WikiTree Secret Santa 2023 - ELVES WANTED! / challenge done [closed]

+60 votes

Secret Santa 2023 challenge finished! Check out the Wrapup & Thank You post on G2G with all the details!

Back by popular demand:

The WikiTree Secret Santa Challenge!

With the success of last year's Secret Santa Challenge, and the great work done on all the weekly Challenges throughout WikiTree's 15th anniversary year, we absolutely had to have another Secret Santa Challenge to end 2023! What better way to end another year but by giving back to our fellow WikiTreers!


  • ELVES: We need generous WikiTree elves who are willing to give their time and resources to help fulfill some of these wishes. Elves, please answer this post if you're willing to help.


  • This G2G post is for Elf sign-up only please. (Check out the G2G post asking for "Secret Santa 2023 - Wishes Accepted")
  • Santa's Mailbox will be overflowing with great genealogy wishes - we're looking forward to  many fun and challenging ones.
  • Kickoff for the Santa Challenge is with a Zoom meeting of ALL ELVES on Saturday, December 23rd at 12 noon, Eastern Standard Time (5pm/1700h UTC)! (link to be provided in Discord or emailed) (Elves: Please do NOT fulfill wishes and post the results on the G2G page until after the kickoff!)
  • The final reveal will be 10am EST on Saturday, January 6th on the first Saturday weekly LiveCast of the New Year with Betsy, Greg, Mags joined by Lead Elves Kathy and Christine! 
  • Real-time communication will be in Discord - you will be invited to the #secret-santa channel once you've signed up (this may take up to 24 hours - please be patient)
  • There is a Free Space page where wishes will be entered, and Elves can indicate the wishes they are working on (details in the kickoff Zoom meeting).

Join us - and you can help out a fellow WikiTreer - and BONUS - you can also earn this sticker for your own profile:  Secret Santa sticker for 2023

NOTE: G2G Post closed - Secret Santa 2023 has already started!  THANKS to ALL ELVES who volunteered!  Big Reveal will occur on 6 Jan 2024 @ 10am Eastern Time (3pm UTC) during the RoundUp LiveCast!

NOTE 2: Elves that need assistance - DO NOT COMMENT HERE - Instead, go to the Elf Chat post on G2G and ask your question there!  Thanks!

closed with the note: Secret Santa 2023 challenge has finished.
in The Tree House by Greg Clarke G2G6 Pilot (115k points)
closed by Greg Clarke
are we going to be assigned to someone's wish?
You can choose which wish you want to work on - there is a list on the Free Space Page (see the email from me with the link), and we'll talk all about that in the Zoom meeting on Saturday.
I would like to be an elf again
Hi Shirlea,

You can choose the wish you work on - we'll go over all those details during the Zoom meeting tomorrow. (If you miss it, you can watch the recording after)
Excellent!  Welcome back Elf Mindy!!!

126 Answers

+24 votes
I am more than happy to help where I can - my expertise is British Isles mainly - may need to do some space - time warping for any <1500 stuff !
by David Moss G2G6 Pilot (122k points)
Super, Elf David!  I'm sure there will be some good British Isles wishes.
I’ll be an elf
HI there Elf Alicia!  Nice of you to join us!
+25 votes

I'll be an Elf heart

by ClaireSuzy C G2G6 Mach 3 (30.2k points)
We are happy to have you join us, Elf Claire!
+24 votes

I want to be an elf helping to bring Christmas Cheer!smiley

by M. Meredith G2G6 Pilot (144k points)
We want you on the team too, Elf Margaret!
+23 votes
I believe in Santa   Being an elf is an honor  please sign me up
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
We believe in YOU, Elf Laura!
+24 votes
I’d love to be an elf if there are any wishes that I can help grant so please sign me up.

Mags granted my wish last year with an in-person visit to help with solving a DNA question.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (405k points)
You are signed up, Elf Liza!  Great that you can now pay it forward this year and help another WikiTreer!
I would like to work on any requests related to glass or crystal makers since i descend from over 600 years of glass and crystal makers.   Also, I can research in Canda, Missouri, Scotland, France.   I am pre-1500 certified.
+24 votes
I would like to be an elf :)
by Kirby Drake G2G6 Mach 2 (25.0k points)
We would like to have you as well, Elf Kirby!  Welcome to the team!
+24 votes
I'd love to help with this challenge!
by Saphyre Rogers-Berry G2G6 Mach 4 (42.8k points)
Excellent - welcome Elf Saphyre!
+23 votes
Thanks for organising this. I'll join in as an elf as well.
by Jason Rennie G2G6 Mach 1 (11.6k points)
You're very welcome, Elf Jason - glad to have you with us!
+22 votes
I would like to help.

Though I work at night and am usually asleep when the Zoom call will be made. :/
by Dawn Watson G2G6 Mach 1 (19.7k points)
Good morning, and welcome Elf Dawn!  (Funny that you work at night, considering your first name!). We can record the Zoom meeting and I'll send you the link (and any other Elves who couldn't make it).  If you sign up for Discord, I will post the link to the recording there as well ... and you'll find lots of WikiTreers who work through the night too I suspect!
It is a touch ironic. A friend told me I'm the only vampire named Dawn that he knows.

I've joined the Discord (or tried to). Thank you!
+22 votes
I'd love to be an elf. Please sign me up.
by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (369k points)
We'd love to have you and your global perspective with us too, Elf David!  Welcome to the team!
+22 votes
I'd like to be a Secret  Santa Elf helping others as i have been fortunate to receive help from other Wikitreers
by Anon Sharkey G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
Welcome Elf Anon!  Glad to have you here!
+21 votes
Hi Greg. Strange but it says I have signed up for this. If by chance you do not find me, please add me. Thank you.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (251k points)
Hi Elf Alice - I've found you now -but - I hadn't added you to my Secret Santa Elf Spreadsheet yet.  You're definitely signed up now - and we're looking forward to it - hope you are too!
+21 votes
I am so excited this challenge is back!

I am truly filled with glee.

Please, oh please, let me be an elf agin in 2023!

Elf Paulien
by Anonymous Paulien G2G6 Mach 3 (33.2k points)
OF course you can be an Elf again, Anonymous Paulien!  Welcome back to the team!  We are filled with glee upon your return as well!
+20 votes
Excited for Secret Santa. I'll be an elf.
by Julie Bartimus G2G6 Mach 2 (20.7k points)
Welcome Elf Julie! Glad to have you on the team.
+20 votes
Sign me up. Being an elf sounds fun!
by Robert Ward G2G6 Mach 3 (33.9k points)
Welcome to the Elf team Robert.
+20 votes
I enjoyed this last year, so please sign me up.
by Roy Walmsley G2G6 Mach 3 (38.0k points)
Happy to see you returning Elf Roy!
+20 votes
I would like to be an elf this year!
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (434k points)
Excellent, Elf Michelle, we'd like to have you on the team too!
+20 votes
Just added a wish.

Now I wish to be an Elf, however I am daunted at a Zoom Meeting that will be 3AM my time.  Do I have to attend?

NG Hill
by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 8 (88.2k points)
Hi there Elf NG!  If you can't make the Zoom meeting because of the time zone - no worries - we will record it, and you can view it afterwards.  Most of the info will be on the Free Space page, but there are some things that we'd like to emphasize in person - PLUS - people may have questions and ideas that we hadn't thought of ... so that's why we want to start off with a group meeting.

We are also thinking of having some Research Parties throughout the two weeks, so there will be other times during the event where we can meet online at hours that are more convenient for you.

Welcome to the team, Elf NG!
+19 votes
I was born with pointy ears, so I guess I am a natural to be an elf!
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
Welcome Elf Lucy!  I have big ears too, more Dumbo-like than elf-like, but we take all diverse ear people here!  Welcome to the team!
+18 votes
I would like to be a 2023 elf please.
by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (176k points)
And we would like to welcome you, Elf Rosalie!

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