How Do We Track Scandinavian surnames/patronyms?

+3 votes
''Edit: OF COURSE after I post the question, that's when all of the previous versions of the same question show up! :) I'm sure the answer is given many times below.''

I'm 100% positive there is already an answer to this on a style manual page somewhere, but I'm just not seeing it.

I've started working on my wife's side of the family, and I found (and adopted) stub profiles for her great-great-grandparents. Her 2g grandmother was [[Swedahl-8|Ingeborg Olesdottir/Swedahl]] - and I'm finding records that show her family followed the patronymic pattern until they emigrated to the U.S., when they apparently took the farm where the family lived (Svedal) as a surname. Ingeborg's brother was born Johan Olsen, and after coming to the States, he seems to have used John Olsen Swedahl. Ingeborg's family gave her maiden name as Svedal on at least a couple of documents, as well.

My question is, how should I handle this as I go forward? Should the "name at birth" be the patronymic? Should I move poor Ingeborg's page from Swedahl to Olesdottir? And which name should I use for her siblings and parents if/when I get their bios together?
WikiTree profile: Ingeborg Leander
in Policy and Style by Tad Callin G2G Crew (950 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
selected by Tad Callin

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