Peter Callan Callan-137 my great grandfather.

+3 votes
Peter Callan Callan-137 my great grandfather, I am not sure where he was born, as there are so many Peter Callan's on Scotlandspeople, I found his marriage to Elizabeth McKinnon but it does not say where he was born or who his parents were. I am going round in circles as even on Family search there are so many Peter Callan's some born Scotland and others born In Ireland. Please can anyone assist me.
in Genealogy Help by Norma Maloney G2G6 (7.2k points)
retagged by Norma Maloney
Hi Norma. Suggest you also add Scotland to the tags on the post. That will greatly expand the eyes on the question.
Thank you for that hint on Tags, I have added Ayrshire and Scotland, as that is where Peter was married.
Give his exact date birth and where he married,and Where did they live.
1841 Census Androsan Ayrsire shows he born abt 1801 in Ireland.

His wife Ann was born In Ayrshire, There is a possibility Edward

was living in Scotland for some time.Must have,too have met her.

So i think marriage occured in Scotland,just my guess.
Roots Ireland IE has 4 Edward Callin listed  Peter father

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
1841 Scotland Census, Androssan. Ayr,Scotland, Father Edward Callan,Mother Ann.,Same place he married.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Norma Maloney
Thank you Wayne, I had Edward as his father previously, but I changed it because I found a Peter born in Ireland to a William Callan and an Ann Wallace. I have now changed it back to Edward, but I still have Ann as the mother but what is her maiden name is now a problem.
Go too Scotland people, Look for Edward marries Ann at same location,

if you do not find it let me know.
I found only the son Edward Callan who was married in 1887 of which I have downloaded as a PDF, but no Edward Callan born in Ireland. I think they may have been married in Ireland, so I need to do more research there. Like a few of my ancestors that I have found came from Ireland. Brawley, Clements & my late husbands family Maloney. So many brick walls that are costing me a fortune.
Hi Wayne, I am still hitting a brick wall with my great grandfather Peter Callan, I still cannot find a birth on Scotlandspeople so I cannot find his mother Ann's maiden name either, I found the 1941 Census that has his father as Edward born in Ireland but for Ann and Peter it says Scotland.
+2 votes
I have a Margaret Callan !805 born in Monaghan Ireland and died in Cambria Pennsylvania in 1870.  Married to Bernard Finnigen 1798-1849.
by Annette Bernier G2G Crew (760 points)
Perhaps a relation, one never knows, I have found so may cousins, half cousins and so on who are living still in Scotland, USA, Canada but so far only myself who emigrated to South Africa.
Good to know, thanks!!
I see Edward Callan in New Jersey USA.

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