Location: Bereley, Warwickshire, England
Surname/tag: Webb
In dei noie Amen in the yere of the lord god [on] CCCC xlvthe x day of October in the yere of the Reygne of the sovaryne lorde henery the viii by the grace of god kyng of England france & Ireland defender of the faythe & of the churche of England & also of Ireland in the [eathe supusehedde]. I John webbe of bereley within the parishe wotton [wanoyn] hole & perfecte of mynde but syke in my body make my last wyll & testament in manner & former folowyng fyrst I bequethe my soule to almighty god and blessed lady saynt marye and to all the holy company of heven & my body to be buryed in the churche yard of wotton Afore sayd And I geve to the churche of bereley one calfe of a yere of Age And I bequethe to alice Rogers my wyffes daughter y [begne dcc vov] shall be Deliveryd her at the tyme of hyr maryage Item I bequeth to the same alice all my [sedscocke barde trestyles sormyes] & lytell [wyll nom the house that she ye hegre off] Item I bequethe to thomas my sonne xx li And that to be payd hym at xvi yeres of hys age and hys mother to kepe hym of hyr [cof] & charge untyll tht tyme And yf he decesse before that age then I geve to Savander webbe my brother any markes of my sones bequeste and viii [yews] day of pay out Also I bequethe nycholas Dandy a peyer of hoses & a cote Item I bequethe to Margarete penrysse my servant a hehfer of iii yeres of Age & that to be payd hyr at the day of her maryage Item I bequethe to eny one of my godchyldrene iiid the rest of my goode not gevyn nor bequest my dette payde my funerall expenses discharged I gyve holy to Elenor my wyff whom I make & institute my executrix & Alice her daughter to be anext executrix [inof lyvr] if it please god to take my wiff to his mercye at that tyme or eles not, These beynge oversears of this my Last will hughe walford of woolforley John heveges of bereley, And they to have for there paynes takinge xii d a pece
These be the dette that I john webbe do owe Item to Saundres webb my brother ii li vi s viii d Item to woodwall of warrwycke xvxd
Of this will these be the wytnesses B Thomas paynter [cmeate] Edmunde Sheriff Richard Russell [vot] other mee.
John's will was probated on June 5 1546 by Elenore executorix.
Church of England. Diocese of Worcester. Episcopal Consistory Court. Willas and Administrations. Vol V, 1545-1553. p. 50. (FHL Film # 994263 images 706-707 of 897.)
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