Join the Data Doctors Project and Become a Data Doctor in 2020! / 5 [closed]

+35 votes

Data Doctors “clean up” the database in WikiTree by correcting suggestions to improve profiles. Would you like to help?

If you have been a WikiTree member for at least 1 month, signed the WikiTree Honor Code, and have made at least 100 contributions, please join the Data Doctors Project and become a Data Doctor!

You can learn more about the project here: Data Doctors Project.

If you are interested in joining us, please click on Answer below this post (not comment).

We will respond and award you the badge!

Thank you for your help in growing a healthy one-world tree!

closed with the note: Outdated. New Request Posted
in The Tree House by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
closed by Living Moore
hi, I'm at a pause as I have a lot to fix on my entries and as I understand it, we can't add family.  Go figure, lol, I always have something holding me back from what I want to do.  I'll be back, you can count on that.
We will see you later in the year then Patricia take care in the meantime and have fun with your branch of the tree
I can't join at the moment but I want to say thank you for all your work. I've been trying to clean up profiles for years but there are so many. This group is a definite plus for WikiTree.
Thank you for that, Cheryl.  You would be welcome to join any time.
Please add me to the project team. I've been researching my family history for almost 10 years now. I love reviewing records and correcting errors.
Hi Pamela

Can you covert your comment to an answer please. If not then can you click  answer at the top of this post thanks

Hi, Please add me to the Data Doctors team. I have been cleaning up profiles I manage and can help on other profiles.

Thanks, Phil McMahon, McMahon-1297
Hi Phil

Thanks for your interest. Could you change your comment to an answer please.

110 Answers

+21 votes
I'd love to join. I joined this project this month of February, and have done some data doctoring on issues with pages I created, or pages I took on because they were orphaned, and frankly, this is actually (no offense) far easier than being a sourcerer, which I'm also trying to be, but the doctoring is easier because the software for this project identifies conflicts--is magnificent--and provides amazing accounts to the route of the problem.  And it makes these issues so easy to fix, if you know anything about the profile, the era, the town, the names of those who live in the town...
I just took over a profile that was essentially all GedCom uploaded and then orphaned, and none of the links work (this is something for sourcerers, I admit, and I need to work on this within the next week because that person left nothing), but I'm curious as to how the current software interacts with manual input versus things that are generally uploaded, and thus appear--at first--to be sourced, but once you click on a link you find you go nowhere, and those supposed sources are not sources, at least not here.

I have been on this site for but over a week, so I know that (at least now) I cannot technically become a Data Doctor, but I can certainly contribute even this month.

I just became the profile manager of a handful of orphaned pages, and many of those used Gedcom uploads that tell me absolutely nothing (see above) because the links lead nowhere. Some of these profiles had not been touched for years, and so, I'm wondering why this format which sees my errors (thank goodness!) does not see those errors? Where does the software of this kind start to see errors/discrepancies within a profile?

I'd love to work on this, and I shall. Even if I'm not officially allowed to for another three weeks. This is my compliment to you. I'm working on some of the profiles your program addresses, so it's no conflict, particularly because your application identifies exactly what needs to be done, and makes it easy to identify issues. This is far easier than being a sourcerer, and that has to do with ---I have no idea, for I do not understand computers, though I work on them to write.

I think you should accept me, but if I must wait another month, so be it. That said, I do have issues with the program: it does not care for differentiations of names, and I have relatives where spelling depended upon how one interpreted the spelling. Look at how we spell Shakespeare, and the very few incidences in which his name is recorded as being spelled: never did he spell the name in the same manner, and never did he spell it as we do at present...

Please, when the month is up, please let me into your project. And if you cannot, I shall still help.

Back to the software: it has identified 15 errors on profiles I created and/or took over, and is making it far easier for me to see how to ensure that vital information--that stuff that needs to be correct--is actually correct. But, I seem to be correcting the same thing again and again, and I think that has to do with my not following the guidelines given in the most appropriate manner. But I had 15 errors and now have 13, and I ask that nobody corrects the Murdock (Warren/Irving/Franklin) errors detected by the software because these are my great-grandparents and I have the family records, and also oversee some of the memorials on Find a Grave, and know the others who oversee the memorials of my direct family, so please let me correct this on my own.

But thank you for pointing out the errors, for I, like others, am working on creating and building (as well as taking in orphan) profiles. Et voila! I need to learn how to do accents within html.

May I join?
by Tamara Murdock G2G6 Mach 1 (10.0k points)
edited by Tamara Murdock

Hi Tamara 

Thank you for your interest, I will drop you a message, love your enthusiasm

Thank you. I'm doing just as you suggested!  

That said, the software is making a mistake with some of my similarly named Murdocks, and I keep correcting. On other issues (apart from Irving Franklin, Franklin Warren, and Warren Murdock) the software is great. But I suppose this is a major issue to be addressed by all of us, for I have experienced the same problems on the Bartram side of the family (as well). Everyone, when naming a child, wishes or feels compelled to honor a parent in some manner. This is rampant with the Murdock line to which I'm aligned.  Every son wants to name at least one son after the father, and then they name additional sons after brothers. I think of these as the loyal, pressed on, or unimaginative family members, but it is sweet, and we do this even now.  

But I know I need more experience to become an official data person. I get my own family confused--the names, the overlapping names are what do it, particularly when you have (I have figured it out with my Murdock line and have had it confirmed, but before then I wasn't sure who was my great-grandfather vs. great-uncle--obviously I'm speaking about those who are at the very least 3rd generation grandfathers and uncles--because they lived near one another, were born at nearly the same time, generally died at nearly the same time... I was so confused.

It is hard to make that decision. You have to feel incredibly confident to determine who is your direct ancestor versus who is a distant relative (like a great uncle), and to feel that confident, you have to do an insane amount of research.

Fortunately or not, I love research. But when you are in the early 1700s or in the 1600s, they often live near one another, and that makes it even more difficult to figure out how the web of the family was woven.

Anyway, this was just to thank you, and to say I understand why I may not yet become a data doctor (but also to say that the program--while miraculous and wonderful on some levels--is completely erroneous on others, and I think this is something of which everyone who works in this program is aware, and why one should have to spend some time working and correcting (accurately) profiles for some time before one's request to join is accepted.

Hopefully the database will accept that the three people whom it finds to be the same, are actually three different people!

Hope to join (officially next month).

Welcome to the Data Doctor's Project!  Good luck and thank you kindly.

Thank you! They are three different people, and the software is amazing, but it takes real people to discern this, but that software coupled with a live person (it's people versus AI) helps to make certain both sides get checked. Thanks again, and I appreciate it.
+17 votes
I would love to join.
by Tracey Gould G2G1 (1.7k points)

Hi Tracey

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest.  

Welcome  Tracey, We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the DATA_DOCTORS tag to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions


Hi, Please add me to the Data Doctors team. I have been cleaning up profiles I manage and can help on other profiles.

Thanks, Phil McMahon, McMahon-1297

+18 votes
It has taken me some time to feel a little confidence when adding profiles on WikiTree, but I now see that other users are there to help resolve issues. I would like to be part of this. I'm good at finding mistakes, so mayb be of some use to the project.

Good work and thank yous to all who came before for such valuable information!
by Brook Rivers G2G1 (1.0k points)

Hi Brook

We have received your request and will respond to you as soon as possible

Thank you for your interest

Welcome  Brook, We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the correct DATA_DOCTORS tag with and underscore between the words to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions


+17 votes
I would love to join and help out as well.
by Stacey Guiher G2G2 (2.6k points)
Hi, Stacey,

You are already a project member; your badge was awarded in April 2018.

Please review the project page for how to get started.

If you need anything else please contact me.
+16 votes
I would like to join the Data Doctors Project to help improve Wikitree profiles and help Wikitree members "create more accurate profiles which equate to better overall genealogy".  I am fairly new to Wikitree.  However, I have already made thousands of contributions.  As such, I only recently became aware of the suggestions option in the pull down menu.  I addressed all the suggestions which appeared in my menu.  I think it is a great tool to improve accuracy.

by Living Williams G2G6 Mach 6 (65.0k points)

Hi, John

We have received your request and will respond to you as soon as possible.  Thank you for your interest.

You show great initiative and love your enthusiasm.

Welcome  John, We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions


+16 votes
I am interested in joining the Data Doctors Project.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)

Hi, Thomas,

Welcome to WikiTree! We have received your request and will respond to you as soon as possible.  Thank you for your interest.


+15 votes
Hi!! I'm interested in joining the Data Doctors! Thanks!
by Jennifer LaFollette G2G4 (4.2k points)

Hi Jennifer

We have received your request and will respond to you as soon as possible.  Thank you for your interest.


Welcome  Jennifer, We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the DATA_DOCTORS tag to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions


+16 votes
I would love to join the group.

I realized that I wasn't enjoying the isolation of Ancestry, so I added a WikiTree account several years ago. I retired last year and became a greeter in the Greatest Greeter group about six months ago (I love those people!!). Now, I help with merge feed issues and, like Tamara, I do enjoy finding primary sources for unsourced profiles.

I taught Composition for a couple of decades, so I am used to proofreading, editing, and finding primary sources. I use the Oxford comma and generally cite things in MLA. I know, you use something different - Chicago? I'll work on switching your preferred format.

I'm very green at this Data Doctor business, so I started with a couple of problematic sixteenth century profiles that I had adopted a while back. Someone had made a bit of a mess of them, so I got rid of broken links, cleaned up undifferentiated quotes, and put the secondary sources into == Research Notes ==. In one case, the original dob was obviously wrong, which triggered the Data Doctor program.

Anyway, I followed through, Walt. I'm here.

See you on the 'Tree,

by Claire Nava G2G6 Mach 3 (34.0k points)

Hi there Claire

We have received your request and will respond to you as soon as possible.  Thank you for your interest.

You show great initiative and love your enthusiasm not started with the easy ones have you! See you in the greeters feed

Welcome  Claire, We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions


+15 votes
I'd like to take part in the Data Doctors Project.  Thanks.
by Bill Feidt G2G6 Mach 5 (51.5k points)

Hi Bill

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible

Thank you for your interest

Welcome Bill, We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the DATA_DOCTORS tag to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions


+15 votes

Please add me to this project please.

Stu Ward
by Stu Ward G2G6 Pilot (148k points)

Hi, Stu,

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible

Thank you for your interest

Hi, Stu,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the DATA_DOCTORS tag to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

+14 votes
I would like to join and be part of the data doctors.

Hi, Jodi:

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible

Thank you for your interest

Hi, Jodi,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

+14 votes
hello,I would like to join the data doctors and learn about the weekly report and its uses
by Wendy Browne G2G6 Mach 1 (17.3k points)

Hi, Wendy,

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest

+14 votes
Yes, I would like to join,
by David Dodd G2G6 Mach 3 (34.8k points)

Hi, David,

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible

Thank you for your interest

Hi, David,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

+13 votes
This project sounds great.... I'm still new at this family research, but I'm willing to help anyway I can. Thank You

Hi, we don't have your name.

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible.  Please send me a private message.

Thank you for your interest

+13 votes
I would like the Data Doctor badge- i am joining the Musty Spring cleanup!
by L. Ray Sears G2G6 Mach 5 (51.6k points)


We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Hi, Ray,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

+13 votes
I'd love to help.  Any Southern state in the US would be great, especially Alabama.
by Debbie Gibson G2G Crew (590 points)

Hi, Debbie,

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest

Hi, Debbie,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the DATA_DOCTORS tag to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

Hi!  I got the invitation but didn't realize it was a Google Group.  My email didn't work.  Can I use 2 different email addresses on my wikitree account?  My google is

+13 votes
I would be interested in joining and helping as time allows.
by Joe Stennet G2G3 (3.9k points)

Hi, Joe,

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest

Hi, Joe,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

+13 votes
Hi! I like the Thons and I have registered for the 2020 Spring Clean-a-Thon. When reading the different instructions I realized that one probably needs to be a Data Doctor to join a Clean-a-Thon. Is that the case?
by Anders Lönnermark G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)
Hi, Anders,

No, you do not have to be a Data Doctor to participate in the Clean-A-Thon, or any other "thon" or challenge.

That said, the Data Doctors Project has a lot of helpful information to help you in the thon.  You might check the project page and videos for what suggestions you might work on during the CAT.

You are welcome to join the project as well.  Let us know how you would like to proceed.
Thanks Sheryl!

I will certainly study the information. Then I will see if there is something I have the capacity to contribute with.

Please feel free to email me with any questions; happy to have you join us if you'd like.

Word of warning:  please don't get overwhelmed; we have a lot of info. Be sure to check out the videos in our collection.  For a chuckle, watch this short intro to Data Doctors work:

So You Wanna be a Data Doctor

Have a great weekend.

+14 votes
Hi, I've been checking and clearing my suggestions on my managed profiles for a while now and would love to get more involved in the Data Doctor project!
by Sonja Alves G2G Crew (630 points)

Hi, Sonja,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Hi, Sonja,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the DATA_DOCTORS tag to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

We will send you an invitation to the Data Doctors Project Google Group which is our project member communication forum.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

+14 votes
I would like to join the Data Doctors.
by Paige Kolze G2G6 Mach 5 (56.3k points)

Hi, Paige,

We received your request and will respond as soon as possible, usually within 7-10 days.

Thank you for your interest.

Hi, Paige,

Welcome! We appreciate your joining the Data Doctors Project. You have been awarded the "Data Doctor" badge.

Please read the Data Doctors Project page paying particular attention to our Mission and Code of Conduct. They are important guidelines we follow in the project along with the WikiTree Honor Code. Then start with the suggestions in How to Get Started.

For help with working on project tasks, please see: How to Get Help.

To ask questions on WikiTree's G2G forum and to be notified of changes in your Wiki Genealogy Feed, please add the DATA_DOCTORS tag to your followed tags at Special:Following. Enter "data_doctors" in the text box on the page to follow the tag.

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We look forward to working with you and thank you for your contributions!

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