How to add a Royal Navy ship to Royal Navy Ships category?

+6 votes
How does one add a Royal Navy ship to Royal Navy Ships category?  My ancestor served aboard the Royal Navy submarine depot ship HMS Titania.  How do I add it to the list of ships in the Royal Navy Ships category?
in The Tree House by Living Cowan G2G6 (9.5k points)

1 Answer

+8 votes

You want to add the category to your ancestor's profile.  In the profile:

First create the category for the ship [[Category:HMS Titania (1915)]]

Save the changes to the profile.

The category  will be in red - click on that category and add [[Category:Royal Navy Submarines]]

as the parent to create the category.

Save the page and it is created.


by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
edited by Living Moore
Don't forget to add date as per Wikipedia [[HMS Titania (1915)]]
Thank you - I added that to my answer!
Hi.  I added the HMS Titania (1915) Category to the Royal Navy Ships Category.  However, the Royal Navy Ships Category does not show it.  There is something different about the Royal Navy Ships Category.  You can see the category for yourself at:

It is there but under "H" - I have sent you a private message and will correct the category so it shows correctly under "T".

Great job on the ship description.

It's not quite what you're looking for, because it's about passenger ships rather than naval ships, but some of the tips in the guide to categories for emigrant-immigrant ships would probably apply here.

Thank you, Greg.  I believe Malcolm got it sorted out and do appreciate that info.  It helps me with my own genealogy emigrant/immigrant ship info - thank you for that!
You're welcome.
This is the form to use, e.g., for HMS Titania (1915):

[[Category: Royal Navy Ships|Titania (1915)]]

This results in the ship name being filed under T for Titania in the category instead of H for HMS.

Hi Sheryl, I have just done the same and created a category "HMS Fife" but it has ended up in the H's. I guess for the same reason. Could you help me please to move it to the F's? 

Many thanks


Many thanks Richard, it worked like a dream.

Best wishes to you and yours for the holiday


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