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The Early Duncans of Clark County, Kentucky

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Date: 1792 to 1860
Location: Clark, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Duncan
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Duncan research files of Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson,
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised October 28, 2014

Formed 1792 from Bourbon, Fayette
Montgomery formed 1796 from Clark
Estill formed 1808 from Clark, Madison
Powell formed 1852 from Clark, Estill, Montgomery


Duncans who lived in this County

  1. William James Duncan (1773-1842)

1792 to 1809

  • Andrew Dunkin to Frances Colliver, dau. of Joseph Colliver (consent), surety Jonathan Bryan, 10 July 1793.
  • Elizabeth Duncan, dau. of Joseph Duncan (consent) to Thomas Embree, wit. James Duncan, surety James Jackson, 24 Aug. 1795.
  • John Duncan to Sally Bush, dau. Sary Bush (consent), wit. James Duncan, surety Joseph Bush, 30 Jan. 1797.
  • Sally Duncan, dau. of James & Elizabeth Duncan (consent), to Joseph Bush, surety William Duncan, 29 July 1797.
  • Peggy Duncan to James Daniel, surety Joseph Duncan, 9 Feb. 1799.
  • Nancy Duncan to Charles Daniels, surety Joseph Duncan, 14 Aug. 1800.
  • James Dunkin to Nancy Tillery, dau. of Thomas Tillery (consent), wit. Elizabeth McMurry, surety Radford McCargo, 20 Dec. 1801. (MAD: 20 Dec. 1806 from other records)
  • John Duncan to Peggy Redman, surety Wm. Redman, 9 Dec. 1808.
  • Joseph Duncan to Polly Brooks, surety John Breckenridge, 8 May 1809
  • Fielding Duncan to Peggy Matthews, dau. of Peter Matthews (consent), wit. Lewis Grigsby, surety James Mysee?, 28 Dec. 1809.

1810 Clark Co. KY Census

Pg.126 Duncan, Joshua 11101 - 21301
127 Duncan, James 12010 - 21010
127 Duncan, John W. 00001 - 10110
127 Duncan, Joseph 01001 - 02001
127 Duncan, Joseph 00100 - 10100
Polly Duncan married to Wm. Anderson, surety Joshua Duncan, 3 Feb. 1810.
Thomas Duncan to Elender Brooks, surety H. Brooks, 18 Dec. 1810.
John Duncan to Mary Strode, surety John Strode, 6 Jan. 1811. (MAD: 6 June 1811 instead of Jan., from other sources)
Sally Duncan to Jacob Vert Jr., surety Joshua Duncan, 21 Oct. 1811.
David Duncan to Luvicia Halsell, dau. of John Halsell (consent), wit. William Halsell, surety, 12 Sept. 1812. (MAD: ?? Fayette Co. KY 1820)
Diane Duncan, dau. of Joseph Duncan (consent), to Wharton Lampton, wit. Cary K. Duncan, surety Chas. Gilkey, 22 Dec. 1812.
William Duncan to Jemima McIntire, dau. of Francis McIntire (consent), wit. Thomas Cofer, surety Hugh McIntire, 6 Sept. 1816.
Nancy S. Duncan, dau. James D. Duncan (consent), married to Morgan Wright, wit. Willis Collins, surety Cary K. Duncan, 10 Dec. 1816.
Betsy Duncan, dau. of James Duncan Sr. (consent), married to William Lester, surety Elisha Duncan, (date missing on Mildred's list). (MAD: 11/21/1817)

1820 Clark Co. KY Census

Pg. 80 John W. Duncan 200001 - 11010
91 Elizabeth Duncan 110000 - 10110
92 James Duncan 000011 - 00101
97 Joseph Duncan 010101 - 00101
100 John Duncan 220001 - 20010
103 Seth Duncan 100100 - 40100
105 James B. Duncan 100100 - 00100
(MAD: James B. Duncan mar. Ann Ramey 5/24/1819 Mason Co. KY)
Asa Duncan married to Frances Bush, surety Joseph Bush, 16 March 1825.

1830 Clark Co. KY Census

(semi-alphabetic) Pg.102 Joshua Duncan 2100,1 - 1000,1 (MAD: ? one Joshua mar. Winney McIntire 8/4/1824; see 1850 Montgomery Co. KY) William Duncan 2000,01 - 2220,01 106 James B. Duncan 0100,22 - 2100,1 Winchester

1840 Clark Co. KY Census

Pg.269 Richd. Duncan 2100,001 - 1010,01
(MAD: ?? 1850 Obion Co. TN?; see also Hickman Co. KY)
285 Jas. B. Duncan 0101,011 - 0011,101
287 Jesse Duncan, Col. free colored
293 Sarah Bradley 02 - 0023,101
295 Wm. A. Duncan 0000,1 - 0000,1
295 Margaret Duncan 0001 - 0000,1001
  • Amanda M. Duncan married to Joshua Paris, surety John D. Gray, consent of Jabez Dooley, gdn, of Joshua Paris; age of Amanda M. Duncan proven by Joshua Duncan; 8 Feb. 1842.

1850 Clark Co. KY Census

District 2 Pg.33, #464, William DUNCAN 55 KY laborer Gemima 55 KY John 20, Isabella 23 KY Gemima 19, Ann 23 KY Catharine E. 16, Isaiah 17 KY Pg.42, #599, Jesse DUNCAN 49 VA laborer BLACK Pg.44, #626, Charles A. ALLGAIER 28 PA Mary F. 25 KY, children & 3 others Joseph DUNCAN 53 KY physician (MAD: Dr. Joseph Duncan of Winchester, KY, mar. Miss Mary Ellen, dau. of Isaac N. Renton of Zanesville, OH, 5/29/1845, from pg.112, "KY Marriages 1797-1865" by G. Glenn Clift, from Lexington Observer and Reporter; Joseph Duncan mar. Mary Newton 5/29/1845 Muskingum Co. OH, from mar. record) District 1 Pg.56, #110, Charles DUNCAN 27 KY school teacher Sally 25 KY James W. 6, John 4, David 6/12 KY David SNOWDEN 21 KY none (MAD: from Jessamine Co. KY; Mason Co. KY deed) Pg.72, #330, Jesse DUNCAN 85 VA laborer BLACK Suky 70 VA BLACK Pg.91, #620, William R. DUNCAN 32 KY farmer $18000 Mary 23 KY Pg.91, #621, Margaret DUNCAN 72 KY $3000 Sally 40 KY insane Thomas 30 KY idiotic (MAD: ? widow of John W. who d. 1836)

1860 Clark Co. KY Census

District 2 Pg.815, #110, William DUNCAN 41 KY farmer $26,000-$24,700 Mary 32 KY Nannie 7, Henry C. 4, James C. 1 KY Charles DEAVENPORT 26 VA farm laborer (MAD: 1870 McLean Co. IL census) Pg.815, #111, Margaret DUNCAN 78 PA (blank) $6,900-$0 Sally 50 KY $0-$4000 Winchester Pg.874, #508, Thornton LEWIS 65 KY farmer $81,120-$20,500 Emma 45 KY Mary A. 12, Sydney A. 9, Clara B. 6 KY Joseph DUNCAN 60 KY physician $0-$0 Valentine BUSH 28 KY clerk $0-$10,000 Henry G. 4, Lelia (f) 2 KY

==1870 Clark Co. KY Census== (pg.116 also from Kathy Cawley 2/2002) Goodes Precinct, P.O. Winchester Pg.27, #65-66, DUNCAN, David 20 KY (white) farmer $0-$400 Mary 22 KY housekeeping (no children) Precinct 4, P.O. Winchester Pg.48, #187-204, TATE, Zachariah 57 KY (white) farmer $1600-$1200 Maria 50 KY keeping house Zachariah D. 20, Telitha (f) 16 KY at home James B. 15 KY farm laborer Roland R. 13, Buford A. (m) 11 KY works at home R.T.D. (m) 9 KY at home DUNCAN, Joseph 70 KY retired physician TATE, Betsey 75 KY THACKER, John 10 KY BLACK works at home Precinct 6, P.O. Winchester Pg.89, #86-89, GRIGSBY, Sally 78 KY keeping house $8000-$1100 FAGAN, Caroline 56 KY (white) at home DUNCAN, Margaret 60 KY BLACK cook Winchester Precinct Pg.112, #56-56, Asa BEAN 55 KY farmer $100,000-25,460 Anna W. 34 KY John RICHARDSON 65 VA Mary A. 35 KY Hattie 12 KY (MAD: Mrs. Asa Bean a sister of William R. Duncan who died age 56 in 1876 McLean Co. IL, formerly of Clark Co. KY; she of North Middletown, Bourbon Co. KY) Pg.116, #122-122, BROOKE, Nelson (m) 35 KY BLACK farm laborer $0-$0 Maria 24 KY BLACK house keeping Mary 3, Roger (m) 1 KY BLACK HILL, Henry 30 KY MULATTO Works in distillery WHISIKER, William 22 KY BLACK Works in distillery DUNCAN, Alex 24 KY BLACK Works in distillery Pg.116, #123-123, DUNCAN, John 35 KY BLACK Horse jockey Nancy 30 KY BLACK House keeping Samuel 4 KY BLACK Town of Winchester Pg.129, #115-135, FRENCH, Mary 64 KY (white) keeping house $12800-$700 James H. 47 KY retired farmer $10,000-$5000 Richard 28 KY clerk in store $3800-$5000 Pg.129, #116-136, BRIGHT, Mary E. 10 KY (white) at home $4300-$0 Bettie F. 8 KY at home $4300-$0 DUNCAN, Litha (f) 45 KY BLACK domestic servant Lucy 15 KY BLACK domestic servant James 14 KY BLACK works at home


Clark Co. KY Marriage Bonds 1793-1850 (courthouse 8/1985, copied by mother of Mildred Troesch; from Mildred 3/1986 with permission to share)

  • Charles J. Duncan to Sarah Ann Snowden, dau. Joshua Snowden (consent), surety J.E. Allen, 2 Sept. 1843.
  • Dolly Duncan to Nicholas Aldridge, surety James Duncan, 26 Oct. 1826.
  • Elisha Duncan to Elizabeth Reed, surety George Reed, 16 Oct. 1822. (MAD: d. Gallatin Co. KY 1828)
  • Elizabeth Duncan to Asa Acton, surety David P. Bullock, consent of John Grigsby, gdn. of Elizabeth Duncan, 7 --- 1837.
  • Elizabeth Duncan, dau. of John Duncan (consent), to Alfred Bowren, surety George Herndon, 6 Feb. 1827.
  • James D. Duncan to Nancy M. Davis, surety John Anderson, 17 Jan. 1849.
  • James M. Duncan to Catharine Jordan, surety Sharsell Jordan, 23 Nov. 1826.
  • John Duncan to Frances Holms, surety Harrison Jacobs, 2 Sept. 1829.
  • John Duncan to Emily Guinn, surety Edward Guinn, 3 April 1838.
  • Joshua Duncan to Winney McIntire, surety Hugh McIntire, 4 Aug. 1824.
  • Joshua Duncan to Harriett Ross, surety George Scabee, 10 Nov. 1843. (MAD: 1850 Montgomery Co. KY)
  • Julia Duncan, dau. of Ann Duncan (consent), to Cyrus S. Brown, wit. Eliza C. Brasfield, surety Wm. Brasfield, 29 Aug. 1843.
  • Lucretia Duncan to Enoch Hampton, surety James Duncan, 5 April 1831.
  • Nancy Duncan to Edward Paris, surety Wm. Duncan, 4 Feb. 1834.
  • Ruth Ann Duncan to Washington Scott, surety John K. Wheat & John Grigsby, consent of John Grigsby, gdn. of Ruth Ann, 23 April 1835.
  • William Duncan to Sarah Elizabeth Allen, surety Joseph Duncan, 11 Feb. 1843.
  • William R. Duncan to Mary Quisenberry, surety Robert J. Didlake, consent Samuel Chorn, 2 Jan. 1849.
  • William R. Duncan, son of John W. Duncan (consent), to Nancy A. Redmon, surety William T. Redmon, 8 Sept. 1835.

== Deaths:==

  • Margaret Duncan, age 79, d. Sept. 1861, b. Clark Co., parents Wm. & Margaret Redmond.

Clark Co. KY Marriages 1852-1861 (FHL film 216,820 item 3)

1856, June 17, Mr. Asa L. Bean of Clark Co. KY, age 24, single, b. Clark Co. to Mary Qoster?, single, age 18, by TN (MAD: looking for sister of William R. Duncan who d. 1876 McLean Co. IL; no Asa Been/Bean 1850 KY census index)


Go to the Clark Co. KY Estate Records


Go to the Clark Co. KY Land Records


Go to the Clark Co. KY Court Records


"A Transcript of the first record book of Providence Church, Clark County, Kentucky" transcribed by George F. Doyle; typescript (FHL film 183,192; extracts from Louis Boone 9/1984) First known as one of the Traveling Churches of Virginia and after its location [in town of Holston, near Craig Station, Sept. 1783] in Kentucky as Howard's Creek Church, until the division in 1790 when it took the name of Providence Church containing the records of the proceedings of the church from 1780 to 1833. Pg.1: Hannah Dunkin indexed; not found Pg.15: Grace Duncan received 5 June 1791 Pg.19: Joseph and Nancy Duncan received 10 May 1793 Pg.20: James and Elizabeth Duncan received 18 Oct. 1793 Pg.24: Sary Dunkin received 11 June 1796 Pg.29: Joseph Dunkins received 6 Aug. 1797 Pg.31: James Dunkin, misconduct, 8 Sept. 1798 Pg.31: Mary Dunkans received 10 -- 1798 Pg.32: Nancy, Mary, Sary, Margsto (sic) Dunkans received 20 Oct. 1798 Pg.35: James Dunkin received 8 March 1800 Pg.40: Gary Dunkin dismissed 8 Aug. 1801 Pg.47: Dunkers Grace (sic) dismissed 1802 Pg.47: Joseph Dunkin indexed Pg.50: James and Elizabeth Dunkin dismissed 14 Jan. 1804 Pg.67: Diana Duncan received 24 Sept. 180- Pg.68: Lucinda Duncan received 9 Dec. 1810 Pg.86: Diane Duncan dismissed 11 Feb. 1815 Pg.97: Jemima Duncan received 12 Nov. 1817 Pg.106: Jemima Duncan dismissed July 1819 Pg.116: Nancy Duncan indexed Pg.117: Nancy Duncan indexed Pg.128: Lucinda Duncan indexed Pg.133: Joseph Duncan died 25 Mar. last (1826) Pg.144: Joseph Duncan indexed

Copy of Newspaper Obit

(date, locality and name of newspaper not given) (from Nancy Ruff 10/1988; a friend of hers is researching Henry Croxton (1807-1868) who m. Ann (Nancy) Redmon in 1833; see Clark Co. KY) Well Known Man is Dead. Colonel J.H. Croxton Passes Away at a Ripe Old Age. Colonel Joseph H. Croxton passed away Thursday morning at five o'clock at his country home near this city. He had been in declining health for the past two years, but was seldom confined to his room. In the spring time of this year he lost one of the dearest treasures of his life, his daughter Annie Bright Croxton ... Colonel Croxton was born in Bourbon Co. January 4, 1841. He was the son of Henry and Ann Redmon Croxton. In boyhood he came to this county and made his home with his cousin, William R. Duncan, in the house which his family now occupy. While a boy he met Eliza W. Wornall, a charming young girl of the neighborhood where he resided ... (4 children) They observed their Golden wedding two years ago ... (soldier of Confederacy; brother John J. Croxton in Union army; Minister to Bolivia under President Grant; farmer) ... (MAD: his age at death not given) MAD: Mrs. Nancy A. Duncan, wife of William R. Duncan, died 7/30/1848 age 30 years. (From "KY Obituaries 1787-1854" by G. Glenn Clift; from Lexington, KY, Observer & Reporter issue of 8/16; FHL book 976.9 V28c) MAD: William R. Duncan died near Towanda [McLean Co.], IL, Sept. 29th [1876], age about 58 years; he was a frequent visitor to his old home in Clark Co. and to his sister in North Middletown, Mrs. Asa Bean; he leaves a wife and several children. (from Oct. 11, 1876, issue of Paris [Bourbon Co. KY] True Kentuckian; from pg.137, "KY Ancestors" Vol.17#3, Jan. 1982; from Nancy Irwin 9/1987)


Bath Co. KY Deed (FHL film 272,983) E-112: 12 Oct. 1824, Thomas Duncan of Barren Co. KY to David Bunch of Bath Co., for $200 in notes on Bank of KY equal in value to $100 in gold and silver coin of US, 56-3/4 acres on Slate Creek, part of 573 acres divided between heirs of Abijah Brooks decd by order of Clarke Co. court, land allotted in division aforesaid to "Abijah Duncan (senr. deceased)" as one of heirs of afsd. Abijah Brooks decd "& to which the said Thomas is entitled as heir at law to his said deceased senr." (sic) adj. Butlers branch. /s/ M. Lane, attorney (later "Micha" Lane)

Bourbon Co. KY Deed, Vols.34-35 1833-1837 (FHL film 183,121) 35-469/470: 11 Nov. 1836, Jeremiah Duncan as commissioner for and on behalf of Elizabeth Duncan and John Strode Duncan infant children of John Duncan decd, and Washington Scott and wife Ruth Ann late Ruth Ann Duncan, and John Grigsby of Countys of Bourbon and Clarke, State of KY, to Joseph Hildreth Senr. of afsd, in consideration of a decree of the Clarke Circuit Court on the petition of John Grigsby guardian of said John and Elizabeth Duncan directing a sale of the land hereby conveyed and of the sum of $3447.50 in one and two payments, sell the tract of 41 acres and 90/100 of an acre on Kennedys Creek in said county of which John Duncan died seized and possessed, being part of the tract of 54 acres 3 roods and 18 poles of land, bounded ... corner to Washington Kennedy's heirs, then ... corner with Joseph Hildreth, then ... stake in the centre of the Holders Road, then ..., from this boundary is excepted 12 acres 3 roods and 32 poles, being the interest of Ruth Ann Scott in the land afsd exclusive of the widows's third, which land was sold at public auction on yesterday and said Hildreth became the purchaser at $82.60 per acre, together with all the premises etc. /s/ Jeremiah Duncan, Washington Scott, Ruth Ann Scott, (blank). The deed was ack. 11 Nov. 1836 by Jeremiah Duncan (as commissioner) and Washington Scott and his wife Ruth Ann. Recorded 16 June 1837. (FHL film 183,121) (Indexed as 41.31 acres)

Breckinridge Co. KY Deed (SLC 9/10/2012) C-495/497: 12 March 1816, Henry Haynes and wife Pheba of Breckenridge Co. KY to Elizabeth Jennings late Elizabeth Duncan, Nancy Dunkin, James Dunkin, Sally Vert late Sally Dunkin, Polly Anderson late Polly Dunkin, William Dunkin, Fancy? Dunkin, Isabela Dunkin, and Joshua Dunkin, all of them legal heirs and representatives of Joshua deceased late of Clark Co. KY; that whereas Henry Haynes on 10 May 1815, gave his obligation to convey to said Joshua deceased a certain tract of land where he lived on containing 198-1/2 acres, which bond was in the following words, ... this shall oblige me ... to cause to be conveyed 198-1/2 acres of land including the place where I now live on the waters of Tuels Creek, Breckenridge Co, to John Dunkin or his representatives by first April next at which time possession is to be given, ... /s/ 27 May 1815, Henry Haynes, wit. Chas. Clarkson and Jacob Vert; in consideration of said bond, Joshua Dunkin gave his obligation to the said Henry Haynes for $950, $95 of which sum the said Henry Haynes and Pheba his wife ack. receipt at the time of making the contract, $560 they have this day received from Thomas Wornall the admin. of said Joshua Duncan decd, and the balance of the $950 to be paid in two equal annual payments from 1st of April next; now in consideration of such, Henry Haynes and Pheba his wife convey to said Elizabeth Jennings, Nancy Dunkin, James Dunkin, Sally Vert, Polly Anderson, William Dunkin, Sidney Dunkin, Isabela Dunkin, and Joshua Dunkin, the representatives of said Joshua Dunkin decd, a parcel of land in Breckenridge Co. on waters of Tuels Creek containing 154 acres, being part of a tract of 179 acres which was deeded to said Haynes by William Hardin and Susanna his wife on 31 Dec. 1812, beg. at corner to Henry Gees, then ... line of Wm. Mays 2,000 acre survey, then ... down the branch with the meanders to the beginning, also another tract adj. the above containing 45 acres 3 roods and 34 poles, being part of a tract conveyed to said Henry Haynes on 22 July 1815 by above William Hardin and wife Susanna which contains 62? acres, beg. Richard Bards? land, then ... corner to Henry Greer, then ... to the beginning, each is a part of the said tracts conveyed to said Haynes by said Hardin & wife, will warrant title to above 198-1/2 acres. /s/ Henry Haynes, Phebey Haynes. They ack. the deed and Pheba relinquished her right of dower, March 12, 1816. (FHL film 422,080; SLC 9/10/2012)

Fleming Co. KY Deed (FHL film 343,976) F-108: 9 Sept. 1814, Charles C. Duncan of Clark Co. KY to Nathaniel Foster of Flemingsburg, $500, lot 67 in Flemingsburg. No wife.

Floyd Co. KY Deeds B-89: 27 Sept. 1819, Henry French and wife Elizabeth of Mercer Co. KY to John W. Duncan of Clark Co. KY, for $500 paid, sell to said John M. Duncan one certain tract or parcel of land containing by survey 489 acres in Floyd Co. on waters of Licking, being part of an original survey of 10,000 acres made and patented in the name of said Henry French, bounded, beg. on south side of said river and below the mouth of a gut, then running down said river ..., three black oaks on a hill, ... three white oaks on a drain, together with the rights, members, buildings, improvements and appurtenances to the said 489 acres, warrant title; if the land should hereafter be taken away from the said John W. Duncan by any prior or better claim, then said Henry French and Elizabeth his wife shall refund the consideration money ... /s/ Henry French. Wit. Robt. Didlake & Geo. Fry, Jr. 28 Sept. 1819, deed was proven by oaths of Robt. Didlake & Geo. Fry, Jr., witnesses. Recorded 20 Dec. 1819. (typed deed book; FHL film 836,820) B-90: 24 Nov. 1819, John W. Duncan and wife Pegga of Clark Co. KY to William Howerton of Floyd Co. KY, for $489 paid, sell to said William Howerton one tract or parcel of land containing by survey 480 acres in Floyd Co. on waters of Licking, part of an original survey of 10,000 acres made and patented in the name of Henry French, beg. on south side of said Creek and below the mouth of a gut at the letter A, then running down said creek, ..., together with the rights, members, buildings, improvements and appurtenances to the said 489 acres warrant title. /s/ John W. Duncan, Peggy Duncan. Wit. Green B. Fry, John Perry, John Howerton. 20 Dec. 1819, proven on oaths of John Perry and John Howerton, two of subscribing witnesses, before William James Mayo, Clerk of Floyd Co. KY Court. (acreage as given, typed deed book; FHL film 836,820)

Madison Co. KY Deed (FHL film 183,291) P-82: 8 Feb. 1822, Richard Thomson of Clarke Co. KY to James Daniel, Absalom Hanks and John W. Duncan of Co. & State afsd [Clark Co. KY], mortgage 150 acres on Muddy Creek that Thomson purchased of John Miller in 1817; that James Daniel was security for Thomson to John Haggard for $130; Thomson owes Hanks $250; Thomson owes Duncan $105. No wit.

Mason Co. KY Deeds (FHL film 281,811) 58-60: 3 Oct. 1848, Charles Duncan of Clarke Co. KY to Sinclair Demit of Mason Co. KY, that by will of Ann Duncan decd. there is devised to Margaret Duncan so long as she shall continue unmarried about 50 acres in Mason Co. adj. land of Moses Demit, and when Margaret should get married or die the land was to be divided between her three children, to wit, said Margaret, Charles & Julia R. now Julia R. Brown, now said Charles Duncan for $160 paid by Sinclair Demit, convey to said Demit to have and hold the same and assign all the right and title which Charles Duncan now has or might hereafter accrue, to the said 50 acres and its appurtenances. /s/ C.J. Duncan. Wit. Sam M. Taylor. Charles J. Duncan appeared before James W. Bullock, Clerk of Clarke Co. Court, and ack. deed, 3 Oct. 1848. Recorded Mason Co. KY 7 Nov. 1848. (FHL film 281,811) 58-211: 19 Sept. 1848, That Ann Duncan decd. by her will in Jessamine Co. conveyed to Margaret Ann Duncan so long as she remained single and unmarried, about 50 acres of land in Mason Co. KY, when she married the land was to be divided into 3 equal parts and held by Charles J. Duncan, Julia Brown and said Margaret Ann Duncan; Now said Charles J. Duncan of Clarke Co. KY for $1 paid and for a contract to enable said Margaret Ann Duncan to sell the land between said Margaret and said Charles, Now said Charles conveys to said Margaret Ann Duncan of Jessamine Co. KY his interest in the parcel of land containing about 50 acres in Mason Co. KY near the turnpike road from Maysville to Flemingsburgh, being the same willed by Deborah Ramey to Sanford J. Ramey and by him given to Ann Duncan and conveyed by her will to Margaret Ann Duncan, recorded in Jessamine Co. KY, together with buildings, rights & privileges & immunities belonging, warrant title. /s/ C.J. Duncan. He appeared 19 Sept. 1848 before James Armisted, Clerk of Fayette Co. KY Court. Recorded 14 Feb. 1849 Mason Co. KY. (FHL film 281,811)

Montgomery Co. KY Deed (FHL film 252,348) 2-26: 12 April 1801, John Holliday of Clarke Co., KY, to Andrew Duncan of Montgomery Co., £40, 50 acres on Slate Creek, adj. McIntosh's 50 acres. Wit. Will Ellis, John Cooper.

1912 "Central IL Obituaries 1871-1880" Compiled from Old Newspapers; by Milo Custer (FHL film 823,572 item 6; newspapers not named) Pg.6. Duncan, Wm. R., b. Clark Co. KY, Dec. 15, 1818, m. 1st Nannie A. Readman, Sept. 10, 1833, 2nd Mary (Chorn) Quisenberry, 18..., 3rd Sarah A. Bean, Nov. 24, 1864, d. at the residence of his son-in-law Joseph Chorn, Normal [McLean Co.], IL, Sept. 29, 1876; left 7 children surviving. (MAD: elipses by the author) (MAD: William R. Duncan, son of John W. Duncan, mar. Nancy A. Redmon 1835 Clark Co. KY; mar. Mary Quisenberry 1849 Clark Co. KY)

Lincoln Co. MO Deed (SLC 7/18/2014; have JPG images) M-146: For consideration of $1 paid, Joseph Duncan of Clark Co. KY convey to Margaret Duncan widow of C.K. Duncan decd. of Lincoln Co. MO all my interest in 3 lots in Moscow, Lincoln Co. MO, purchased of me of James Duncan, ... to the said Margaret Duncan, warrant said interest in said lots against the claims of all persons claiming under me but not against any other claim. 12 Aug. 1847. /s/ Joseph Duncan. Ack. before James W. Bullock, Clerk of Clark Co. KY Court, 12 Aug. 1847. Filed for record 28 Nov. 1855. (FHL film 973,672)

Camden Co. NC Deed (FHL film 18,370) L-230: 20 Aug. 1807, John Duncan of Clarke Co. KY to Thomas Walston, $60, all my right to negroes in consequence of my marriage with Jeacah Burfoot, dau. of Robert Burfoot of Camden Co. NC, sale without warranty, Thomas Walston to run all risques. Wit. James Simpson, Jacob Mercer, Enoch Galless?. Proved in Camden Co. on oath of Jacob Mercer.

VA State Land Office Surveys Book 3, 1780-1783 (FHL film 29,546) 3-285: Surveyed Dec. 27, 1782, for James Duncan, 500 acres upon a treasury warrant, in Fayette Co. (KY) on head of a "drean" emptying into Stoners Fork of Licking on N.side, adj. Edward Wilson's land. Chain carriers Benjamin Couchman, Frederick Couchman; Marker: James Dunkin. (MAD: later Clark Co. KY) Book 4, 1780-1785 (FHL film 29,547) 4-545: Surveyed 27 Dec. 1782 for James Duncan, 500 acres upon a treasury warrant, 500 acres in Fayette Co. (KY) upon the head of a drain emptying into Stoners Fork of Licken on N.side, adj. Edd. Wilson's land. Chain carriers Benjamin Couchman, Frederick Couchman; Marker James Dunkin. (plat has "No.323" in center) Rec. 18 July 1783, grant issued 15 June 1784. (MAD: later Clark Co. KY) Book 7, 1783-1785 (FHL film 29,550) 7-155: Jan. 30, 1783, surveyed for John Constant assignee of James Duncan, on Treasury Warrant, land on Constances and Morgans forks? branches of Sarodes? fork of Licking in Fayette Co. (KY), adj. John Marshall corner, Morgan's Creek, Sterne's line, his preemption, Constances land (#218 in center of plat), 800 acres. Chainmen Isaak Clinkenbeard, Joshua Stamper; marker John Constant. Rec. May 24, 1783, Grant issd 15 June 1784. (MAD: later Clark ? or Bourbon ? Co. KY) (next document) May 20, 1780, James Duncan enters 800 acres upon a treasury warrant beg. at E. corner of John Constants preemption on E.branch of Strades (Strodes?) fork of Licking. I hereby assign my right etc. to above entry of 800 acres to John Constant for value recd. this 9 Dec. 1782. /s/ Js. Duncan. Wit. Edward Wilson. Book 9, 1784-1787 (FHL film 29,552) 9-630: Jan. 16, 1784, surveyed for James Duncan, on part of an entry made on Treasury Warrant #397 entered June 16, 1780, 255 acres in Fayette Co. (KY) on Stoners Fork of Licking on Sphars line. (plat shows #739 in center). Chainmen Isaac Constant, Isaiah Forster; marker John Donaldson. This land assd. by James Duncan to John Morgan. Retd. 27 July 1784, Grant issd. (no date). (MAD: later Clark Co. KY)

HISTORIES before 1923 1886-1887 "KY, a History of the State" 3rd Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt; and Evelyn Sigler 1982 and Denzil Mauldin 3/1984) Pg.96 (pg.1027), Hart Co. JOSEPH LEWIS SMITH, born April 3, 1826, the eldest of a family of five sons and four daughters born to William L. and Lucinda M. (Duncan) Smith, he a native of Barren Co. and she of Clark Co. KY. William L. Smith, the son of William and Rachel (Latimore) Smith, both natives of NC, born Dec. 25, 1799 in Barren Co. KY. ... J. Lewis Smith married in 1848 Miss Martha A. Owen, .... Pg.205-6 (pg.924), Warren Co. JAMES W. SCRIVNER was born Nov. 15, 1829, near Glasgow, and is a son of John H. and Nancy (Duncan) Scrivner, who had born to them 4 sons, our subject the second. John H. Scrivner was born in Estill Co. KY and was a blacksmith and farmer; in 1818, when age 16, he settled in Barren Co. KY; in Jan. 1866, he moved to Warren Co.; he was the son of Thomas Scrivner and Esther Hamilton, both born NC and among first pioneers of Estill Co. Thomas Scrivner was a Baptist minister, whose father came from Ireland. The mother of our subject was born in Clark Co. KY, and was a dau. of Joseph Duncan who married a Miss Brooks, both of whom were born in KY, and were among the first pioneers of Clark Co. Mr. Duncan was a farmer; his father was born in England. James W. Scrivner was reared on a farm; Jan. 12, 1854, he married Miss Elizabeth Dodd of Barren Co., the dau. of James and Emily (Bell) Dodd. ... (MAD: mar. 1826 Barren Co. KY)

1885-1888 "KY, a History of the State" 4th Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt) Pg.239, Mercer Co. DR. JOHN LEWIS PRICE, born April 20, 1835, in Nicholasville, KY; taken by his parents in 1837 to Clark Co.; in 1845 to Newcastle; in 1849 again to Clark; and in 1859 to Mercer Co. where he has since resided. His father, Dr. Andrew B. Price, was born in 1802 in Richmond, KY, died Aug. 3, 1873, son of Moses Price [who] married Sarah Broadus, and their offspring were: John, Andrew B., Thomas, Arjalon, Morton, Sarah (Daniel), Mrs. Childs, Mrs. Scott, Lucy (Scott) and Amelia (Poor). These brothers were all physicians. Andrew B. married Evelyne E., dau. of Shastine and Nancy (Duncan) Watkins of Clark Co., born in 1806, now living, and from this union sprang Dr. Dillard S., Catherine (Calk), Dr. John L., Dr. Ansil D., Lucy (Smedley, deceased), and Evelyn E. (Buck). June 13, 1861, Dr. John Lewis Price married Miss Anna T., dau. of Nelson and Lucy (Vivian) Keas, of Mercer Co. ...

1885-1888 "KY, a History of the State" 5th or 6th Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt) Pg.211. STEPHEN D. McINTIRE, born in Clark Co. KY, Sept. 8, 1824, to Hugh and Sarah (Gardner) McIntire; his father b. in VA, to KY at early date and settled in Clark Co. but in 1832 moved to Trimble Co. located near where subject now resides, farmed, died in 1875, and his widow in 1876. Our subject is fourth of 18 children; married on Nov. 7, 1844, to Miss Elizabeth R. Buchanan, dau. of William and Catherine (Trout) Buchanan; five children: Sarah C., William H., Daniel H., Mariam, and Martha M. Mrs. McIntire died in 1875, and Dec. 21, 1884, our subject married Mrs. Julia F. Morland, widow of Frank Morland and dau. of George and Sena (Duncan) Ray. Christian Church, I.O.O.F., Mason, Democrat.

1888 "KY, a History of the State" 7th Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt and Evelyn Sigler 7/1982) Pg.36. JOHN D. COLLINS MD, native of Winchester, Clark Co. KY, born July 11, 1823, second of ten children born to Dr. Orville & Polly (Christy) Collins, she a native of Clark Co. and dau. of John Christy. Dr. Orville Collins was born in 1798, a son of Dillard and Sallie (Duncan) Collins; Dillard Collins was born in VA, one of earliest settlers in Clark Co. KY; county clerk of Clark Co. one term, farmer. At age of ten years, John D. Collins moved with his parents to Hopkinsville [Christian Co.], KY. In 1840 he commenced to read medicine, graduated March 1845 from medical department of Kemper College, St. Louis, MO; located at Madisonville and practiced with his father until 1853, then attended Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnati, OH, where he graduated. Returned to Madisonville, until June, 1861, when he joined the Confederate Army as a surgeon, until close of war, when he located in Henderson Co. KY. In Nov. 1845 he married Elvira Hatchitt of Henderson Co., dau. of John A., three children, two living: Lield, who married J.D. Gunn of Toronto, Canada West, and R.A. who is a teacher in the high school in Evansville. Mrs. Collins died in 1867, and Oct. 28, 1879, Dr. Collins married Sadie McMillan of Mason Co. KY, dau. of James and Elizabeth (Webb) McMillan. Dr. Collins moved to Covington [Kenton Co.] in 1881, where he has since resided, Christian Church, his wife in Baptist Church.

1887 "KY, A History of the State" by Perrin, Battle, Kniffin, Ed.8A; Vol.3, pub. by Battey (FHL book 976.9 H2p; also extract from Denzil Mauldin 3/1984) Pg.1027, Hart Co.: JOSEPH LEWIS SMITH, the eldest of a family of 5 sons and 4 daughters born to William L. and Lucinda M. (Duncan) Smith, the former of Barren Co. KY and the latter of Clark Co. KY, was born April 3, 1826. William L. Smith was a son of William and Rachel (Latimore) Smith, both natives of NC; was born Dec. 25, 1799, in Barren Co. KY. J. Lewis Smith attended school only part of the time in youth, and being the eldest son, and his father a cripple, had to take the management of the work of the farm. At 21 he had an ordinary business education, but no inheritance with which to begin the battle of life. He married, in 1848, Miss Martha A. Owen, the 6th of a family of 6 sons and 6 daus. born to Jordan and Ruth (Linsley) Owen, both natives of VA. After his marriage Mr. Smith's father-in-law gave him a tract of 200 acres of land, one mile and a quarter from Horse Cave, which at that time was covered by timber; 150 acres are now under cultivation ... Mr. Smith is the father of 6 children, two sons and 4 daughters: Mary D. (Mrs. Zach Waldron), Alice (Mrs. G.T. Mustain), Janie (Mrs. W. S. Parrish), George Russell, William J.J. and Cornelia, all of whom are living. Mr. Smith & wife are both members of the Salem Congregation of the Christian Ch., and Mr. Smith, although a Whig, before the war, has since Buchanan's election, been a Democrat. Mr. Smith lost a large amount by the abolition of slavery during the war.

1888 "KY, A History of the State" by Perrin; Ed. 8-B, Bath, Bracken, Breathitt, Carter, Clark, Clay, Estill, Fleming, Floyd, Greenup, Johnson, Knox, Laurel, Lawrence, Lee, Letcher, Lewis, Magoffin, Mason, Montgomery, Morgan, Owsley, Pike, Pulaski, Robertson, Rockcastle, Russell, Wayne & Whitley Cos. (from Evelyn Sigler 7/1982 and Nancy Bobal 11/1993) Pg.794-5: ANSIL DANIEL, a retired physician at Irvine, KY, was born in Clark Co. KY Aug. 2, 1801. His father, Charles Daniel was a farmer by occupation. He removed from VA to KY at an early date and settled in what is now Clark Co. where he died about 1806. The father of Charles Daniel was James Daniel, a Virginian, who settled in Clark Co. KY where he followed farming until his death. Charles Daniel was married about the year 1800 to Miss Nancy Duncan, a daughter of Joseph Duncan, of Clark Co. To this union were born three children, viz: Ansil, Polly and Dillard C. The last named was raised on the farm until he began to go to school ... graduated Transylvania College, Lexington, KY, studied law with Hon. Chelton Allen of Winchester, Clark Co. KY, died in 1826 or 1827. Ansil Daniel was also brought up on the farm, common schools, clerked in stores for a few years, then commenced study of medicine with Drs. Duke and Combs, of Mt. Sterling, KY, then attended Transylvania University at Lexington, KY, and in 1823 located at Irvine, Estill Co. KY, where he practiced medicine until about 1884, when he retired. About 1826 he married Miss Sarah M. Price, dau. of Moses M. and Katherine (Broaddus) Price, of Estill Co. ...

1897 "Annals of Platte Co. MO" by W.M. Paxton, pub. by Hudson-Kimberly Publ. Co. (FHL book 977.8135 H2p) Pg.650-1: 1878, Jan.: Jan. 5 -- James Duncan dies four miles southeast of Platte City. THE DUNCAN FAMILY. James Duncan was the progenitor of the Duncans of Platte and Clay. He was a native of Virginia, and removed to Bourbon Co. KY. He came to Clay in 1826, and settled near Smithville. He had five sons: 1, Stephen; 2, Alex. B.; 3, William; 4, Matthew; 5, Joseph. Of these, only Matthew and Joseph interest us. ... II. JOSEPH DUNCAN Was the other son of James Duncan (i) I desire to notice. He married Polly Ann Brooks of Clark Co. KY. Ch: 1. JAMES DUNCAN, was b. in Montgomery Co. KY, Nov. 15, 1816; m'd March 4, 1850, in Andrew County, Sarah Tracy. In 1851 he went to California overland, and returned in April, 1853; in 1865 he purchased a farm five miles east of Platte City, and here he died Jan. 15, 1878. Mrs. Duncan was b. July 29, 1823; d. Aug. 29, 1891. They were excellent people. Ch: (MAD: see Platte Co. MO) II. JOSEPH DUNCAN (ii), m'd Amanda Clardy, dr. of G.C. (See.) III. MARTHA JANE, m'd John M. Thatcher. (See.) Mr. Joseph Duncan (i) had other children, with whom we are little concerned. Their names were: 1, Bessie; 2, Judy Ann; 3, Thomas D.; 4, Abijah; 5, Nancy.

1879 "The History of McLean County, Illinois : Containing a history of the county, its cities, towns, &c., portraits of early settlers and prominent men, general statistics, map of McLean County, history of Illinois, illustrated, history of the Northwest, illustrated, constitution of the United States, miscellaneous matters, &c., &c." pub. by W. LeBaron Jr. & Co. (LH 4493, HeritageQuest images 2/2007; FHL book 977.359 H2h and film 982,177 item 1) Pg.990. TOWANDA TOWNSHIP. FRANKLIN BARNES, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec.7; P.O. Towanda; one of the old settlers of McLean Co.; was born in the State of New York Sept. 26, 1839; he is the oldest son of Calvin Barnes, whose biography appears in this work. Franklin Barnes was brought up to farm labor, obtaining a good common-school Education. On the 24th of September, 1878, he was united in marriage with Nancy Duncan; she was born in Clark Co., Ky., and was a daughter of W.R. Duncan, who emigrated to this county from Kentucky in 1863, and located on Sec.7, Towanda Township, where his decease occurred in the fall of 1876. Mr. Barnes is engaged in farming 135 acres of land, and also raising blooded horses.

"Quincy and Adams County [IL] history and representative men" by Henry Bornmann; ed. by David F. Wilcox; pub. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1919, 1676 pgs. (LH13147, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 977.344 D3w v.1&2 and films 924,750 item 2 and 924,751 item 1) Pg.883: JOHN A. STILLWELL, president of the Electric Wheel Company, Quincy, Illinois, was born at Hannibal in Marion County, Missouri, January 23, 1861. His parents were Brison and Margaret (Duncan) Stillwell, both of whom were born in Kentucky, probably being of Scotch parentage. For many years the father was in the pork packing business. His death occurred in 1876, six children surviving him and four of these still living. The mother died in 1916. The only son, John A. Stillwell, ... married in December, 1893, to Miss Elizabeth M. Newcomb, and they have three children, ... (MAD: see Clark and Mason Co. KY)

1907 "Colonial families of the United States of America : in which is given the history, genealogy and armorial bearings of colonial families who settled in the American colonies from the time of the settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, 19th April, 1775" by George N. MacKenzie (Memphis Public Library book 929.2 M18; from Evelyn Sigler 1983 and 1984 and from Iris Grimmett 11/1986) Pg.427: James Quisenberry b. Spotsylvania Co. VA 5 July 1759, d. 5 Aug. 1830, in Rev. War 1783, to Clark Co. KY, Baptist Minister. Married (1) 24 Dec. 1776 Jane Burris of Orange Co. VA; m. (2) Chloe Shipp of Clark Co. KY on 24 Dec. 1811. Daughter by first marriage, Joyce, b. 25 Oct. 1777 Orange Co. VA, married James Duncan ca 1800 in Clark Co. KY; ca 1815 they moved to Lincoln Co. MO. Children of James and Joyce (Quisenberry) Duncan: William, Mary Joyce m. James Carter, John m. Mrs. Susan (Davis) Collier.

OTHER SOURCES FOR INFORMATION Clark Co. KY "Miscellaneous Notes on Duncans in Kentucky" from "The Duncans of Bourbon Co. KY" by Julia Hoge Spencer Ardery (FHL fiche 6,018,102 and other sources) This book contains estate and other records of Clark Co. KY Duncans. Some wills are also abstracted in "Historical Records of the Blue Grass Region of KY" by Lucy Kate McGhee.

"The Duncans of Bourbon Co. KY" by Julia Hoge Spencer Ardery (FHL fiche 6,018,102 and other libraries) This book includes the family of Thomas Duncan, b. 1784, married Eleanor Brooks 12/18/1810 in Clark Co. KY, ? mar. Judah Foster 12/19/1819 Barren Co. KY.


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