
Cemetery Trail - Editing Your Freespace Page

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Step Two in the Cemetery Trail is editing your cemetery freespace pages.

In the previous lesson we learned how to create a free space page, and now we are going to learn how to do some basic text manipulation within the page and add basic things like links to external websites and other WikiTree profiles.

This will give you the tools to personalize your Freespace Page as I discussed in the last lesson. Examples could include: external links, a list of notable burials, history of the cemetery, etc. While there are some guidelines and suggestions as laid out here the content is really up to you.

In the YouTube video below we will go through the basics of editing within a Freespace page. All of these principles will apply not only to freespace pages but can be used in WikiTree person profiles as well.

How to Edit Your Freespace Page
Step Two: Editing Your Freespace Page (click photo to see video).

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