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Donald Fraser Blane Obituary

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: May 2009 [unknown]
Location: Abbotsford, Fraser Valley Regional District, British Columbia, Canadamap
Surname/tag: [[Blane-146|Donald Fraser Blane]]
Profile manager: Jean Blane private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 26 times.

BLANE Donald Fraser 1908 - 2009 Don Blane was born in Railway Terrace, Bletchley, England on October 19th, 1908. He was the third of eight children born to Charles and May Blane.

While still attending school, Don started work as a gardener's helper on weekends and holidays. Don secured full time employment at Fenny Stratford Gas Light and Coke Company in 1923. As an office clerk, his pay was a little over a dollar per week.

He was an ambitious young man and spent much of his spare time continuing studies leading to membership in the Institute of Gas Engineers, of which he later became a Fellow.

Don married Ruby in 1931 and son Gareth was born February 1933. Prior to and during WWII, Don taught typing, shorthand and bookkeeping. As it turned out, he taught a number of officers working at Bletchley Park, who were responsible for breaking the German Code.

During WWII, Don served in the Civil Defense. Son Rex was born in January 1940. In 1946 Don fulfilled a dream by moving his family to the Isle of Wight, off the coast of southern England where he continued working in the gas industry.

In 1957 he emigrated to Vancouver, Canada along with Ruby and younger son, Rex. His elder son, Gareth had already started his own career and did not move to Canada. Upon his arrival in Vancouver, Don joined Inland Natural Gas Company.

After seventeen years and several promotions with Inland, a Terasen Gas Predecessor, he retired in 1974 as Vice President of Sales and Service. He had worked for over 50 years in the gas industry, in which he was rightly considered a pioneer. Soon after retirement, Don and Ruby moved to Mission and lived with their son and daughter-in-law, Rex and Kathryn. Ruby died there 29 March 1993.

The family later moved to Abbotsford and Don continued to be active in many community activities, also still doing some book-keeping for Rex. Don's greatest gift was his ability to adapt to change - from the days of the horse and buggy to modern technology. To maintain his health he swam and walked regularly. He played billiards several times each week and looked after his health.

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