Category: Geelong (1904)

Categories: 1900s Ships | Ships by Name

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Steel Twin Screw Steamer, 803 nhp, 7,954g 5,134n Tons

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- Voyages to Australia are dated by their arrival date at their final destination.
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The Ship Geelong was built 1904 in Whiteinch, Glasgow.
Geelong was a ship owned by the Blue Anchor Line, and, after 1910, by P&O. She was constructed in 1904 by Barclay, Curle and Co. Ltd., at Glasgow, Scotland. When originally constructed, she had accommodation for 120 saloon and 200 third-class passengers, and also carried cargo.

Voyages to South Australia include:

  • Tilbury Dock, London - Port Adelaide 6 December 1909 ➜ 18 January 1910
  • Tilbury Dock, London - Port Adelaide 25 May 1910 ➜ 7 July 1910
  • Tilbury Dock, London - Port Adelaide 12 October 1910 ➜ 25 November 1910
  • Tilbury Dock, London - Port Adelaide 2 March 1911 ➜ 12 April 1911
  • Tilbury Dock, London - Port Adelaide 22 May 1912 ➜ 4 July 1912
'Passengers in History', South Australian Maritime Museum
SS Geelong, Wikipedia

Subcategories (9)

This page was last modified 10:45, 16 August 2022. This page has been accessed 114 times.