I understand that I could upload my DNA data to Genesis, in addition to standard Gedmatch.)

Yup Ellen - you hit the nail on the head. We spend a lot of time in the DNA Project going through and contacting people to correct their GEDmatch Id's. People put all sorts of things in those fields.

I think it's just that we are working with the GEDmatch variable of one letter and so many numbers. I was just asking that we expand the field variables to include enough space for the Genesis numbers to be included as well. 

I tagged the post with Improvements so that the WikiTree Tech Team members would see that I was requesting this upgrade.

AND if we do this we could include many more types of tests too - like NAT geo, and the rest that GEDmatch has in Genesis.


I wanted to be clear that I didn't mean remove all gedmatch checks, only the restriction for Genesis id's.  When I designed databases, I included extensive checks like the ones put in place.  My thought was to make it as restrictive as possible.  I would rather block a valid entry and then allow it when it is discovered than to allow bad data to get in and have to clean it up later.
It must be recent since my dad has an Lazarus kit number that begins LL on his profile.

I believe William is correct that the change is recent.  I just tried to add my mother's Lazarus kit number and got the message The GEDMatch ID should be a letter followed by six digits.

+10 votes
Yep I'm having problems adding my kit number from Genesis for a Living DNA test . I just read through the other answers - and I can't see anyone offering a solution.
by Norma Farnhell G2G5 (5.5k points)
Hey Norma,

We are pretty sure this is a programming change that needs to be made by the Tech Team Members so you can't do anything to correct it on your own. I posted this question to put in a request for this to be looked into.

Thanks for your comment!

In the future I hope WikiTree will be able to compare select GEDmatch uploads. It is my understanding GEDmatch plans to integrate GEDmatch and Genesis.  I think it would be better to wait for that to happen.  

Today you can still enter a Genesis ID in the note field of the auDNA test.
> "I think it would be better to wait for that to happen"

This is one time when I have to respectfully disagree with you, Peter.  All people want here is to be able to record the info in a programmatically usable field, even if it's usage is not yet implemented, so that they don't have to come back and change this once it's fully implemented (if they remember!).

I know the devs are very busy right now, but I'd like to see a raised priority for this expansion of DNA test handling.
Thanks Rob,

If the GEDmatch ID field is altered to allow for the input of a Genesis ID then you would end up getting an error message when a GEDmatch ID is clicked on (if it is really a Genesis ID).

If there is a separate input field for a Genesis ID then WikiTree will have to later merge the GEDmatch ID field with the Genesis ID field in the same manner that GEDmatch merges those two databases.  Do we know for sure if GEDmatch will merge GEDmatch with Genesis?  Do we know that the merged database will keep the same GEDmatch and Genesis IDs?

Is there something else I'm over looking?

Thanks and sincerely, Peter
No, that's a good point.

It should only be one field, whether traditional GEDmatch or new Genesis.  But perhaps with auto-recognition of which type was entered, the correct clickable URL could be produced, or perhaps no URL for Genesis ID's, for now.  And perhaps a flag or appropriate note accompanying it.  Then if and when GEDmatch changes/merges, WikiTree can adjust their handling as needed, with no user interaction needed, no WikiTree merging needed, just some page code to modify.

John at Gedmatch told me that they plan is to keep the id's when the two databases are merged. 

I also noticed that the Genisis Manage kit screen includes a link to Wikitree.  I presume that Gedmatch will link to Wikitree if it detects a Genesis id.

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