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Will of Katheryn (Parr) Seymour, Queen of England, 6 December 1548

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Surname/tag: Parr, Seymour, Tudor
This page has been accessed 103 times.

This is a transcription of the registered will of Katherine (Kateryn) Parr held at The National Archives, Kew, England, UK. The will was nuncupative, given by word of mouth in her deathbed on 5 September 1548 at Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, England. Kateryn did not sign it. Her will was proved on 6 December 1548 before the Archbishop of Canterbury in London, England. [1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Bold text for names have been added by me for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F.
  • where present the letter thorn (ye) has been rendered the.
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Amendments added between the lines, when present, have been formated as superscript.
  • The image quality was moderate. The handwriting was mostly legible.
Persons mentioned:
  • Katheryn Parr, the testator
  • Thomas Seymour, the executor and her husband
  • Kinge Henry theight of Englande, her late husband
  • Robert Huycke, her doctor and witness
  • John P[ar]khurste, witness
  • Roger Hunte, the procurator (proxy?)

[folio 142 verso]

[Margin Index Note in Latin: Will of Lady Katherine of the Kingdom of England]

In the name of God Amen Be it rememberyd and knowen that the vth Daie
of September in the yere of our Lorde god a Thousande fyve hundreth fourtie and eight / And
the seconde yere of the Reigne of the moste Excellent Prince Edwarde the Sixth by the
grace of god kinge of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defendour of the faithe and of the

[folio 143 recto]
Churche of Englande and also of Irelande in earthe the Supreme hedd. The moste noble and excellent
Princesse Dame Katheryn . Quene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Late the wyfe of the
moste Excellent prince of famous memory Kinge Henry theight Late Kinge of Englande And
then wyfe to the right honorable S[i]r Thomas Seymour Knight of the noble order of the garter
Lorde Seymour of Sudeley and high Admyrall of Englande lyinge on her deathe bedd sicke
in bodie but of good mynde p[er]fecte memorie and discresion / being p[er]swadid and p[er]ceavying
thextremitie of death to Approche her / Disposed and ordeynyd by the p[er]mission assent and
consent of her moste dere belovyd husbande the lorde Seymour aforesaide acerten
dispontion . gifte testament and last will of all her goodes Cattalls and debts by theis
wordes or other like in effecte being by her advisedlye spoaken / to thentent of a testament
and Last will in the presens of the witnes and records undernamyd That is to saye the
saide moste noble Quene by p[er]mission consent and assent aforesaid / Dyd not only with
all her harte and desire franckely and frely geve will and bequeath to the said lorde
Semour lorde Highe Admyrall of Englande her married Espose and husbande all the
goodes Cattalls and debtes. that she than hadd or of right ought to have in all the worlde
wisshinge them to be a Thousande tymes more in value than they weir or been / but also
moste lyberally gave hym full power auctoritie and order to dispoase and execute the
same goodes Cattalls and debts at his owne free will and pleasure to his moste comoditie
Theis being witnes to the premisses Robert Huycke doctour of phisicke and John P[ar]khurste
Yeaven [2] in the Castell of Sudeley the daie and yere abovesaide

[Probate in Latin] The will was proved before the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury in London the 6th day of December Year of our Lord one thousand five hundred fourty eight. Roger Hunte Notary Public was sworn as procurator for the Lord Thomas Seymour the executor named in the will. And approved and accepted to administer all the goods &c truly and faithfully and a full inventory to to be presented. Sworn on the Holy Saints in the proper form of law.


  1. England, The National Archives, Kew. Will of Princess Dame Katheryn Queen of England, late the wife of King Henry the Eight, and then wife to Sir Thomas Seymour, Knight, Lord Seymour of Sudley. PROB 11/32/283.
  2. Given

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