Does anyone know the Burial Location in Ipswich, Massachusetts for Thomas Emerson (Emerson-19)?

+2 votes

Thomas (Emerson-19) is my 8th Great Grandfather.  (Thomas...Rev Joseph...Ebenezer...Ebenezer...Daniel...Daniel...Daniel...Warren...Roger...Joseph...Me) I'm going to be in the Ipswich area soon, and would like to find his grave, if it is available. shows his son Nathaniel (Emerson-35).  It would seem like Thomas might be there as well, however, he died 46 years earlier than Nathaniel, so it isn't a sure thing.

Any help would be appreciated!

WikiTree profile: Thomas Emerson
in Genealogy Help by Joseph Emerson G2G Rookie (190 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

It would be nice if you clarified which Ipswich, as there are many.  :)

The Wikitree profile has his death in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
The Wikitree profile has his death in Ipswich, Massachusetts.



Perhaps so, but I clicked on this thread because I thought it might be Ipswich, Queensland, Australia (as I have family there, I thought I could, perhaps, be of some help), only to find it was yet another American place (undefined in the question, or the OP).

If we want to be internationally inclusive, we need to be more aware of not using abbreviations and of also being more clear when we name places.

You are absolutely right and I appreciate the feedback...I've edited the title to reflect Ipswich, Massachusetts

Thank you!  yes 

Seriously, I DO, very much, appreciate it.  smiley

I wish you good hunting when you go.

1 Answer

+4 votes

Thomas has a Find A Grave that has no stone or burial location.

His son Nathaniel has a gravestone picture in his linked page for Old Burying Ground, Ipswich, MA.  One of his siblings is buried in a different cemetery in the area and the other siblings have no burial location.

Hopefully, it will finally get warm by the time you are in Massachusetts.  It has been a rainy and cold spring, to say the least, in New England. this year

by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (803k points)

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