Photo Sharing Theme of the Week: Wintery Fun

+13 votes

This week's photo sharing theme: Wintery Fun.

To participate, simply:

  1. Choose a family photo that fits this week's theme.
  2. Add it to this week's free-space gallery.
  3. Reply with an answer below to let us know which photo you're sharing. If you want to include the photo but don't know how, click here.

The photo you share might be featured on the WikiTree home page and in our social media channels as next week's Family History Photo of the Week.

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Also see: Profile Accuracy Theme of the Week: Unusual Source.

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
A lot of folks I know have their wintery fun in the desert, or on the beach? I would think that snow is not essential for 'wintery fun'.
Right on, Scott. Doesn't anyone have a picture of spring break or Mardi Gras?
Exactly!!! I live in the desert too so when people say stuff like that i usually think to myself. . . "Well, best put on a jacket." lol.
Ha Ha! Yep, I spent my middle and high school years in southern California and my wintery fun was heading down to the beach to surf!  However, today I live in the high desert of Arizona, and my wintery fun is heading out to the garage, grabbing my shovel to get my car out!  Winter fun for some but not me!
And then there's all those indoor winter activities: basketball, playing paper dolls, making popcorn, playing My Grandmother Came Home From Africa. . .

There are a lot more winter pictures back in this November photo challenge. I especially like the hula maiden in the snow.

Remember the footage of someones dog who dragged a sled up the hill and rode down, repeat, repeat, repeat, etc.  that we saw a few weeks ago?  A perfect mental picture for me.

14 Answers

+12 votes

These are 1946 photos taken near Hill City, Kansas. My Uncle Scott and Aunt Marietta are young and have recently fallen in love, and they are having wintery fun taking a photo of each other... together on a snowy bridge.

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (872k points)
edited by Alexis Nelson
Ahhh remember when we fell in love...we had fun doing anything was a great journey!  Thanks for posting your Wintery Fun Foto!!!
Scott, thank you for your perfect comment.  They were the great love story I saw growing up.
!946.....the year of my it was snowing.....and it could have been my black and white brings back memories!
Thank you John, yes... They are the right age to be your parents. She had some sadness in her childhood, and my uncle always wanted to make her happy. I loved that about them.

Thank you Alexis for sharing those wonderful photos of your 

Uncle Scott and Aunt Marietta They are two gorgeous people 

She look like a star in her outfit 

I enjoy watching your photos 

Susan, thank you for your sweet comment. I always thought my Aunt Marietta was beautiful. She was a very talented in many ways; she made the crocheted throw on my bed, and I think of her often.
Alexis, you always have such romantic photos! Thanks for posting this one. Your aunt and uncle look very happy -- the cold doesn't seem to be bothering them. Isn't love grand?!
Thank you Robin, in the past years their daughter and I had many long conversations about the great love her parents had.
Very definitely beautiful Alexis!  The 'forties' beautiful, my favorite even though I was born in '45.  The hairstyle, the dress, etc. was the best I think?
Thank you Scott for your great comment, and now I know we are the same age!
+13 votes

Wintery Fun!  How cool this theme is!  Here's my Mom, and my big brother with me in 1949 out in front of our rented shack in downtown Cave Junction, Oregon, just a few miles from the Oregon Caves.  When I look back at how much fun my mother made our lives!  We had near to nothing but it was memorable!  Thanks Mom!

by Scott Lee G2G6 Mach 6 (60.6k points)
Scott what a fabulous photo for Wintery Fun! I remember trying to make an igloo, but they were never successful. Your mother really makes this photo, she had to have been a wonderful mother.
End of '48, beginning of '49 .....'the big chill' I remember......
I live 'right down the road' from Cave Junction in Crescent City, CA and we never get this kind of snow. It looks wonderful and you all appear to be having a great time. What a great mom you had. Thanks for posting this.
+12 votes

This is the only picture I could find that shows both "winter" and "fun." My father shoveled a little stretch of sidewalk so that I had a place for Rosie and her doll carriage. My mother tied the legs of my snow pants to keep the snow out.

by Joyce Vander Bogart G2G6 Pilot (202k points)
edited by Joyce Vander Bogart
When we were young............still...........
So cute!  Yes this theme take's some lookin' for sure but you found the right one!  A great memory for sharing!
What a adorable photo of Rosie and the doll

Thank you for sharing
Thank you for posting this lovely photo of yourself. Was snow unusual for the area? If so you must have been especially thrilled to be out playing in it.
Thanks for the comment, Robin, but no. A doll carriage is not good for playing in the snow, and I stayed in the shoveled area. The next winter some children moved in across the street, and they had sleds and a toboggan, so I learned how to play IN the snow, not just next to it. We also played fox and the geese, and made snow angels.
+8 votes

My cousin, Hal Gustaf Rammel (1947-....), having some "wintery fun" feeding the deer near his home in central Illinois.  Base on his birth date, it is assumed this photo was taken about 1953 or so.

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
Definitely a COOL photo Bill!  I can feel the wintertime! Thanks for posting it!
What a great photo! I love the little deer, but your cousin looks even more dear. He seems thrilled to be feeding the little animal. Thank you for posting this.
What a adorable photo how sweet your cousin feeds bambi thank you for sharing
+10 votes

Boy in the snowThis photo was taken in our garden in 1987 and is of our two eldest boys having a great time. It shows just how much the climate has changed, we had snow like this every winter but their children have hardly ever seen snow like this, the sledges we bought them five years ago have hardly been used.

by Gillian Loake G2G6 Mach 6 (60.0k points)
How the weather pattern changes over the years!  I just used my snow shovel a couple of weeks ago...2 feet of snow..never had to use that shovel before!  How much fun the snow is for the kids.  Thanks for sharing your photo Gillian!
+7 votes

Being born and raised in California, I don't have many photos that actually look like winter, let alone having wintry fun. But here's one of me during my first encounter with snow.

It was taken at my maternal grandparents' home in Cotopaxi, Fremont, Colorado. We were visiting for my grandparents' 60th Wedding Anniversary and I was nearly two years old.

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Thank you Robin for sharing such a darling photo. It really is a sweet photo with little you and your shadow in the snow.
Ah yes Crescent City you say?  I loved the crab festival time at the fairgrounds there.  I wonder if you still have it?  Also, my favorite campground just northeast, Jedidiah Smith!  Been there so many times in my life, and isn't Bandon and Gold Beach one of the warmest parts of the Oregon coast?  I remember the earthquake in Alaska in the 60s that was supposed to create a tsunami.  I was on my way to Crescent City on a date and we had to turn around. It never happened did it?  Thanks for sharing your photo Robin!
Scott, it's a good thing you turned around that day. The tsunami did come and destroyed a large portion of downtown Crescent City and several people were killed. It's still the 'biggest' thing that's happened in Crescent City. If you want to read more about it go to:
Thank you so much for sharing this sweet Robin, what a really cute photo of you in the snow.
I left for duty in Japan the next day and forgot all about the tsunami.  However, once I landed in Tokyo, I experienced the Typhoon!  Thanks for sending the video on Crescent City, Robin!
Thank you, Susan! You're always so kind.
+8 votes

Here´s my great grandmother Hertha Schacht on the left side. It looks like they were happy at that time in Winter.

by Martin Schacht G2G4 (5.0k points)
Mr. Schacht looks happy that he had some help to clear the snow away from the door!  Must be a dairy of sorts, since I think I recognize the milk cans.  Probably had some great cheese or homemade ice cream!  Thanks Martin!
What a wonderful photo of your grandmother thank you for sharing
+7 votes

Most of the pictures on our family's profiles are taken in the summer time, but this was a birthday party for my Aunt Grace Valentine Dawson Olmsted taken on 15 Feb. 1997 at her 100th birthday party. She was born on Valentine's day. The location was San Francisco, California, USA. Not all winter family fun happens in the snow.

by Marion Ceruti G2G6 Pilot (372k points)
Wow 100 year birthday what a gorgeous photo of you all.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo
This is true...not all winter fun happens in the snow.  As a matter of fact centennial birthdays are always fun in the snow or not!  Congrats to Ms. Valentine!  She looks 29 and not a day older!  Thanks for sharing this family memory with us Marion!
+8 votes

Here's my mom skating on the lake in the town where she grew up (Bronxville, NY).  Since she's missing her front two teeth, that puts this photo around 1943.  My grandfather was a Canadian who grew up playing ice hockey so it was only natural that ice skating was a family activity. 

by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (152k points)
Thank you for posting this wonderful photo. Your mom looks both warm and happy. I loved ice skating as a child, but we never got to skate outdoors, only in a rink. It seems it would have been more fun doing it outdoors.
Aaww, that is so cute! Thanks for posting, Betsy!
I was waiting for a great pic of an ice skater for wintery fun and here it is!  Are you sure that your mom wasn't the hockey player?  Great photo and thanks for sharing it with us Betsy!
+8 votes

This cat, Tinker, had not seen snow before and thought it great fun to jump into it and slide! It was taken in our garden near Norwich, England in December 1963

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
What would we ever do without our pets?  They give us such joy!  Thanks for posting Tinker's photo Christine!
+7 votes

John, Emily (Hill), James, and Elmer Kjelstrom

by Stacie Briggs G2G6 Mach 3 (30.2k points)
This photo was taken around 1898, from the age of Elmer. There is snow on the ground and John only has on a long sleeve shirt.
How our families dealt with the cold weather back then...lots of firewood!  Thanks for posting your family 'wintery fun' photo Stacie!
+4 votes

My cousins, Corinne and Edward Fausch bundled up in the wintertime. C. 1925

by Jared Crayk G2G6 Mach 1 (16.8k points)
Brrrr!  Cold!  I am wondering how long it was before your cousins got to see this photo?  At least mom bundled them up, nice coats, boots and caps! Not sure about that lantern but I see the ladders leaning against the brick building, just like here at my house!  Thanks for sharing this cousin memory Jared!
+2 votes

Here we are ice racing on Stave Lake, Kamloops, B.C., Jan 1979.

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (371k points)
Finally got into the archives to dig out this photo.....better late than never.  That year we raced flat track, motocross, crosscountry and rode for fun, 51 weekends out of 52, only taking a break at the beginning of March.
You ole' daredevil you!  I road my Road King across the states, but when I hit ice I laid over at the local saloon!  Glass of milk please!  Thanks for sharing this incredible wintery fun photo!.

400 sheet metal screws per tire made it like riding on hard packed sand.cheeky

Hey Scott......I researched the history of the Road King and wondered if this could be it's granddaddy......I inherited the boots and coat with sheepskin lining and collar.   

My father.....West to East on Route 66......Circa 1927.
0 votes

My Service Dog Teddy and I just came from outside and playing in the snow. We are now looking out our front window at the snow in the yard and on the mountains

by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (273k points)

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