Badges of Barbara (Jackson) Wren

Here are the 4 earned badges of Barbara (Jackson) Wren. See badges and points Help for more information.

  • Honor Code Signatory
    Honor Code Signatory
    Signed the Wiki Genealogist Honor Code.
    25 Oct 2018 [Thank Barbara for this]

  • GEDCOM Equipped
    GEDCOM Equipped
    Experienced with the GEnealogical Data COMmunication standard. Uploaded a GEDCOM for matching.
    25 Oct 2018

  • Volunteer
    A genealogist who volunteered to help grow our shared family tree.
    25 Oct 2018
    CARBONNEAU: I have no idea how I am related to this surname except through my biological father who I never really knew. He was told who his parents were, but as a teenager was told his birth information was not correct. I have thousands of DNA matches that are a real puzzle. Both of my biological parents are deceased, but I have learned information that has clarified part of the puzzle. MAYFLOWER: A DNA cousin says depending the determination of who was my paternal grandmother I may be a Mayflower descendant and eligible for the DAR. Interesting story to sort out. BENJAMIN_FRANKLIN: Famous person I may be related to.
    [Thank Barbara for this]

  • DNA Tested
    DNA Tested
    Has taken a DNA test for genealogy.
    20 Oct 2018 [Thank Barbara for this]

Barbara (Jackson) Wren has made 0 contributions in June. Another 100 before midnight GMT on the last day of the month will earn the June Club 100 badge.

J  >  Jackson  |  W  >  Wren  >  Barbara (Jackson) Wren