Category: Szeligi, Ełk, Warmian-Masurian, Poland

Categories: Ełk County, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship

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Name: Szeligi, Ełk, Warmian-Masurian, Poland
(also known as Seliggen, Lyck, Ostpreußen, Preußen)
Wikipedia/WikiData:English wikipedia Q7664551
Map:OpenStreetMap Google
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps
Project / Team:Poland
See also:Ask questions in G2G using the tags Poland and Categorization
  • You may add profiles or pages to this category from any point in history with this text: [[Category: Szeligi, Ełk, Warmian-Masurian, Poland]]

Person Profiles (5)

11 Oct 1791 Seliggen, Kreis Lyck, Ostpreußen, Preußen, Deutschland
1818 Seliggen, Kreis Lyck, Ostpreußen, Preußen, Deutschland
08 Jul 1797 Seliggen, Kreis Lyck, East Prussia, Prussia, Germany
17 May 1820 Seliggen, Kreis Lyck, Ostpreußen, Preußen, Deutschland
1815 Seliggen, Kreis Lyck, Ostpreußen, Preußen, Deutschland

This page was last modified 20:19, 11 September 2023. This page has been accessed 11 times.