Thompson line brick wall.

+6 votes
I have gathered notes that I can find online and half of them seem to be questions rather than answers or sources. To further complicate things, his mother apparently had no idea how to pick a name and stick with it. I also have no subscriptions whatsoever so many things are behind a paywall.

Any confirmed sources for parents and potential grandparents would be very appreciated.
WikiTree profile: William Thompson
in Genealogy Help by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (416k points)
retagged by Steven Tibbetts
updated what I know or believe in his bio, what few links to rumors and 1 source is in notes.

6 Answers

+5 votes

Have you clicked on "research" under his Name ID tab at the upper right on his profile?  This url is what you will see when you select Family Search records:

You can select Find A Grave also.  Here's his grave:   

Since his memorial has a different birth year than what is on his profile, I would add that (actually one year earlier) as the earlier range when researching Family Search and also add his middle initial.

Best of luck in your research.

by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (290k points)
Yes I clicked research. It is the main tool I use. I didn't however happen to find the FAG entry so it helps with him. The goal however was parents and grandparents. Thanks for the FAG though.
+4 votes

Here is the link to William and "Lecoadie"'s 1851 "Canada (did not exist yet, so whatever we were then)" census, if you scroll down a bit, you can get a jpeg version so you can see William.

not sure this helps, as I gather the parentage is in question.

Their marriage record is in the Drouin collection, so if someone who has access to that, can pull it down for you Leocadie Bois and William Tompson (no h) 1845-1864 in Postes-du-Roi and Les Escoumins and Betsiamites, Quebec.

by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (258k points)
It doesn't really tie them to William G but they are the most likely parents. However, at this rate I'm going to need a book to keep track of all the names this woman used. Seriously, it is all over the map. I also get Bois/ Wood/Woods as a LNAB.

What dribs and pieces I came up with I threw into William G under notes. Thanks for the new piece.
+4 votes

ok, don't know if the parents are correct, but William Tompson, of age, son of the late Peter Tompson and of Marie Julie Laviolette, residents of Rivière Papinachois, married Léocadie Bois, minor daughter of Joseph Bois and of Marie Médard, residents of Isle Verte, on 29 Oct 1849 in Postes du Roi Tompson/Bois marriage image (Drouin collection, membership required)

Postes du Roi is in Tadoussac. map free access

Rivière Papinachois you can find here , in French, no English available but there's a map.

by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (691k points)

You have your man born in New Brunswick, with a date, not sure where you can find records for that location.  Don't find him in 1871 census with those parents, there are several William Thompson of approximate correct age in NB, none with those parents.  Any idea if they moved around a lot?

Peter Thompson and Marie Laviolette had another son who married in this province:  Ludger Thompson, of age, resident of the parish of St-Georges de Cacouna, married Lucie Morneau, daughter of Michel Morneau and the late Josephte Caillouette, 29 Jul 1850 in Cacouna. Ludger's marriage, Drouin collection (membership)

I have a prospect for Léocadie Bois' baptism, the problem being that the priest didn't record the mother's name other than as Marie.  sigh.

Marie Léocade Bois, b 28 Feb 1828, bapt 29 Kamouraska, daughter of Joseph Bois and Marie. bapt. image Marie Léocade Bois Drouin collection (membership)

Kamouraska is on South shore of St-Lawrence river, but is actually not that far from Tadoussac where your woman married.  She is stated as being a minor on the marriage, so that fits.  The name Léocade is easily converted to Léocadie.  The 1851 census messes it up further, if done by anglophone would not have had a clue about it. wink  It's not a common name now but appears to have been popular in this era.

here we go, Joseph Bouai (sic), son of Jean Marie Bouai and of the late Marie Malenfant, married Marie Angelle on 2 May 1814 in Kamouraska. marriage image Joseph Bouai/Marie Angelle Drouin collection (membership)

Note that Marie Angelle has no last name on the record, she gets listed as Madore by Drouin Institute, the name is not on the record.  No parents are listed for her, the only witness on her side who has a relationship other than friend is Pierre Maurel ''père nourricier'' (foster father), so most likely she is a foundling and the name Madore (easily sounds like Médard, which is where that comes from) was a name she took for herself, it gets written Mador as well.

Unfortunately, since I don't have a full membership I'd need a full citation to make the profiles with. It does look right. 

If you look at the biography and notes I explain what I have so far. There is a census showing older William and Léocade Bois. I keep updating the notes but need the sources themselves. I so far have the 1851 canada census.

There is scattered info but no sources actually tying it together. I am even lacking a source tying William to his father William.

so where did you get the date of birth?  Find his baptism and it will name the parents.

Here's your citation to put under sources for Drouin Institute:

* Actes d'état civil et registres d'église du Québec (Collection Drouin), 1621 à 1997 -  Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection: Institut Généalogique Drouin IGD (membership)

I've written out all the pertinent data above for the rest.

It came from an online tree. Info but no source.
ouch, tag New Brunswick specifically then is my suggestion, I don't have knowledge on where to find things for there.
added your suggestion although some of it seems to lap over to quebec.
+3 votes
lol sounds like you're talking about my dad's runaway mom with the names. She was born Mertz, married my grandpa Thompson, ran away when the kids were small, dropped the H & P to make Tomson...I think there were more changes in there somewhere too.
by Lori Thompson G2G Crew (470 points)
With that little bit of info I have no clue how that ties in. I know my family seems to love brick walls, avoiding records, and name variations. I swear, most of them must have been hiding from the law or something.
Well, that is entirely possible! There is a family in Chester NS who have been squatting on a parcel of land since the late 1700's - they can stay as long as they pay taxes, but they can't sell it because my ancestor fudged his name on the land records before he sold it to them. The English weren't giving land grants to known or suspected smugglers.

It makes genealogy interesting for sure.  Even more so because there was (is?) a conspiracy of silence around smuggling. We all knew about it, but nobody talked about it, or wrote down anything specific.
+2 votes
Always glad to find someone interested in a William Thompsom since I am one.

My Thompson line moved through Roane Co., Tennesee in the 19th century.

I am currently documenting all Roane County Thompson's with census records trying to find further links to my great-great-grandfather  [[Thompson-31171|Capt. James R. Thompson]]. He fought for the Union 5th Tennessee Infantry  Co. B.

East Tennessee was heavily pro-Union. It is amazing the history you learn through genealogy.
by William Thompson G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)
+2 votes
It's familial.  I have a brick wall in Long Island with John Thompson, whose father or ancestor is supposed to be William Thompson - well, one of them, anyway, going back to Conectice in the 1600's, possibly Stonington, can't be sure, and it's maddening.  I'm not linking because I'm not asking.  Just comiserating.

by Sandi Strong G2G6 Mach 2 (28.9k points)

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