Are you participating in the 2020 52 Ancestors and/or 52 Photos Challenges?

+35 votes

If you are participating in the 2020 52 Ancestors and/or 52 Photos challenges, please post here so we can make sure you get the participation badge.

You can also post here if you have reached a 13 in 13, 26 in 26 or 52 in 52 milestone so you can get those badges. 


in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
I would like to join the 52Ancestors challenge please
I would like to join 52 Ancestors and 52 photos
I would like to participate but can't work out how to comment on past topics (ie a fresh start)
I just linked two photos to the Professions photo category.  This was my first time participating.  It was difficult to find clear instruction on how to link the photos, but I finally succeeded.

May I add photos to earlier challenges?

Could I please get the participation badge.

My Stevens/Stephens ancestors all came West from Lafollette, Tennessee in 1907 (ish) to Leavenworth/Cashmere Washington. My greatgrandfatherStevens, greatgrandmother (Elizabeth Texas Chapman Stevens) my grandmother Nancy Louise Stevens Haskins (who was 12 at the time) and 12 more of her siblings. The men all came to work on the railroad.
can someone explain what this challenge is?  or provide the link for more info?  i might like to participate if able to.
ok. i think i found what i was looking for.  

i still have time to participate in week 5 challenge too right?  to count for continuous?  what about week 4?  it might be a day late or so now at this point.

I posted this as an answer, but I would really like this idea to be seen. Could we change the wording here? Instead of “Reply to this week’s...,” can we say “Answer this week’s...?”

You can join us any week of the year. Anyone who participates gets the 2020 "52 PHOTOS"badge. There are special achievement badges for those who meet challenge milestones.

To participate:

  1. Reply to this week's 52_PHOTOS G2G post, and...
I posted a little late here, but I would like to get the participation badge. I have posted links to my blogs for each week this year so far.
I am on Week 7 of the 52 Photos contest. How do I get a participation badge?
For my first time to participate, I would like to offer two persons having the same name.  Or almost the same.  One of my first family members to settle in southern Alabama was Stephen Jones, who moved there from a suburb of Atlanta.  In almost the same year (circa 1825) another Stephen Jones moved to southern Alabama from near Atlanta.  This Stephen sometimes included a middle initial T for Thomas. The Stephen without a T moved to Marengo county.  Stephen with a T was a county or so over.  To confuse subsequent genealogists, both Stephens married an Elizabeth.  As a result,  those of us who accepted hints from frequently have the wrong wives, wrong times of birth and death, and wrong names for the children of the Stephen Jones family.  The 1840 census does give both households, but, of course, for that year no children's names were offered.
I am posting for this week's 52 Photo Challenge Week 8, Music and would like the Participation Badge.
I would like to join the 52 Photos Ancestors challenge please.
I tried to add a photo for week 11, I’m not sure if it worked, I haven’t participated before
It is not clear at all how you participate in these challenges.  Do I need to be added to a list?  If so, I would like to join, please.  I have tried previously but it did not seem to work.
I've been asking for the participating badge since February. Not sure what it takes to get one.
Me neither. I've asked several times.

Auriette and Gary, have you posted an Answer below?

Multiple times...
I too have answered in the appropriate location, and have been posting each week... but no participation badge yet.  there seems to be a bit of lag for this project.  the main page isn't update either.  it only shows the first 6 weeks of prompts for this year.  hopefully, when time is available, the rest of us will get the badges.  thanks.
Missy Berryann - I posted an "answer" on February 6. When there was no response, I thought maybe I was supposed to "comment," thus my first "comment" on February 15. I posted  an "answer" again on February 22.

Your post on February 14 helped draw my attention to the fact that there are two ways of responding to a post and that maybe I had picked the wrong way.
Part of my confusion lies in the different links that (to me) mean the EXACT SAME THING. Reply, Comment, Answer are all interchangeable (i.e., synonyms) in the English language. It gets really confusing when I'm asked to Answer and there's no "Answer" button, or I'm asked to Reply and there's no "Reply" button.

Who put this nightmarish system together? There should be ONE button, with ONE name, that should be used ALL the time. I'm a left-brained individual. I like concrete things. This three buttons with three different names and (seemingly) different purposes is really confusing to my left brain.  This is too abstract for me to wrap my mind around.

How can we reign in the insanity?
I'm yet to get my 12 for 12 badge for the ancestors :)
I have added my first image for this challenge. Hoping to return for another 4th of July Parade.
I’m not sure how many I’ve answered, I know it has to be at lest 6-7. The sticker thing I found hasn’t changed lol. I do t have a badge either.
Hi Alice! You have the badge now but you'll need to update the sticker yourself as you go along. Thanks! :)
Have gotten a slow start on the 2020 52 photos & 52 ancestors. Thanks!
I have added my first post in the Military. My Grandfather served as a Pte in the Royal Dublin Fusliers from 1915 -1919. On returning to Dublin and on the Formation of the Irish Free State army he joined in 1922 and became a Commandant. The photo I posted is he in uniform outside Kilmainham Gaol in 1923. From my research I found he served as Governor of the prison from May 1923 -Nov . 1923 This is the reason I can date the photo with certainty
I agree TOTALLY!  This Wiki drives me crazy with its lack of specificity and clarity.  I wanted to post a photo of my Civil War ancestor and saw the instructions to "reply below."  There are numerous posts with a "reply" link attached to them, and no general "reply" button "below" (wherever that is).  This is what discourages me from being a more active member here.
Yes. I hit the 13 week mark 9 weeks ago. May I be awarded the badge? Thank you.
Hi - I just posted my first response today in the Weddings conversation. Thanks1
This is my first time participating and I don't know how to get started.

Hi Janet,

The concept of 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks started with Amy Johnson Crow (AJC). She explains it all on her website:

You can sign up for her emails (I get two a week from her, one on general genealogy and one on 52 Ancestors). You'll also then get the option of joining her closed Facebook group Generations Cafe.

WikiTree uses her prompts and creates a thread each week here in the G2G Forums. You can get the topic from the WikiTree emails as well as from AJC's.

I write an article each week on my blog and share the link on the WikiTree thread and on Generations Cafe. You can also choose to write something directly on the WikiTree thread or on the profile of the ancestor who inspired you that week, and then share that profile on the weekly thread.

It's ultimately just a way to get started writing something every week about your genealogy research or your own life (because that's what future genealogists will want to see).

I hope this helps! - Auriette

I have participated in 52 photos before and I'm about to post a photo now. I do not have the badge..
Hi! This week will be my first time participating this year I believe. I'm excited to begin :)
I made the 26 in 26 ... and last year the 52 in 52 ... so guess I am at 78 in 78

This is for both the Ancestor and Photo challenge
John McClanahan fought at Cowpens against the British in 1781, according to family oral history. He was mortally wounded. Is there a documented evidence?
I have submitted an answer every week for the 52 Ancestors challenge except one. I did not participate in week 12 - Popularity. Thanks.
This my first time participating and I'm not sure how to get started?
This my first time participating and I'm not sure how to start.

Do I get the participation badge after my first post?
I participated for the first time last week. :)  I would love the participation badge and to keep playing!
Posted my first photo for the theme "boys."
Thanks Terri and Deborah - you both have the participation badge now!
My mother always made sure to make our birthdays magical.  My brothers and I always got to select the flavor of our cake and we would sit for our birthday photo wearing the birthday hat.  That old hat was used for over fifteen years.  I'm not sure what ever happened to that old hat, but seeing me wearing it for my eighth birthday brought back a bunch of pleasant memories.

Hello - first time trying to do something here other than ask questions!  If this is the right place to submit an ancestor whose's story should be made into a movie, may I submit Charles Asgill ?  Professor Peter Henriques has just had a book come out, First and Always which tells his story, and Peter is determined to get it onto the silver screen!  I am keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that he succeeds!

I am new and want to post a beard photo. Does a participation badge enable an ANSWER button?
I’ve just added a photo to the 52 Photos challenge. Interesting project.
This is my first participation - in the Veterans Challenge.

My original post here was in reply to Kay Knight's comment that two people on my tree needed sources.

"Kay Knight's new app checks your tree for profiles with missing sources or style issues. View results for Newton-9481 and reply to Kay with your questions and comments."

My response was that Charles Asgill's Wikipedia page is already the source:,_2nd_Baronet and his mistress, Mary Ann Mansel, also has a Wikipedia page:

I should be most grateful if Kay Knight would amend accordingly and remove the "lack of sources" commentary please.  I would do so myself except I do not know how to do so.

I have completed all #52Ancestors in the #52Ancestors in 52 weeks challenge!
This is the first time I have participated in a challenge and I'm not sure this is how I'm supposed to post about it! Endings is just another way to say Beginnings in my case. I posted a photo taken at the burial of my great-grandfather, George Henry Jones.
Hello, I completed in December the 52 ancestors challenge with all 52 weeks. There must be a badge coming? Thanks and have a good new year.
I only made one, very late contribution. Do I rate a badge anyway? Thanks.
I also made one very late one. I was just going to give up, but if there's a chance, I'll fight for it. (lol)

209 Answers

+17 votes
I have been participating in the 52 Ancestors this year.  Please award me the participation badge.  Thanks.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Awesome! You've got the badge.
+17 votes
I plan on being part of the 2020 52 photos and 52 ancestors. I'm getting a  late start.. Thanks
by Shirley Davis G2G6 Mach 3 (39.2k points)
Great! You've got both now.
+16 votes
I have been participating in the 52 ancestors.  Thanks
by Joelle Colville-Hanson G2G6 Pilot (154k points)
Awesome! You've got the badge now.
+17 votes
I am participating in 52 ancestors 2020
by Ray Hawkes G2G6 Mach 5 (55.8k points)
Super! You have the badge now.
+16 votes
Do I need to sign up somewhere?  I'd like to try this.
by Lynnette Hettrick G2G6 Mach 5 (57.7k points)
52 Ancestors, 52 Photos or both?
+17 votes
Yes, I have submitted answers for the first three weeks of the 52 ancestors challenge
by S Mercer G2G6 Mach 1 (17.3k points)
Thanks, S! You have the badge now.
+17 votes
I am participating in the 2020 Ancestors and Photos this year.
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Yay! You've got both badges now.
Thanks!  You're the best!
+17 votes
Hi - I finished my 52 Ancestors in 52 weeks on 7 January.  Can I have the badge for completing the 2019 challenge please?  Also I am participating in the 2020 52 Ancestos challenge so can I also have the participation badge?  Thanks.
by Linda Hawkes G2G6 Mach 3 (40.0k points)
Done and done!
+16 votes

I'm doing the 52 Ancestors this year. Hopefully I keep up with it I'm already a week behind haha. Thanks smiley

by Kathryn Archer G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
Yay, thanks for participating! You have the badge now.
+15 votes
Yes I am doing the 2020 Ancestors Challenge this year.

Please may I have a badge. Thank you.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
You've got it now, thanks!
+16 votes
Hi!  I am participating in the 52 ancestors challenge this year. I'm on week 3!  Thanks, Jennifer
by Jennifer Graham G2G3 (3.2k points)
Great! You have the badge now.
+14 votes
52 Ancestors for me please
by Living Hampson G2G6 Pilot (114k points)
Great, thanks! You have the badge now.
+15 votes
I've been posting in both - I'd love to get the badge please!
by Saphyre Rogers-Berry G2G6 Mach 4 (42.8k points)
Awesome! You've got them both.
Thanks so much!
+13 votes
I have posted to my blog and linked to WikiTree profiles for first 2 weeks of 52 ancestors and will be doing the 3rd this weekend.
by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (322k points)
Cool! You've got the badge now.
Thanks Eowyn
+13 votes
Yes, I’m participating in 52 Ancestors.  This morning I posted for the 2nd week.
by Cheryl Skordahl G2G6 Pilot (293k points)
Great! You have the badge now.
+13 votes
I am participating in the 52 ancestors challenge this year. Thank you for hosting it, I really enjoy reading other people's stories about their ancestors as well!
by Katherine Chapman G2G6 Mach 7 (74.3k points)
Awesome! You have the badge now.
+15 votes
I'll give 52 Photos a try. I'll see how many I can get to this year. Last year I made it to 26.
by Alex Stronach G2G6 Pilot (372k points)
26 is good! You have the badge now.
+14 votes
I made it thru the photo and ancestor 52 weeks in 2019 ... and have already completed the 3 weeks of 2020 ... so guess I get a couple more badges
by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
Great! You have the badges now.
+14 votes
I am excited to join in the fun of the 52 Ancestors and 52 Photos Challenges for 2020. I have done weeks 1 and 2 thus far and am considering what to do for week 3 now. (I'm a little behind due to some recent 'chaos' at home... our #3 child has unexpectedly returned to the nest for a short time.)
by Anita Turner-Ayres G2G4 (4.9k points)
Awesome! You've got the badges now.
+13 votes
Eowyn, I am participating in the 2020 52 Photos and 52 Ancestors. Thank you for having the challenges.
by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (864k points)
Great, Alexis! You have the badges now.

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