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Moses Wall 1623 Will

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Bibliographic Notes

Transcript below, emphasis added, from Frank Farnsworth Starr and James Junius Goodwin, English Goodwin family papers : being material collected in the search for the ancestry of William and Ozias Goodwin ..., 3 vols. (Hartford, Conn. : [s.n.], 1921), 1:353-359 (Moses Wall of Braintree, clother); digital images, Hathi Trust.

Abbreviated version of the will also published, see Henry F. Waters, Genealogical Gleanings in England multiple vols. (Boston : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1901), 2:1130 (Moses Wall of Braintree ... clothier, 1623); digital images, InternetArchives.

Moses Wall 1623 Will

In the Name of God Amen. I Moses Wall of Braintree in the Countie of Essex Clother being sick in body but of parfitt memorie god be praised doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First and principally I bequeave my Soulle ino the hands of Allmightie God assuredly lokeing for the free pardon of all my sines and so after this life to rest in eternall happines throwe the alone merrits of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redemer my body I committ to Christian buriall and as consarning my wordly goods which God hath given me I dispose of them as followeth Item I give and bequeave unto Ann my well beloved wife all that my coppy hould messuage or tenementt in the parish of Litell Bromely in the Countie of Essex with all the apertinances duering her naturall life she keeping the howse in reparationes and doeing noe wast. Item I give and bequeave unto Moses Wall my sonne and his heires all those my lands meadowes and pastures lyinge in Hattfillde brodoke in the Countie of Essex aforesaide Allso I give and bequeave unto the said Moses my sonne and his heires all that my customarie or coppiehould meassage or tenementt lyeinge in Braintrie aforesaid Provided alwayes my will and meaning is that my wife shall have the benefitt of all my tenements and lands aforesaid untell Moses my sonne shall be thought fitt by my wife and Overseers or two of them to goe to Cambridge And that all my foresaied lands given unto him shall be for his maintinance thare Provided that he be placed at Cambridge under shuch Tutors as my wife and Overseers shall apointe him to be under or aney two of them Or ells my will is that the rentes and profitts of these my lands formerly given unto my saied sonne for his maintinance thare in Cambridge shall then hollie remaine to the use and benefitt of my wife untell he accomplish his age of twenty one yeres Allso my will further is that if my sonne be not thought fitt to be placed at Cambridge by my wife and Overseers or two of them at the least That then also my wife shall resaive and in joye the rentes and profitts of the lands given unto my sonne during his minoritie. It I give and bequeave unto my two daughters Lidda Wall and Mary Wall the somme of three hundered and fiftie pounds or ether of them of good and lawfull money of Ingland to be paied to ether of them as followeth that is two hundered pounds to ether of them at thare severall ages of eightene yeares and one hundred and fiftie pounds to ether of them at thare severall ages of twenty one years Provided allwayes that if it happen that one of my daughters departt this life before she attaine the age of eaightene yeares and without lawfull issue then I will that the portion of her or them so dyeing shall be and remaine to such two children as I shall have liveing and the survivor of them To be paied at such time and times as it should have bene paied to such child or children deseaced if they had lived. It I give and bequeave unto the poore peoplle of this parish of Braintrie wharein I dwell the some of thre pounds six shillines eaight pence To be paied within twellve monthes next after my deseace to be given out at the discretion of my Excutrix. It I give and bequeave to my very loving frindes as a token of my love vz To M'. Collines of Braintrie Mr Daniell Rogers of Wetherfilld M? Pamfritt of Bocking M". Buckly of Liees M' Wharton of Fellsted and to M”. Blackerbie twentye shillines a pece. It I give and bequeave unto John Talkutt my sonne in lawe and to Rachell Taylcott and to Sara Taylcott my daughters in law five pounds a pece. It I give and bequeave to these my workmen vz To John Long George Billingalle Thomas Wilkinson John Clark and to his wiffe and to Robard Kellogg William Ventris and John Spring ten shillines a pece. It I give to John Princett Richard Claye and to William Portter six shillines eight pence a peece. It I give unto John Jacob my aprentice twentye shillines upon this condition that he shall honestlie and faithfully sarve out his time with my wife which he was to have sarved with me or ellse not. And allso my will is that all the small legaces aforesaied be paied with in one yere next after my deseace except John Jacobs and his to be paid with in thre yeares after my deseace. It I give and bequeave unto my loveing Brethern Nickolas Wall and John Wall fortye shillines a peece to make ether of them a ring And to my other Brethren Bartellmew Wall and to Daniell Wall ten shillines a peece in token of my love Allso I give unto John Wall and Daniell Wall the sonnes of my brother Nickolas Wall ten shillings a peece Provided allwayes my will and meaning is that if it happen that Moses my sonne depart this life before his age of twentye one yeares and without lawfull issue that then all my landes messages and tenamentes whatsoever shall be equally devided betwixt my two daughters or if one or both of my daughters happen to die before eightine years of age and without lawfull issue Then the survivor or survivores of my chilld or chilldren to have the holle estate before given in this my Will ether in money or landes to such chilld or chilldren deseaced. It I give and bequeave unto Moses Wall my sonne and his heires all those my customarie landes marshes tenimentes and hereditamentes lyeinge in Fingregoe in Essex emediately after my wiffes deseace And further my will and meaning is that if it should happen that my sonne Moses shold depart this liffe before his age of twenty one yeares and without lawfull issue And my daughters likewise doe depart this life before thare severall ages of eightine years and without lawfull issue so as that all my chilldren dye as aforesaied Then I give and devise my marshes and lands in Fingregoe to An my wiffe and har haires. Also I give and bequeave my lands and tenements in Hatfeilld brodoke to John Wall sonne of my brother Nickolas Wall and his heieres for ever after my wives deseace. It I give and bequeave to Daniell Wall one other of the sonnes of the saied Nickolas Wall all my coppyhould messuage or tenimentt in Littell Bromly to him the saied Daniell Wall and his heires for ever. It I give and bequeave to John Tayllcote my sonne in law and his haires All my messuage or tenementt liinge in Braintrie after my wifes deseace. It I give to my verye loving frinde Thomas Fitch of Bocking fortye shillings to make him a ring. Allso I give and bequeave to my loving sister Mary Peeres Widow Six poundes thirtine shillines fower pence Likewise these smale legices to be paied with in one yeare after my deseace And further my will and minde is that my Executrix or Executors hereafter named thare executors administrators or assignes shall and will with the advice of Counsel and derecktion of my brother Nickolas Wall and my loving frinde Thomas Fitch of Bocking or thare assignes lay out to purchase within eightene monthes next after my deseace the full some of fower hundred poundes in massage landes or tenimentes which shall be to the use of my wife for her life and after her deseace to my sonne Moses and his heirs for ever Provided allwayes that if my sonne Moses dye before his age of twenty one yeares and with out lawfull issue That then the saied massages landes or tenimentes so purchised shall be and remaine to my two daughters and thare haires or the survivor of them after my wives death And my will and meaning is that my wife shall not have take or resaive aney benefitt or advantage for aney thurdes or dowrey out of any message tenamentes or landes given to my sonne for his presant maintinance lying in Hattfilld and Braintrie aforesaied But shall aquite release and discharge the same upon the request of my Overseres or supervisors of this my Will or one of them and upon the conditiones hereafter expressed I make and ordaine An my welbeloved wife my sole Executrix of this my last Will unto whome I give all my moveable goodes whatsoever unbequeaved she paying my debtes and legises and bringing up my children But upon this condition that she shall within foretene dayes next after my deseace enter bond of fiftine hundred poundes unto my loving Brother Nickolas Wall and Thomas Fitch aforesaid whome I make Overseers of this my Will in due forme of lawe with condition to prove this my last Will with in two monthes next after my deseace and to pay all the legises at the dayes and times apointed And well and truely to performe every p. of this my last Will As well in laying out the some of fower hundred poundes for landes or tenements to be purchased as aforesaid and to releace har thardes to Moses har sonne as allso for every thinge in this my foresaied will expressed whatsoever And that allso if she shall agree to marrie againe with aney man That he before the day of his mariage with her shall enter the like bond with the like condition with such suffecientt suerties as shall be thought fitt by my saide brother Nickolas Wall and Thomas Fitch or thare assignes Provided allwayes that if my wife doe not enter bond as aforesaied then I ordaine and make my brother Nickolas Wall and Thomas Fitch Executores of this my last Will containing fower sheetes of paper whome I putt in very great trust to see this my last Will per- formed And I will them all charges and expences by them to be layed out ether for Counsell or other expences aboute purchising of the saied landes as aforesaied As allso for aney other charge whatsoever shalbe layed out about the seing of this my Wille to be executed and performed And I do hereby revoke and counter- mand all former Willes and have hereunto set my hand and sealle this sixtene day of September and in the yeare of our Lord God 1623.

Memorandum My will and minde further is that if it hapen that my sonne Moses dye before he come to the age of twenty one yeares and without lawfull issue so that the landes messages or tenaments fall to my daughtores as aforesaid notwithstanding my will and minde is thay shall not resaive aney benifitt of them untell after the deseace of my wife but she wholy to have the use and benefitt of them during her natural life and then to remaine to the use and benifites of my daughtores as aforesaied—Moses Wall (LS)-Sealled and delivered in the preswnce of us—William Goodwin—George Steares.

Be it knowne that whereas I Moses Wall of Brayntree in the County of Essex Clothier have made my last Will and Testamt. in writinge bearing date the sixteenth day of September last past and have thereby charged my wife yf she takes upon her to be my Execut'. with the paym'. of legacies to my twoe daughters (viz to each) of them three hundred and fiftie pounds a peece) And to lay out foure hundred pounds for a purchase of lands and tenemts, as by the same my last Will may appeare Nowe havinge since considered wth myselfe that much of my estate doth lye in wares ready made and in debts and that yf there shall happen contrary to my expectation to be losse in the debte wch are owing unto me in the sale or utteringe of anie of my wares wch are ready made and lying by me It is not my meaning that the whole bur- then and losse thereof should lye upon my wife Executo". Therefor I doe hereby declare and expresse my meaninge therein to be That whatsoever loss shall happen in and by the said debts and sale or utteringe of anie of the said wares that the same shalbe equallie and indifferentlie borne and abated by my twoe daughters out of their severall legacies and out of the CCCCi to be laide out for the purchase of lande and by my wife out of Twoe hundred pounds beinge so much as I account her parte will amount unto out of the personall estate wch shee shall have as Executo' every one of them proporconably accordinge to the losse And yf there shall happen to be such losse in and by the saide debts and sale or utteringe of the saide wares and therby soe much abatem that my saide twoe daughters may not have and receive of my wife Executor CCCi a peece of their severall legacies of CCCC Then my will and meaning is further that my son Moses his heirs or assignes out of my Coppihold messuage lande and tenemtes in Litle Bromeley in the saide County of Essex shall within twoe yeares nexte after the decease of the said wife pay unto either of my saide twoe daughters wch shall be then livinge att or in my nowe dwelling house in Brayntree fiftie pounde a peece or soe much money not exceedinge 5011 a peece as shall make up their severall legacies CCC"i a peece and yf my said sonne Moses his heires or assignes shall faile in the paymt and shall not pay within the tyme aforesaid the said several summes of 501i unto my saide twoe daughters or soe much (not exceedinge 50'i a peece) as shall make upp their severall legacies CCC a peece Then my minde is and I give and bequeath my said Coppihold messuage lands & tenem's in Litle Bromeley wth the appurtenances to my saide twoe daughters and theire heires for ever And yf my saide sonne Moses his heires & assignes shall pay such money as aforesaid to one of my said daughters & shall make defaulte of paymt therof to the other Then I give and bequeath the one halfe and moity of my said coppihold messuage lande and tenemts in Litle Bromeley aforesaid to her my said daughter wch shall be unpaide and to her heires for ever And for and concerninge all other things in my saide last Will mencioned (other then this explanacion of my Will and meaninge) I doe by this presente Codicill confirme and ratifie the said laste Will And my will is that this Codiale or Scedule be and be accounted & adiudged to be parcell of my last Will as if the same were there in mencioned. In witnes whereof to this presente Codicill I have sett my hand & seale the sixteenth day of October Anno Domini 1623—Moses Wall (LS)-Sealed signed & published in the presence of us W. Lyngwood—John Spring-George Stares.

The will together with codicil attached was probated before the Rev. William Eyre, knight, LL.D., Commissioner, on Jan. 23d, 1623/24 on the oath of Anne Wall, relict of the deceased, and executrix, etc. To her was entrusted, etc. She took oath, etc, before Samuel Collins, clerk and deputy commissioner, etc, and known as such to all men.

Byrde, 6.


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