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Morning Mine Disaster 1936

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 6 Oct 1936 [unknown]
Location: Mullan, Shoshone County, Idahomap
Surnames/tags: Mining_Disasters Disasters Idaho
This page has been accessed 205 times.

Disasters | Mining Disasters | United States Mining Disasters | Morning Mine Lead Mine Disaster

Contact: United States Mining Disasters

History and Circumstances

  • Date: 6 Oct 1936
  • Location: Category:Mullan, Idaho
  • Victims: 10 deaths, 1 survivor (the cager)
  • Cause: Hoisting accident.

Mine Disaster Circumstances

Five men were hoisted up 3,050 feet with no problems.[1] Right after that, the cager left the cage and allowed six men to enter the lower deck making the total ten men on the hoist.[1][2] It was designed to move ore but was used to raise and lower men and ore.[2] The cage was lowered until flush with the station floor. While the cager was opening the doors the rope broke about 1,200 feet above the cage.[1][3] All ten men were killed.[1][2][3] Five of those men left families behind.[3]
Name Sourced Bio Connected Category
Rex Mitheletta
Harry McGowan
Andrew Kese
August Siponene
Carl Donaldson
William R. Buchanan
Jerry Phelan
Cleo Purcell
Elmer Woodworth
Louis Goff


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 United States Mine Rescue Association. "All Mine Disasters in the United States: Idaho" (, accessed 3 February 2020.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Cash, Frank E. "Accidents from Hoisting and Haulage at Metal and Nonmetallic Mines" (MI: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1955), p. 8.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Unnamed, "Body of Tenth Mine Tragedy Victim Found." Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah),7 October 1936.



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