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Grietje (Unknown) Borsboom

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1630 to 1685
Location: Schenectady, New Yorkmap
Surname/tag: Boorsboom
Profile manager: Weldon Smith private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 120 times.

Origin Controversy

The profile linked below is presented as an alternative to Grietje's current NNS PPP, which I consider non-conforming to Wikitree evidence standards.

Repeated requests to have Grietje's unevidenced parents disconnected from the PPP have been resisted by NNS and not well supported within the G2G community.

NNS insisted that if an ancestor is promulgated by many online trees, then no sources need be presented if instead the ancestor is tagged as uncertain. I hope they are wrong, but I found no authority or court of public opinion here that would dissuade NNS from its policy. Reading between the lines of their responses, I sensed that it would be too big a job to set the record straight. Fortunately, the other Projects I belong to do not operate like that.

Please follow [[1]] to my alternate profile for Grietje, which explains in detail why NNS' version of events is unfounded due to early errors in research and current lack of real evidence.

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