Rhode Island Genealogical Register Vol.1 Lookup Request

+6 votes
The RIGR is very hard to come by, in case anyone around here has some volumes I'll throw this out here:

In researching James Smith, I found that Guild (linked at the profile) provides a lot of information, including noting that the executor of James's estate, his son Nathaniel, conveyed land in 1774.  But Guild says he found no record of the will.  Today, I came across a statement in "Mayflower Families" v.23 part 3 that Beaman abstracted this will in RIGR and mentions children not found in other sources, like Jerusha Smith who married John Bullock.  

The entry is supposed to be in RIGR 1:4:208.  If someone has access, I'd give a big gold star and a lot of appreciation for a lookup.
WikiTree profile: James Smith
in Genealogy Help by Barry Smith G2G6 Pilot (305k points)
In some cases the search function here will show you much of the info you need. It really depends on the book.

I've never been able to HathiTrust to show me any snippets of any volume of Beaman.  Are you saying you have, specifically with Beaman?  Or do you mean more generally it will sometimes show you snippets?

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Just returning from an unexpected trip to Boston where I spent two delightful mornings for my first time visiting NEHGS.  I found the abstract, and will be including it on James's profile when I get a chance.
by Barry Smith G2G6 Pilot (305k points)
selected by Ellen Smith
+5 votes
Barry, not specifically with Beaman and I did not attempt. On some things with Hathi "limited view" I can get paragraphs indexed and then even a click brings up a page. On others I get almost nothing. I don't really understand how/why the system seems to be different with different books. I tried looking around for RIGR access on a few pay sites and didn't find it anywhere. I have one more place I will check (my state library system) which might have access to the digital edition (assuming it has been digitized somewhere). I'll post back again if I can get into that a bit later.
by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (405k points)

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