Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: meier, riglander, kuhn
Pauline Meier, my mother's grandmother and her brothers and sisters, were brought to the US from Steffiswil, Zurich, Switzerland after their mother's death from tuberculosis, by their paternal aunt, Margaret Kuhn and her husband Jacob,. Pauline, "Ma Elsaesser," married my mother's grandfather, German immigrant Karl Johann Elsaesser, "Pa Elsaesser." Her sister Sofia Margaret married Moses Montefiore Riglander "Uncle Momie" (or just "Momie.) Who was their mother? Who were Jacob and Margaret Meier's parents? What can be found about Steffiswil, probably now swallowed up by the nearby city of Zurich?
- Help with German handwriting on back of photo, c. 1880 Oct 30, 2019.
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