I have done a dna test thru Ancestry, can I use that with my half brother

+3 votes
WikiTree profile: Mervin Mackey
in Genealogy Help by Gail Mackey G2G Rookie (220 points)

Your DNA test is yours alone, Gail. You cannot enter your test numbers on another person's profile.

Your DNA will propagate to profiles in your family lines (once they are added) within WikiTree's parameters for your particular DNA test. Depending on your specific genetic link to your half brother, your test would propagate to his profile (again, once that family line is added to WikiTree).

If your half brother is living and has been tested, he would be required to become a WikiTree member to have his test number entered.

(my interpretations/understandings of WikiTree's DNA procedures; possible inaccuracies)

DNA FAQ page: Help:DNA_FAQ

Your interpretation seems correct, Lindy.  I found this information somewhere on WikiTree, but forget exactly where:

WikiTree will connect your autosomal test information to all your blood relatives out to eight degrees of separation—up to sixth great grandparents and out to third cousins. Y-DNA and mtDNA information will be connected to all relatives who might share the DNA with you. DNA information is updated once a day, so you will need to wait a day after posting your test information before it shows up on your ancestors' and relatives' profiles.

The info that Julie shared is documented on the DNA Test Connections Help Page.

Thanks, Rick!

1 Answer

+3 votes
Gail, I'm not not entirely sure what you question is.  However, a couple of comments.

First, you need to become a full WikiTree member.  Then you can add your parents to WikiTree.  Right now, no one can tell who is your brother, because you are not connected.  

Then you need to enter the information about your DNA test(s) to your profile.  When those two things are done, people will be able to see that you are siblings, and your DNA test will be listed on his profile.

Because your brother died in 1988, he most likely was never DNA-tested.  So the steps I mentioned above will not "prove" you are relatives.  If he had children, then if they test and match you, that will be good evidence.

Update:  Apparently I did not see that Mervin was attached as the father.  I would have sworn he had not been when I viewed the profile, and conceivably that could have changed in the hour between my post and Lindy's below, but in any case, Lindy is correct now.
by Living Kelts G2G6 Pilot (556k points)
edited by Living Kelts

Mervin is attached as Gail's father; unless that relationship is incorrect, she probably hasn't created a profile for her half brother yet.

edit: Gail, if Mervin is actually your half brother, you need to create a profile for your shared parent so you can correct his relationship to you.

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