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Will of James Lambert Gumbleton

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Surname/tag: Gumbleton
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Will of James Lambert Gumbleton [Source: National Archives online]

In the name of God Amen
I James Lambert Gumbleton of the parish of Saint John the [?] Horsleydown in the Borough of Southwark being weak in body but of sound mind and understanding and well knowing that I am about hereby to dispose of all my worldly estate and effects do give and bequeath unto my dear wife Mary all my estate and effects of what nature or kind soever which after payment of my funeral expenses and all my just debts shall have been made may remain be due or accrue unto me for her own sole benefit and enjoyment during her lifetime and at her death to be divided among such of my children as may be then living share and share alike and hereby revoking all other will or wills by me heretofore made and appointing my said wife Mary sole executrix hereof do declare this to be and contain my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five.

[Signed] James Lambert Gumbleton

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us and of each other who in testimony thereof have hereto affixed our names Lambert having been interlined after the word James and before the word Gumbleton previous to such our and his signatures.

[Signed] Harvey Kimpton Owen and Thomas Hinde Varley

In the goods of James Lambert Gumbleton deceased appeared personally Thomas Hinde Varley of number 22 Brighton Terrace West Brixton in the County of Surrey Gentleman and made oath that on the ninth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty five he was present and saw James Lambert Gumbleton late of the parish of Saint John Horsleydown in the Borough of Southwark in the County of Surrey sign his name James Lambert Gumbleton at the foot or end of his will and testament in writing now hereto annexed the said will beginning thus 'In the name of God Amen' ending thus 'in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five' and that such signature was made by the said testator in the presence as well as this appearer as of Harvey Kimpton Owen being present at the same time and that he the appearer and the said Harvey Kimpton Owen attested the said will and subscribed their names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the testator as the same now appear

T H Varley on the first day of September 1846 The said Thomas Hinde Varley was duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me.

Proved at London 2nd Sept 1846 before the worshipful John Daubeny doctor of laws and surrogate by the oath of Mary Gumbleton widow the relict the sole executrix to whom admon was granted having first being sworn duly to administer.

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