Location: Chambers, Alabama, United States

Surname/tag: Burton Sharecropping
See Andrew Jackson Burton (1835-1920)
1865 sharecropping agreement Andrew Burton
- By:K. H. Burton
- Date: 2/17/2003, 10:03 pm
The State of Alabama
Chambers County
An agreement entered into between Andrew J. Burton and his former Slaves is this day the 25 of July 1865 reduced to writing and witnessed. Andrew J. Burton on the 1st part Obligates himself to feed clothe furnish houses fuel and pay their medical bills for the present year in compensation for their labour. And the above former Slaves on the other part whose names are annexst Obligate themselves to labour faithful for the said Andrew J. Burton and do any and all kind of work he suits them at for the present year for their Actual clothes house room fuel and medical bills paid when surgeons are called by the said Andrew J. Burton.
Andrew J. Burton
- Rosa 60
- Lucy 60
- Siller 55
- Mary 45
- Isaac 43
- Sukey 34
- Jane 32
- Jeff 28
- George 26
- Nathan 22
- George 17
- Mills 17
- 15
- Minors
- Mela 13
- Sena 13
- Margrette 12
- Milt 13
- Rie 11
- Mandy 10
- Lucy 10
- Ben 10
- Henna 10
- Alph 8
- Luda 8
- Catherine 8
- John 5
- Puss 4
- Joe 4
- Peter 4
- William 3
- Laura 3
Witness Joseph Namly
George T----ly
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